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Pov Y/n

Tubbo, Ranboo and me arrived at Tubbo's. We decided we should stream together. We set everything up and started the stream on my channel.

"Hey Gamer!" I greet my chat while slapping my hands together. "As you can tell, I'm not at Wilburs place. Some off you might know this background." Tubbo jumps from the stairs behind me. "Ello!" He screams. "Yes, I'm with Tubbo and..." I turn around. "Ranboo is in the kitchen, again." I say snickering. "Ranboo!" I yell. He enters with a Nerv gun that sounds like a loan moar. "Hey Chat!" He says and shots me and Tubbo. "Hey!" I try to use my chair as a shield. He finally stops and comes to sit next to me. "Dickhead." Tubbo trows Micheal at the tall one. "Hey don't trow our son!" Ranboo says holding the plushie against his chest. "Guys calm down." I say laughing. Tubbo sits down on the chair on the other side of me.

"So chat, should we do a you laugh you loose?" I asked. Tubbo and Ranboo both nod.

The chat seamed to be excited for a YLYL so that's what we did.

It was even more chaotic than I expected. But that's what you get when you're friends with Tubbo I guess.

The stream lasted nearly an hour and because Tubbo laughed the most, Ranboo and Me could tweet something on his account.

After my stream we took an hour break to eat something. We decided to just order something.

Afterward we streamed on Ranboo's channel. It was just a chill stream.

"Yeah... also we filmed a Vlog yesterday day with Wilbur and Y/n." Ranboo told chat. "Yes it was really cool so look out. I added.

"Why isn't Wilbur here?" Ranboo read a dono. "Wilbur had stuff to do." I said hugging the Ranboo youtooz that Tubbo had thrown to me earlier.

I stared thinking about how Wilbur's hugs felt really good. I smiled to myself. Even though I had seen him earlier today I kinds missed him. I was so used to be around him, especially in the evening. I mean it was fun with Tubbo and Ranboo and I'm happy that I'm spending time with them but it would be even better with Wilbur also around. Wow I really have feelings for this boy. I should really tell him that shoundn't I? But how? With Jared was it so different. He told me that he had feelings for me over the phone and I just told him I felt the same. Wow our relationship really was meant to be bad... I slighed.

"You alright?" Ranboo ask. He seamed concerned but it was hard to tell with the mask an glasses on. "Yeah just spaced out." I say with a little smile.

"Hey we should watch a film after the stream." Tubbo said. "Yeah." "Didn't you say you haven't watched Inside by Bo Burnham yet?." I asked tapping on the keyboard next to me. "Isn't that a sad movie?" Tubbo ask. "Yeah kinda but it's also funny. I think you'll like it." "Than lets watch that." Ranboo says before clapping in his hands. "So I think thats gonna be the stream for today. Next stream properly tomorrow." I wave at the cam. "Bye chat." "Bye." Tubbo says.

Ranboo ends the stream and takes off his mask and glasses. We all get one the couch and start netflix.

We watched the spacial and talked about some stuff before we head to sleep considering it being quit late.



Holy cow 3k read?! Thanks so much.

I'm really sorry for not updating but I'll try to write tonight and tomorrow.

Hope y'all doing well :)

One day, I know that  you will be there...  | WilburxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now