Chapter 8: The Interview

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This morning I wake up to my prep team looking at me about two feet from my face. It was really weird. They all looked like they were about to burst into tears. As they helped me up and into the bathroom, they kept telling me that I look like a little kid when I sleep. I am never sleeping again. I hate it when people tell me I look peaceful or like a kid. I'm not a kid. They put me into a tub of slime. How did they fill my bathtub with it? I had to stay still in the tub for a half hour. It felt like thirty years. Because they already waxed my leg hair off all they had to do was my nails hair and makeup. I thought that wouldn't take very long but it took four hours. How is that possible! They bring me out of the bathroom and sit at the desk and draw until Calix comes into the room.  He walks in with a black duffle bag.

"What is in the duffle bag?" I ask him.

"Your outfit for the interviews," Calix says. He places the bag on the bed and I walk over to see what is inside. It is a long black skirt, a very revealing top, gauntlets, a crown, and nice black flats. Thank goodness they aren't heels. I get out of the robe my prep team put me in and get changed. It is very comfortable. The skirt is dense just like the one from the tribute parade. Once I put on the flats, they somehow sprout heels in the back. 

Diana's interview dress

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Diana's interview dress

"I was really hoping not to be wearing heels. Why did you do this and make me think they were flats?" I ask Calix. 

"Effie told me how you despise them and wouldn't wear any type of shoe unless it was flat. So I tricked you into putting them on and the heel would come after," Calix says. 

"Effie!" I yell. I walk over to the door, walk into the living room, and find Effie sitting on one of the chairs drinking wine. 

"How could you trick me into wearing heels. I can just take them off you know," I say. I lift my foot and try to take the shoe off but it doesn't come off. I then hear Calix laughing at me from behind. 

"What did you do!" I yell at Calix. 

"I made the shoe so once you put it on it won't come off without my permission," Calix says with a smile. I walk over to the dining room, find the table set for lunch, grab all the sharp knives off the table, and walk out to the other room. 

"Are you planning on cutting them off your feet?" Effie asks me. 

"No," I say. I begin to throw the knives right by Calix's head. I made sure not to hit him, just scare him. One knife got so close it cut his hair a little. 

"Are you insane! Why would you possibly throw something so sharp at me? I was just doing what I was told," Calix says after I stop throwing the knives. The knives make the perfect shape of a human on the wall. 

"Because I don't wear heels! You forced them onto me. No one forces me to do anything," I Yell. Adrien walks into the living room not having a clue of what was happening in here.  I then take one of the knives out of the wall and hold it onto Calix's neck. 

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