Help (Part 2)

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[Y/N] was sitting on a couch, eating a can of beans Foot Soldier gave them. They were thinking back to when they first met him. Was he really telling the truth, or is he trying to lure me? they wondered.
Nothing suspicious had happened yet, so maybe he wasn't lying.
It's already been a day since being here and I feel like I can already trust him, [Y/N] thought. Although, they still felt doubtful.
Foot Soldier entered the room they were in, a smile on his face. "Good news!" he said. "A rescue team is arriving at night to find more survivors."
[Y/N] only nodded, thinking for a bit when he added, "Get what you need. We're leaving now."

They were walking through the now dark town. Foot Soldier was keeping an eye out for other zombies while [Y/N] looked for the rescue vehicle.
Out of nowhere, [Y/N] said, "I don't get it. Why did you even help me in the first place?"
Foot Soldier shrugged. "Don't know. It just felt like a good thing to do."
Nothing else was said, the walk continuing in silence.
[Y/N] was glad he was helping them get to the rescue vehicle, but couldn't help but feel a bit sad. They still didn't trust Foot Soldier yet they didn't want to leave him.
I guess that's what happens when you stay with your savior, they jokingly thought.
Distracted by their thoughts, [Y/N] was taken back to reality when Foot Soldier said, "We're here."
They looked to where he was looking at. There was a van in the distance, with a man wearing a pot on his head helping other survivors [Y/N] wasn't aware of.
"This is it. It was nice knowing you." Foot Soldier was about to walk away when a hand grabbed his arm.
"Wait," [Y/N] said. He turned his head to look at them. "What if you come with me?"
That caught Foot Soldier off guard. "W-what? Huh?"
"I said come with me. I'm sure I can ask for them to take you."
Instead of agreeing, he gave them a hug. "Sorry," was all he said before [Y/N] blacked out.

[Y/N] woke up to see their surroundings looked more nicer and greener. Wh... where am I..? Where's Foot Soldier?
"Oh!" They turned their head to the direction of the voice. "You're awake!" It was that same man with the pot hat. "It was an unusual sight to see, but some zombie took you to me then just left."
Foot Soldier... they thought. All [Y/N] could respond with was a nod.
They were upset with Foot Soldier's choice, but now understood why.
I hope to see you again, [Y/N] thought.


A very bad plot twist ending lol

Hope this was good enough

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