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Pov Y/n

For the entire ride there I couldn't stop thinking about my feelings for Wilbur. Do I really have a crush or do I just feel like this because he is nice to me?   I flinced when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n are you coming?" The owner of the hand, Ranboo to be specific, asked. I just nodded and got out of the car. I was completely zoned out.

We went inside and a waiter showed us to a table. I sat down next to the window and Wilbur sat next to me. I looked over at him and he gave me a soft smile. This small gesture gave me butterflies. Okay maybe I do have a crush.

"Why are you blushing?" Tubbo snickered. Shit! Why do I always blush?! I hate this. "Im not." I tried to hide my face behind the menu. Wilbur chuckled at my reaction.

"Hey what's in the sausage panini?" Ranboo asked. "Sausage and Panini." The waitress said. We all burst into laughter. This time it was Ranboo who was blushing. (a/n this actually happened if you didn't know)  I down think he was really that embarrassed but he still tried to change the subject. 

"So Y/n You haven't seen the studio yet, right?" I took a sip out of my coffee before putting the mug back on the wooden table. "No but I would love to some time." I looked at Tubbo. "I wanted to show you when It was done but you were here. When are you gonna be back anyway? Or did you move without telling me?" Tubbo asked half joking. "No, don't worry you would be the fist to know if I move." "I sure hope I am." Tubbo said chuckling. "Why don't you come with us? You could come too." He looked at Wilbur. "I would, but I have to do some stuff for Lovejoy tonight. Im sorry." Wilbur said. "Its fine. Another time" Tubbo turned back to me. "So y/n wanna come with us. You could sleep there too so we can stream together." "Hell yeah. Sounds great."

We ordered and ate our food.

We drove back to Wilburs place and I got some stuff, I didn't take much sinceI would only stay one night.

Wilbur drove us to the Train station. He waited with us for the Train. "Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?" He asked. "You down have to do that you're not my driver." He just smiled. "Text me when you're know when you're gonna be here." "Thanks, I appreciate it." I hugged him before getting into the train with the beeduo. I waved out the window as the train stared to move.

"So when's the wedding?" Ranboo asked. "The what now?" I turned my head to the boy next to me. "It's obvious you guys have a thing for each other." He said with a grin on his face. I looked at Tubbo who seamed to agree with his best friend. "Really...?" "So it's true?" Tubbo asked in a happy ton. "I don't know... I think I may have feelings for him." I already knew that my face was red as fuck. I put my face in my hands trying to hide it. "Who are you not a couple then? Tubbo asked. "It's not that easy. I down even know If he feels the same way." I said with my face still buried in my hands. Tubbo and Ranboo chuckled. "Whats so funny?" I looked up. "Its obvious that he has feelings for you too." Bee boy explained. I raised one eyebrow. "You really think so?" They both nodded.  I bit the inside my lip while thinking about it for a moment. "You should tell him." Tubbo said. I looked at him. "What if you're wrong and he dosen't has feelings for me?" Ranboo gave me a soft smile. "There's no way he doesn't has feelings for you." I let out a small sigh. "Okay... I'm gonna tell him..." Tubbo's and Ranboo's eyes lit up in excitement as they high five.


Trying to write more often but I didn't feel so good lately. I'm sorry.
But I changed the cover so hope y'all like it.

But while I wasn't writing, I thought about a lot of Fanfiction ideas and im considering to make a DSMP Imagines when Im done with this story.

Hope y'all having a great day/night/whatever :)


One day, I know that  you will be there...  | WilburxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now