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Pov y/n

I got my jacked and went outside. I looked at Will as he looked the door behind us.

"If you want we can walk there. It's not that far away and the wether is nice." He said with a light smile on his face.

"Yeah sure." I smiled back at him.

We walkt down the street just talking about random stuff. I have to say I thought it would be different talking to him in real life but it just felt so normal.

We got to the cafe shop and stand in the line to give up our order. When we got to the counter, the young blonde girl that was working there, gave us ur coffee. She was obviously trying to get Wilburs attention. I think he haven't even noticed that.

We got out of the cafe shop and set down at a bench nearby.

"The girl from the shop was so trying to firt with you." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Oh really?" He asked not really seaming to care about it.

We talked there for some time. I had put my coffee on the bench next to us because I showed him something on my phone. When I went to grab my cup of coffee I accidentally tipped it over. Unlucky like I was it spilled all over Will.

"Oh god Im so sorry!" He reached out to pick up the cup. I flinched.

"You think I would hit you?" He said a little worried.

"Jared properly would've..." I said looking down. He put his and on my shoulder.

"Y/n, I would never hurt you. It's just coffee it's not that bad." He said in a soft ton.

"Sorry. Jared really messed me up." "Don't apologies.Its not your fault." He pulled me into a hug. I laid my head against his chest as he was softly petting my back.

We stayed like that for a little while.

"Hey wanna go for a walk on the beach?" He let go of me. "Sure but don't you wanna get changed?" He looked down and shook his head. "It's fine."

We trow away our cups and went to the beach. We were again just talking when I remembered that I had said that I would stream today.

"Shit." I mulmend. "Huh?" Wilbur looked at me. "I said I would stream today." "Oh. We can go home if you want." I shock my head. "I kinda don't feel like streaming today." He nodded. "I'm sure your fans will understand but maybe you should tweet it." I nodded and opened twitter.

I put my phon back into my pocked and looked back at Will

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I put my phon back into my pocked and looked back at Will. "I hope they understand. Are you going to stream today?" He shook his head. "No. We can have a chill evening today if you want." "Sound good too me."

One day, I know that  you will be there...  | WilburxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now