25. End?

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Pov Y/N

I open my eyes to find myself in my bed, alone. I smile to myself as the memories of last night float back. We watched the sunset while cuddling.

I looked down to see I was still wearing his black sweater he had given to me yesterday. I pulled it over my nose. It smells like him.

I got up and made my way into the kitchen were Wilbur sat drinking his coffee. A bright smile formed on his lips as he saw me.

"My sweater looks good on you." He stands up as I approach him. I smile and lay my head back to look him in the eyes. He takes a small step forward. I step backward til my back hits the counter. He gingerly strokes the hair out of my face and lays his arms around my waist. "Wanna talk about yesterday?" I slightly shake my head. "Nah, I'd rather do this again." I pull him down to connect our lips once again. He tightens his grip around my waist. I bury my hands in his hair.

He pulls away to take a breath. "You know, as much as I enjoy doing that - I really do-, I think we should talk about us." I sigh. "I know... But I just suck at talking about stuff." I rest my head on his chest. "I'm sorry." He stars petting my back. "It's okay." He rests his head on top of mine.

"Why is it so hard to talk about feelings?" I ask while wrapping my arms around him. "How are you telling that... I didn't talk about my feelings for you fo like a year or so." I look up. "What really?" He nods. "Wait, that means you had feelings for me when I was with Jared?" He looks at the floor. "Yeah... Of cause I've met Jared." He let out a nervous laugh. I raised my eyebrow. "So the song is about him?" He nods. "Will..." I put my finger on his chin and made him turn his face to face mine. "You were right. He's an arsehole." We both laughed.

As our laughter dissolved into a conformable silence I put my hand on his neck. "I never though I could fall so hard for anyone." He raises his eyebrow as he realized the meaning of my word. "Please tell me I don't misinterpret what you said." I shook my head. He smiles in relief. "In that case... Would you like to go on an actual date with me?" "I would love too." I smile as we both lean in for a kiss. I wish for this too never end...


Thanks for reading :) Hope you enjoyed it.

One day, I know that  you will be there...  | WilburxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now