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TW toxic ex

Pov y/n

I was live with Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur. We were playing some random Minecraft Mod when I was interrupted by a call from an unknown number.

"Hey, I'll be right back."

I muted myself and took my headset off. I answered my phone, not sure who was on the other side of the line. If I knew how it was I would've answered.


"Hey y/n! It's been awhile."

I froze when i recognised the voice.

"J-Jared? How?"

I could hear him laughing a little. I noticed that I forgot to turn off my cam. I looked at the chat and noticed that some were really worried. I wanted to turn off my cam, but when I reached for my mouse I tipped over my redbull can. I twitched due to the loud noise the can made when it hit the floor. Luckily it was empty.

I flinched again when Jared continued to talk.

"You really thought that I wouldn't find you. You're still as stupid as you were back then. You fool." I really tried not to cry. Why was he doing that?

„Wh-What do you want from me?"

I tried to look like I was not afraid of him but in fact I was fucking terrified.

He laughed some more before he answered my question.

„I want to make sure that you know that you're not getting away with leaving me!"

I squinted my eyes and tried not to cry, it was just too much. The bad memories that I managed to suppress with a lot of therapy came back again.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down a bit.

„Rot in hell bastard!" I screamed and ended the call. I shouldˋve done that the moment I knew it was him, but my mind wasn't working.

I stroked through my hair and put my headset back on. I unmuted myself and looked at my chat.

„Y/N? What happened? You looked really concerned."

Tubbo asked worried.

„N-No I'm fine..." My voice was shaking. „I'm sorry but I think I'll end the stream here... I'm really sorry guys."

„It's okay." Tommy said.

„I think I'll go too." Wilbur said in a worried underton.

„Okay, bye guys. Bye chat." I waved at the cam. „I'm really sorry to end so suddenly." I tried to smile even though I had the feeling of puking. I ended the stream and didn't even raided someone. I just wanted to hide in my bed and cry. Jared really terrified me.

I shut down my PC as I flinched because my Phone rang again. I was scared that it was him again but as I looked at my Phone it was Wilbur facetiming me. I exhaled in relief before clicking accept.

The brunette looked very worried.

„What's up?" I asked, trying not to look like I was upset.

„What happened? I know that something is up." He was really worried.

„No... No. Everything's alright..."

„Okay... I'm not buying it but you'll have your reasons for not telling me." He looked... sad? „I just want you to know i'm here if you want to talk about something." He gave me a comforting smile.

„Thank you. That means a lot." I smiled back.

There was a non weird silence between us. Not gonna lie I got a bit lost in his eyes. They have this warm comforting aura.

A notifications got me back to reality. I blushed a little when I realized that I had probably been staring at him for a while.

I stopped thinking about his eyes and read the message. I froze when I realised the meaning of the words I've just read.

 I froze when I realised the meaning of the words I've just read

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Fuck you Cinja. We weren't even friends, she just had my number because of my old class group chat. She always wanted to make my life miserable because she was jealous of me and Jared. They deserve each other.

I forgot that I was on a call with Wilbur.

"Y/n? What's wrong? Who texted you?"

I nearly dropped my phone because for a second I thought Jared was talking.

"I-I'm sorry..." I stuttered hoping that he didn't notice the tears running down my cheek.

"You're crying... " He said in a worried tone.

"Please y/n tell me what's wrong."

"My...My ex..." I said in a broken voice.

One day, I know that  you will be there...  | WilburxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now