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Pov Wilbur

I got in my car and just sat there for a moment. What just happed there...? Were we about to kiss? Did I ruin it? I shook my head. No. She's not interested in me. I should stop thinking of her in that way, and just be there as a friend to comfort her. I started my car.

I pulled up on the parking lot in front of the office building. I got out of my car and entered the building. I went up the stairs and opened the door to the office I had rented. I trow my jacked in the corner and boot up my PC.

I stared to write the script for the lore stream I had planed for later.

I tried to concentrate on writing the script but my mind was still by y/n. I shook my head trying to get a clear mind but my mind wouldn't leave it alone. Everytime my fingers were hovering over the keys on my keyboard without typing for more then a few seconds, my mind would drift off to the y/hc girl that was staying in my flat.

It was hard but I managed to get the striped done. I leant back in my chair and closed my eyes for a moment. At fist it was just dark but then i stared to picture her face. I shook my head again.

I sight. I opened my eyes again and opened discord. I needed to talk to someone. I decided that Philza would be the best choice. So I sent him a DM and waited. He quickly replied me and we got in a VC.

"Hey Phil."

"Hey Will. So you wanted to tell me about something?"

"Yes...You know that Y/n Kinda lives with me right now."

"Hm yes?"

"Yeah... So we spent some time together and it was great, I mean you know her, she's a great person-." I started to rumble but was interrupted by Phil.

"Okay I think I know were this is going."

"You do?" I was nervous and stared to play with my fidget ring.

"Yeah.. I saw y/ns stream yesterday. Happened something between you two?"

I thought about it for a second.


"No! Not really..."

"What do you mean with that?"

"I don't know... I think we were about to kiss earlier..."

"Oh really?" I nodded even though I knew he can't see me.

"And... I think I might have feelings for her..." I hid my face in my hands.

"Oh man... Have you told her about that?"

"...No...And don't think I'll ever tell her..."

"Why not?"

"I don't think she feels the same way. See the reason that she came here was that her ex is harassing her. I think it's better to just be there as a friend."

Phil let out a sigh. "Thats though man... Is she alright?"

"I'm not sure. See she seams like always but when she talked about Jared this morning she had a panic attack."

"Oh man... You think I should try to help her?"

"I think I shouldn't had told you that. She didn't even tell Tubbo... Phil what should I do?"

"Hmm... I think you should try to keep her mind away from Jared and I don't know... Maybe your feelings will disappear but if not, I think you should tell her."

"Okay... Thanks a lot."

"No Problem." I leaved the VC and prepared the stream.


After an Hour and a half I changed to a black screen and typed: "This is Minecraft roleplay!" As a disclaimer.

I leaned back in my chair and emptied the water bottle that stood next to me. I ended the stream and got ready to leave. I looked my office and went outside.

I drove back home and when I entered the flat I was greeted with a nice smell. I took of my Jacked off and put my shoes next to the Door. I went into the kitchen to see y/n cooking. I sat down at the counter and looked at what she was doing.

"Hey Wil. I made spaghetti. I'm not the best at cooking but I tried." She smiled while pouring the Noodle water into the sink.

"It smells really good. Thanks you." I got up to get some plates.

She put the food on the plates and we both sat down on the counter.

"Hey wanna do something tomorrow?" I asked her before putting the food into my mouth.

"Yeah sure."

I nodded and we both ate in silence.

One day, I know that  you will be there...  | WilburxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now