Imprisoned Love (Foot Soldier x Doll! Reader)

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Requested by FLUQU0R-


[Y/N] had gotten consciousness. "Wh... what..? Where... am I..?" They sat up and looked around. "This isn't home..." They slowly got up, still feeling dizzy from just waking up. "Wait a minute... isn't this-" Before [Y/N] could finish, they noticed the sounds of shooting, explosions, screams, cries. It was terrible. Looking at their surroundings once again, they realized they were on Zombie territory. "Oh, sh-" [Y/N] started running once they saw some zombies start to give chase. "Oh, no. No. Oh, God no. This can't be happening." [Y/N] tried to find a place to hide, a place to wait until there was someone to help them. Before they could get to a hiding spot, a hand tightly grasped their arm. Scared, [Y/N] turned their head around to come face to face with a Foot Soldier. The Foot Soldier pulled on [Y/N]'s arm to take them to their base.


[Y/N] sighed. They were sitting inside a cell. Outside of the cell, the same Foot Soldier who caught them kept guard. [Y/N] took this time to look at their appearance, turning to a conveniently-placed mirror. They saw how short they were, how much stitches were on their body. Don't tell me I'm literally a living loli doll, they thought, half-laughing mentally.
Focusing back on the Foot Soldier, they approached closer to the bars that prevented the freedom they required. "So... what do you do in your free time?" [Y/N] asked, starting some small talk. The Foot Soldier seemed unsure if he should respond back or not. "Uh, well, I guess practicing my aim," he said.
"That's cool. The name's [Y/N], by the way." And that conversation led to a starting friendship.


It's been two months since [Y/N] was held prisoner. They were sleeping when they awoke to someone shaking them awake. "What..? I'm up..." they tiredly said. [Y/N] turned to face the person who woke them up, only to feel shock that it was the Foot Soldier. Before [Y/N] could speak, the Foot Soldier said, "Stay quiet. I'm getting you out of here." Not asking questions, [Y/N] allowed the zombie to take their arm and carefully lead them to freedom. Avoiding the zombies who passed by, the gargantuars, hiding the loli doll from the camera, they finally made it out. The Foot Soldier looked around before running to the Plants' side of the field, explaining, "The plants will keep you safe."
Before leaving, [Y/N] yelled, "Wait! I have something to ask you!"
The Foot Soldier stopped where he was and turned around. "Hm? What is it?"
"Why'd you help me escape?"
"I felt bad for you. A kid shouldn't be-"
[Y/N] interrupted him. "I'm not a kid! I'm (age)!"
The Foot Soldier blushed in embarrassment. "O-oh? I thought you were because-"
"Yeah, I know. My height," [Y/N] sighed. "I just woke up as a living loli doll, that's all."
The Foot Soldier was about to leave when [Y/N] gave him a hug. "Thank you," they whispered, a smile on their face. It was then when both people realized their feelings for each other.
A few minutes had passed and [Y/N] finally let go. I hope one day, we can all live in peace and be happy, [Y/N] thought, watching him leave. "I love you," they whispered, before walking away to find a place to stay.


This felt cheesy and bad but good enough effort.

You're welcome.

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