Movie Night (Scientist x Reader)

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Requested by: ChungusChungus


Today is movie night. [Y/N] and the Scientist were preparing for the special occasion. "I got the popcorn!" the Scientist said.
"And I got the soda!" [Y/N] said back.
They set down the popcorn and soda on the table. [Y/N] walked over to where the movies were and was about to take one out when a hand grabbed her arm. "I'm choosing a movie," the Scientist said.
"Why? All you choose are those sci-fi ones!" [Y/N] replied.
"But you choose those cheesy romance ones!"
The two fought back at each other on who was the better movie-picker until the Scientist pulled out a movie, a smirk on his face. [Y/N] was about to complain until she saw the cover. "I-is that-"
"Yup. A horror movie," he said. [Y/N] just sighed, watching him put in the movie DVD. "Alright, fine. You win," she unhappily said. The two sat on the couch, the Scientist looking quite proud while [Y/N] looked scared. They watched once the movie started playing.

(Time skip because movies are loooooooooooong)

As the movie progressed, [Y/N] became more scared, shaking in fear as to what the next jumpscare would be. The Scientist did not look scared at all. He turned to [Y/N]. "Scared?" he teased.
"Nope! Not at all!" she quickly said. Seconds after, a jumpscare appeared on screen, causing [Y/N] to scream and hold on to the Scientist as if there was no tomorrow. Realizing what had occurred, [Y/N] looked up at the Scientist to see him smirking. "Are you sure about that?" he chuckled. [Y/N] sighed in defeat and leaned against him.

(Another time skip once again)

Once the movie was over, the Scientist was going to put the movie away when something held him in place. He turned to see [Y/N] with her arms around him, asleep. The Scientist smiled and kissed her on the forehead. He carefully reached for the remote and turned the TV off. He leaned back against the couch and fell asleep. Movie night was a success.


Hello. I hope this was good enough. It felt rushed and I was trying hard to write this down. All I felt was pain trying to make this chapter and now I'm going to procrastinate. This was all done during the evening of today.

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