Lovely Ritual

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Zomboss x Fem! Demon! Reader


Requested by: @Demonfirebreath666


(I decided to make this in 2nd person)

You were hanging out in your lair when you noticed a summoning symbol above your head. "Great, what now?" you sighed, walking through the symbol. You were surprised when you landed on the floor of a laboratory, only to be greeted by a short zombie with a lab coat and... "That's a big head," you accidentally said aloud.
"Hey!" the zombie said. "I summoned you, great [Y/N]! Show some respect!"
"And who are you?"
He cleared his throat, going into a pose. "I am Doctor Zomboss! I summoned you to help me take over Neighborville!"
"Oh, I see," you said. "But why?"
"To show who's the true leader."
"But I like Neighborville! Don't change it!" you whined. "I like to disguise myself and go there! I like the humans and the plants are just so cute!"
"They suck."
You gasped. "You take that back!"
"And what are you-"
"I'm a demon. I can burn you right now if I wanted to."
"Fair enough," Zomboss grumbled.
"How did you even manage to summon me?" you asked. "I thought all these satanic books were destroyed centuries ago."
"My wizard henchman simply helped me," he proudly said, showing off a crudely-made satanic book.
You snatched the book from Zomboss, skimming through the pages. It looks terrible," you said. "I don't care about the cover, but the handwriting is just disgusting. How do you even read this?"
Zomboss ignored what you said, waving his hand in dismissal. "Can't believe I summoned you only to get the opposite of what I want," he grumbled.
"You know what. I like you." You took hold of his face. "You're stupid yet interesting. I think I'll stick around."
You saw that he was blushing, flustered by your actions. You pulled him into a hug. "You know what, we should go out on a date," you said.


Sorry for how rushed this is. I'm running out of ideas.

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