Chapter 29

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Under the waning light that comes just after sunset, I walk back to Ash House, thinking about lunch. Eliza was a little late, but she brought a copy of her brilliant, environmentally-friendly article. Megan showed up with Brielle in tow, so we had to pull up an extra chair to the table. The five of us spent nearly a full hour laughing and chatting. At one point, I laughed so hard I cried.

Deep in thought, I don't notice the footsteps closing in behind me.

"Guess who?" A familiar, velvety voice says, as two strong hands reach from behind me to cover my eyes like a blindfold. I would be freaking out if I didn't know for sure that I'm safe in his touch.

"Hmm. I don't know. Mickey Mouse?" I try to sound serious as I joke.

The hands over my eyes release me and turn me round to see a gorgeous pair of sapphire eyes.

"Incorrect." Isaac smiles.

I smile back. "You know you'd be keeling over in pain right now if I hadn't recognised your voice, right?"

"And why would that be?" Isaac wonders aloud as we begin walking side by side.

"I'm torn between a punch in the gut or a kick in the groin. Or maybe both." I say sweetly.

"Ouch." Isaac winces.

"Have you met Megan's girlfriend yet?" I ask.

"Brielle? Yeah, I've met her a few times, but not since she and Megan started dating. Do you know what kind of seelie she is?"

"She's a witch, like me. Although I haven't been able to have a proper conversation with her about magic yet. Seriously, she and Megan can't leave each other alone."

"They're moving quickly, aren't they?"

"Yeah. But it seems to be working for them so," I shrug. "I mean, I'm fine with Brielle joining the group; she seems really nice. I'd just like to get her alone for a one-on-one conversation. Really get to know her as her own person, rather than just Megan's girlfriend."

"Could you and Brielle do each other's hair and stuff for the winter ball?" Isaac suggests. This is the first time we've discussed the winter ball.

"You know, I just might do that." I reply, leaving the conversation open. We pass our houses and keep walking.

"Um, actually, about the winter ball..." He starts. My heart races. Is he going to ask me to be his date? How do I reply to that? "Are you going with anyone?"

This is it. "Me and Eliza are planning to go as friends."

"Oh. So you haven't got a date?" Isaac seems to be stalling.

"Not a date-date, no." Isaac is the only guy I know who could tempt me into saying yes right now.

"Well, I was wondering if maybe you, um, wanted to be my date?"

Despite my mental preparation for the question, shock courses through me. "Um..."

"You don't have to if you don't want..."

"No." I cut Isaac off. "No, I want to say yes. I just don't want to give you the wrong impression. I'm not in the right frame of mind for a relationship. With anyone." I add the final two words, hoping he understands my feelings.

"How does 'no strings attached' sound?" Isaac suggests optimistically.

"I want to, but I can't leave Eliza by herself. Would you be okay with the three of us going as friends?"

"Sure. It's not exactly what I had in mind, but yeah. Why not?" He's not fooling me. His voice is convincing, but his face can't hide the disappointment.

"I'm sorry." I say gently. "Under different circumstances I would've jumped at the chance to go to the ball with you."

"It's alright Ally. You're going through a tough time. I get it."

"A tough time is an understatement." I mumble.

Abruptly, Isaac stops walking and turns me to face him. "Even if I don't fully understand. Even if you can't express your pain to me in words. I'm here for you. Don't ever forget that."

I pull him tightly into me. I wrap my arms around his waist, head resting on his shoulder. He hugs me back, before pulling away a few seconds later.

"What's tucked into the back of your jeans?" Isaac inquires suspiciously.

He must've felt the handle of the dagger Liam gave me for my birthday, sheathed but ready for use at a moment's notice. I've been carrying it around for weeks, usually tucked into my boots. But today, because I wore trainers, I shoved the dagger into my jeans and hid its bulk using my bag.

"Nothing interesting." What's shaped like a dagger handle? "Just a small pencil case."

He doesn't look convinced, but doesn't question me further. Moment gone; we begin walking again, back in the direction of our houses.

"What are you doing over Christmas? I know you don't want to go home at the moment." Isaac says.

"I was going to stay here. Accommodation is paid until the end of the academic year, so why not make the most of it?" I reply.

"You can come and live with me until term starts again next year." I try to object, but Isaac continues. "It doesn't sit right with me to leave you alone for Christmas."

"I won't be alone." I say hastily. "I'll probably ask Liam to visit more than one day a week."

Isaac looks uncomfortable. "I'd rather you came with me. Honestly, if you stayed here, what would you do with all that time alone?"

"Study. Practice with magic. Refine my battle plan in case of another attack. I know how to keep myself busy."

"But would it make you happy to be here alone? Christmas is a time for family and sharing. Let me share my Christmas with you."

"Isaac..." I don't know what to say. His kind gesture is really generous and appealing, but I don't want to intrude in his home life. On the one hand, I might be safer leaving campus for a month. On the other hand, I would never forgive myself if I led danger to Isaac's family. I'm torn.

"Ally. Don't think. Just say yes." His pleading eyes almost make me give in.

"I need to think about it." We pause outside Oak House. "I'll see you soon."

"Goodbye Ally. Tell me when you have an answer."

"Will do." I walk the few metres to the front door of Ash House. "Bye Isaac." I go inside, leaving Isaac without a clear direction for where we are heading. If I am being honest with myself, my attraction to him is gradually wearing me down. If we carry on like this, I might just ask him out. Damn the consequences.

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