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Super Brainz x Human-Rabbit Hybrid! Reader


Requested by: Cha0schan


[Y/N] was harshly thrown into a cell. They let out an grunt of pain as they fell to the floor. They heard the cell door slam shut.
A foot soldier stood in front of them, giving a look of seriousness. "Starting later you're going to have to deliver stuff for us. Failure to comply will result in permanent death or zombification. Understood?" [Y/N] nodded, watching the zombie walk away.
Once the foot soldier left them alone, they could hear some voices outside, that of the foot soldier and a new voice. It seemed as if they were arguing about something.
"I don't need anybody telling me where I can be!" they heard.
What the hell is going on out there? [Y/N] wondered, before jumping in surprise when a muscular zombie wearing stereotypical superhero attire barged in, a look of pride in his face.
"So you're the new prisoner, huh?" he said.
Oh, God. He sounds so narcissistic, you mentally groaned, already annoyed.
"What do you want?" you said, a look of annoyance on your face.
"You're a fiesty one, aren't you?" He smirked, his tone sounding flirtatious.
Ew, you thought. "Go away," you said.
You noticed the heroic zombie's expression falter, before he went back to his narcissistic look. "I like people with attitude," he laughed.
"Alright, that's enough," the foot soldier said, walking back in. "It's time for this... thing... to start some work." Super Brainz nodded, giving you a wink before walking out.
Showoff, you thought, narrowing your eyes. At least he was gone now. "Come on now," the foot soldier said, opening the cell door. "You'll be doing some mining."
[Y/N] hoped the plant heroes would save them.

The human-rabbit hybrid sluggishly mined away at at the stone wall, struggling to hack free some iron. The foot soldier by the entrance of the cave, making sure they had no way of escape. "Hey, hey, hey, guess who it is!" said a voice.
Not him again.
Super Brainz landed next to the foot soldier, greeting him with a nod. The foot soldier silently greeted him back. "Mind if I take over the watching?" he asked.
"I don't know-" the foot soldier said, thinking.
"I'll make sure boss promotes you."
"Okay. Cool." And the foot soldier ran off, finally relieved to take a break.
The human-rabbit hybrid kept their eyes to the lodged iron, not wanting to make eye contact. "Hey, come on! I came all this way to visit and no hello?"
"We're not friends," you growled.
"Not yet," he said back, smirking. "I promise you I just want to be well acquainted."
"Yeah, not a chance," you said, finally getting the iron free.
Without warning, Super Brainz picked you up, flying up into the sky. "What do you-"
"Relax. We're getting food."
You had to admit, the sky was a nice view. He better not be planning to eat my brain, you thought.
After a few minutes, he landed in front of a building. Placing you down, you looked up to read the name. Zomburger. A fast food place for zombies? They better have vegan options, you thought. Super Brainz held the door open for you. Although you weren't fond of him, you weren't mean. Thanking him, you walked in. It was thankfully empty, so for sure there won't be any uncomfortable staring. Super Brainz entered after you, walking over to the counter. "Hey, Super Brainz! Good to see you! What would you like to order?" said a goat. You blinked. An animal worker? You knew you were part animal yourself but a full animal? That was weird for you. You silently stood next to Super Brainz, trying not to stare at the goat. "Just the usual," he said.
"And what about you?" the goat asked, looking at you.
"Veggie burger," you quickly said, your eyes not making contact.
"Alright. Anything else?"
You shook your head. "Nah, we're good," Super Brainz said, smiling.
"The total is $25.98."
Super Brainz paid the amount and the two of you sat at a booth. How polite for someone who works for a villain, you thought. But it's not like all henchmen are bad... you realized. But it could all be an act! Maybe he was trying to be friendly, then he'd kill you! Maybe that was it! You stayed quiet, not wanting your suspicion to be known.
The goat appeared at the table you two were at. "Alright, here you guys go!" He served the burgers. "Enjoy!" He walked away, standing back at the counter.
Surprisingly, the veggie burger looked appetizing. Even zombies can function like normal people, you thought, your suspicion lessening. Maybe he was being genuine after all.
You took a bite from the burger. Dang, that's good, you thought.

Every day, Super Brainz would take over "watching" you to take you out. You enjoyed his company. He was actually a good friend.
Eventually, he asked you out, ans you agreed. The two of you ran out that day, you returning to the plants' side once more, to start a new life with your new boyfriend.

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