Help (Foot Soldier x Reader)

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I didn't know what to title it

Reader is human btw


Requested by: ZomBagels


[Home place] didn't used to be as apocalyptic. It was once peaceful, everyone minding their own business, hanging with friends and family. The occasional crimes here and there, until the zombies came.
Nobody expected the zombies to be so stupid. How they managed to even start an apocalypse is unknown.

[Y/N] was quietly walking around an abandoned town, hoping to find something for survival or people. They didn't know if anyone else was out there, as the last people they saw were their family, turned into the things that started the apocalypse, in their own home. They didn't even know if their friends were alright.
Noticing a grocery store from where they were, they made sure no zombies were around. Quickly making their way to the store, they sighed in relief. Now... to go inside and find some food, they thought.
They made their way to the canned food isle, thinking back on when things were more peaceful.
[Y/N] stopped where they were, looking at the display of what remained of the canned foods. There wasn't that much left, but there was still enough for survival.
Hearing the sounds of people entering and footsteps, they carefully peeked their head to see a group of zombies, who seemed to be unknowingly making their way over to them.
Panicked, they booked it, forgetting about the food and running for their life.
"Hey! Get them!" one of the zombies said, then running.
"Crap! Crap! They're chasing me!" [Y/N] didn't dare look back, not wanting anything bad to happen if they were distracted.

[Y/N] didn't know how long they were running for. Looking back, they noticed they were no longer in view.
Just as they slowed down, [Y/N] tripped on a root. Falling on their front, they were lucky for their face not to get hit.
Getting up, they looked at the sky, noticing how dark it got. Crap, I need to find somewhere to go. [Y/N]'s stomach growled. "And some food," they said aloud.
They realized they were in a forest. "Today is just my lucky day," they sighed, starting their walk. [Y/N] kept an eye out for any suspicious beings or someone that could help them.
I wonder if anyone is even alive at this point? they wondered.
Stopping where they were, [Y/N] noticed a figure from a distance. Unsure whether or not if the being was human or not, they just decided to take the risk.
"Hey! Over here! I need help!" [Y/N] called out, making their way over to the figure.
The person seemed to have taken notice of [Y/N], facing them. As they got closer to the figure, they realized it wasn't a human, but a zombie in army attire. Slowing down, they muttered, "Oh no. Oh crap."
Before [Y/N] could even turn around to escape, the zombie grabbed her arm. "W-wait!" it said. "I won't hurt you!"
[Y/N] freed their arm, turning around. "How do I know you won't?" they asked.
The zombie nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Well, I, uh, I..." He seemed to be struggling with his words. "I'll help you out and get to safety?"
[Y/N] gave him a look, deciding on their choices. If I were to accept it, he'd probably kill me, they thought. But on the other hand, I won't die, maybe.
After deciding on a choice, they nodded. "Yeah, alright. I suffered long enough to just risk it."
The zombie motioned for them to follow, starting the walk.
"So... what's your name?" he asked.
They seemed hesitant, wondering if saying their name was a good idea. They didn't want to be impolite, so they said, "[Y/N]. My name is [Y/N]."
"That's a nice name," the zombie said. "You can just call me Foot Soldier."
[Y/N] looked to the side, mentally questioning the name.
"... Where exactly are we going?" they asked.
"We're going to this house I'm temporarily staying at. You see, I'm doing some solo mission Boss sent me to do."

Foot Soldier stopped, standing in front of a somewhat broken house. "Other than that, we're here!" He awkwardly smiled, making jazz hands.
[Y/N] gave him a look, finding it weird. "I guess that... made me feel less worried?" they shrugged.
Foot Soldier made his way to the door, opening it. [Y/N] silently thanked him and walked in.


Lmao gonna stop it here and make a part 2

Sorry it took so long I was lazy and also because my vocabulary isn't the best

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