Assistance (All-star x Reader)

673 10 7

Requested by: Jendythejester


This isn't good, [Y/N] thought as they ran. What was [Y/N] running from exactly? Chompers. Those eaters were such an annoyance to deal with. [Y/N] quickly looked behind them and counted how many there were. They were being chased by six of them. "What a day to be existing," they sighed. Out of nowhere a Peashooter came into view and shot at [Y/N], causing them to stumble and fall down a hill. Once [Y/N] reached the ground, they attempted to get up with no success, hissing in pain. Realizing their ankle broke, they sighed. They could hear the chompers coming closer. It was either now or never. [Y/N] reached for their weapon, realizing it wasn't there. Crap! I must've lost it while being chased! they thought. Hearing the chompers get even closer, they tightly closed their eyes and awaited their doom. Instead of hearing the sounds of death, they heard snarling, an imp being punted, and tackling. Carefully turning their head up, they saw All-star. "Thank God you're here!" [Y/N] cried in relief. "I thought I was a goner!" The All-star gave [Y/N] a grin before walking over to them and helping them up. "You okay, there?" he asked.
"I think I broke my ankle, but other than that, yeah." Without warning, the All-star picked up [Y/N] bridal style and started running. "W-what are you doing?!" [Y/N] asked, sounding embarrassed.
"To the Scientist, obviously! You're going to get that ankle checked on."
[Y/N] had a strange feeling in them, not sure if it was good or bad. As they approached the station set up for the wounded.
The Scientist was minding his own business until he saw the All-star come in holding [Y/N]. He straightened himself before asking, "What seems to be the problem?"
"I got chased by some plants and fell down a hill," said [Y/N].
The Scientist signaled the All-star to put [Y/N] on a bed. [Y/N] quietly thanked the All-star for the help as the Scientist walked over to check on [Y/N].


A couple of minutes had passed since the check-in. The Scientist came back with the results, the All-star and [Y/N] looking worried. "Good news. The ankle is only a little broken. It should heal within a couple of weeks."
"That's great. Thanks, man," [Y/N] said, sighing in relief.


The battle was over for today. The All-star helped [Y/N] get home. "Thanks for all your help today," they said.
"No problem. Anything for a pal," he chuckled back.
Before the All-star could go, [Y/N] quickly grabbed his arm and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Again, thanks for the help." The All-star blushed, unsure what to say before walking away. I'm never going to forget that day, he thought.


This was painful to write out. Ending wasn't easy to think of and stuff, but I hope it's satisfactory enough.

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