Heroic Romance

386 6 3

Super Brainz x Reader


Requested by: YN7572


[Y/N] was part of the Plants' side to save Neighborville. It was a tiring job, but they knew how important it was.
They would never allow the zombies to take over. They had to keep fighting.
They were currently shooting zombies. As they shot, Super Brainz landed in front of them. "Out of all times, why now?" they sighed, running away. [Y/N] knew they couldn't fight back. The superhero zombie would obviously beat them in a fight.
Before they had a chance to run, the undead superhero took hold of them, his grip firm.
"Let go!" they yelled, struggling against his grip. The Super Brainz said nothing, staring at them. "What the hell do you even want from me anyways?"
That's what caught him off-guard. He let go of them, a blush forming on his face. He tried to think of something to say, but before a word even left his mouth, [Y/N] ran off. "I guess I have to do it another way..." he sighed.

[Y/N] was at home, sitting on the couch and watching the television. They heard a knock on the door, causing them to get up to see who it was. Opening the door, they noticed a bouquet of roses along with a letter attached to it. Taking it in, [Y/N] read the letter:
Dearest [Y/N],
I know it's better to say in-person, but I didn't have the guts to. You are a beautiful and caring individual, working hard for the right reasons. I would like to meet up with you on the hill tonight to tell you how I feel.
-A Secret Admirer
[Y/N] raised a brow. "A love letter? I don't think I know anyone who's possibly in love with me," they said. "Could it be a joke? A trap? A stalker? I guess I might as well check it out." They looked out their window. "I should probably get going now..."

[Y/N] finally made their way up the hill, noticing a quite romantic setup on a picnic table, along with a figure, a buff one to be exact. Wow. They weren't joking, they thought. As they got closer, they saw that it was the zombie hero himself. Well shoot. It's too late to back out now. [Y/N] sighed, putting on a fake smile and sitting across from him. "Oh, hey! You actually made it!" Super Brainz said. "I had a feeling you wouldn't come."
"Of course not! I just had to check it out," [Y/N] lied. To be honest, [Y/N] was quite impressed he managed to do this all by himself. "I, uh, wasn't able to get anything fancy, so I got pizza... hope you don't mind."
"Oh, don't worry. Pizza will do just fine," [Y/N] assured. Super Brainz gave a small smile, glad they thought he did enough.

After eating pizza and having conversations, [Y/N] asked, "So... you wrote in the letter that you wanted to tell me how you feel?"
"O-oh, yeah!" Super Brainz cleared his throat. "[Y-Y/N], I... I love you. I fell in love with you since the day I first saw you. You're a strong fighter, caring for your teammates, working had no matter the circumstances. It's wrong to love an enemy, but I couldn't help myself. I want to ask you to date me."
[Y/N] looked touched and surprised. "W-wow. I wasn't expecting that," they said, a blush forming on their face. "I- Thank you for that." They thought for a bit, deciding whether to accept the confession or not. "U-um... well..." Super Brainz braced for the rejection. "Sure..!" Super Brainz looked at them, surprised. He thought they would refuse. "R-really?" he asked.
"Yeah! If you were able to say it all, I guess I could give it a chance," they chuckled, a smile on their face. "I should probably get going now. I have to get ready for tomorrow." [Y/N] got up, preparing to go home.
Super Brainz quickly grabbed her arm. "Wait! C-could we maybe... get some coffee together sometime?"
[Y/N] nodded. "Sounds great." And they walked off, leaving Super Brainz to mentally cheer for himself. Just as super as ever, he thought, flying back home.


Yeah I don't think this was as requested, but I'm running out of ideas.

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