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pov y/n

I woke up due to the loud music outside my room. I looked at my phone. It's 12 already? I got up and went to the living room where I saw Wilbur dancing to the music.
He jumped around the room. I smiled to myself. I leaned against the wall just watching him.
When the song was over he fixed his hair, it was really messy after his little dancy dance.
"Oh hey y/n." He smiled when he saw me standing there.
"Hey." I came closer. "How do you have so much energy in the morning?"
"Normally i don't. I'm just happy today." He took my hands. "May I steal this dance from you?"
I nodded and we both started to jump around. It was a lot of fun and we properly looked like idiots but we didn't care.

We dances a while till we just dropped on the couch.
"Well that was fun." I said while playing with his hair a little.
"It really was." He leaned back.
"So what do you wanna do today?"
He looked at me. "We could go to the beach again."
"Sure." I took the scrunchy from my wrist and made him a little ponytail. I giggled and made a picture.
"Hey what did you do?"
I showed him the picture i made. He took my phone and couldn't help but laugh. „I look stupid!"
„Nooo! you look cute!"
He furrowed his eyebrows. „Cute?"
I nodded. I took my phone and made a selfie with him. „See super cute!" I laughed. He faked a frown. "I'm gonna profe it to you." I opened twitter and started writing something.
"What are you doing?" He tried to look at what i was doing.
I clicked the blue 'tweet' button. I heard a pling from his phone.
"Ohh someone has my twitter notifications on." I teased him. His cheeks turned a little pinkish.
He opened his phone and looked at my tweet.

(Imagine a picture of them)

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(Imagine a picture of them)

Wil looked at me. "Did you really?"
I looked trough the comments.

You two look very cute :)

couple goals <3



I noticed that Wilbur was looking over my shoulder, reading the comments with a grin on his face. I felt my face heat up a little as i closed twitter.
Wilbur was about to say something but he was interrupted by my stomach growling.
„Wanna get some food?" I jumped up from the couch.
„Sure, wanna go to the cafe near the beach again?" He got up too.
„Sure, I'll just get changed." He nodded and I went to my room.

One day, I know that  you will be there...  | WilburxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now