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Pov y/n

After we were done eating, we cleaned the kitchen a little. After that was done we sat dow at the couch and watched some random show that was on. Nether of us was really interested in the show it was more just a noice in the background while we both were busy with our phones. 

While I was scrolling trough twitter I noticed a specific hashtag that caught my attention:


Out of interest I clicked on the hashtag. I saw edits and fanart of me and Wilbur. I blushed. Most of these were related to yesterdays stream. Who fast were these people. 

I glanced over to Wilbur. He was way to invested in whatever he was doing to notice that I was looking at him.  I don't know what he was looking at but he seemed really invested in it. I grinned to myself. It's cute how he is so invested in the things he's interested in. Like how he's so passioned about Geoguesser and especially flags. I let out a soft giggle. This caught his attention. He looked at me with a questioning expression on his face. "What's so funny?" "Oh nothing, I was just thinking about some random meme I had seen earlier." I lied trying to hide my face as I felt it heating up even more. "What do you read, it seams interesting?" I tried to change the subject. "Ohm...Just twitter." He turned a little pink. I furrowed my eyebrow. "Okay, very sus mister Soot." He both just look at each other for a second  bevor we both just stared laughing. 

After some time we both calm down and were just looking into each others eyes. I got a little lost in his warm brown eyes. I don't know why, but my heart was beginning to beat really fast. Wilbur didn't help with that as he came a little closer. I felt like I had lost the control over my body. 

Memories from my dream were shooting back at me. Were we about to kiss?! 

I looked down to his lips. He stroked a strike of hair out of my face and I saw a smirk forming on his lips. "You're cute." He said smirking. I felt my head getting even warmer that bevor. I bagged way and tried to hide my face. He chuckled and got up. "You should see how red you are right now." I punched him with a pillow. "Shut up." I said while trying to hold my chuckle in. 

"I'm gonna go to my office now, I have to prepare some stuff for the stream." He said while trowing the pillow back at me. I nodded. "See ya later then." 

One day, I know that  you will be there...  | WilburxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now