Chapter 11

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"Are you okay?" The stranger asks, voice velvety and warm.

"Yes. Yes. I'm fine." I insist. "It was just a little trip."

"Little?" Megan questions. My eyes remain locked on the stranger's. "You could've easily cracked your head open if your hands didn't break your fall."

"She's fine. Let's go." Zoey seems restless.

"I'll catch up with you girls later." I wave them off, still not looking away from the stranger.

"I'm Isaac." The stranger says

"Ally." As I reply, I realise I'm still holding his hand. Awkwardly, I let go. "I swear I'm not normally this clumsy."

"You've got nothing to apologise for. It was my foot you tripped over."

"Yeah, because I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm surprised I didn't walk straight into you."

He chuckles. "Well, I'm glad I wasn't knocked over too. Although, you did look graceful as you fell. Not that I'm glad you fell, just that..."

"It's okay. I get it. But I have to admit it might be the strangest compliment I've ever been given."

"I'm usually much smoother with my words. I guess it must be first day jitters."

"I'm a first year too. English student." We begin walking together, although I'm not sure where we're meant to be going.

"I'm doing an ancient history degree. Do you like music?"

"I love music. Why, do you play?

"No. But I've heard about a live band playing tonight on campus. Sizzling Sounds, I think they're called. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to meet me at the gig later? Something about you has caught my interest." He grins. "Maybe how you're falling all over me."

"Ha ha. Very funny." Despite my sarcastic tone, I'm grinning too. "I'll have to consult my diary about meeting you tonight, though. I might not have time to fit in an arrogant stranger." I tease.

"We're all strangers here. But maybe I would be less of a stranger if you had my number. Would that make it easier to get an appointment with you?"

I laugh. "Real smooth."

We switch numbers and say goodbye to each other. I rush towards a large sign reading 'Campus Tours', making it just before the current group leaves.

"So, what happened between you and hottie guy back there?" Zoey asks excitedly. "What's his name? Did you kiss? Is he..."

"Woah, slow down." I hold up my hands. "His name's Isaac. No, we didn't kiss; we've only just met. And is he really that hot anyway?"

"Sure he is. Didn't you notice his handsome face and gorgeous black hair? I bet he has strong abs hidden under his shirt. If you're not interested can I have him?"

"No. I mean, I agreed to meet him at a gig this evening. I'd like a chance to decide whether or not I am interested in him before you call dibs."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Can you two be quiet? I'm trying to listen." Eliza complains.

Zoey and I leave our conversation there, instead focusing on the third year student rambling on about the history of the university and purposes of the buildings.

Me, Zoey, Eliza, and Megan spend the afternoon hanging around the fresher's fair. I sign up to occult society with Eliza, feminist society with Zoey, and all four of us get gym memberships. We get to know each other throughout the day, and I begin to wonder if my mum's betrayal really matters. I could really enjoy myself here. And it's not like I was going to stay at the palace, or even on Topia, anyway.

"Can I borrow something for tonight?" I ask Megan when we're back at Ash House. "I didn't bring many clothes with me and I haven't had a chance to buy more yet."

"Of course. But why ask me?"

"I just have a feeling your evening-out style is the most like mine."

She shrugs. "Fair enough. Come pick anything you like."

I follow Megan up to room 2. After browsing through her wardrobe, I select a plain red knee-length dress with long sleeves.

"Do you have shoes to go with it?" Megan inquires.

"Yes. My black ankle boots should go well."

"Great. Enjoy tonight, and tell the rest of us all about your date in the morning."

"It's not a date!"

She gives me a funny look. "Sure it's not. Anyway, we'll be at Bar One if you need anything."


Fifteen minutes later, I'm outside The Live Room, a bar meant for live performances such as dancing and bands like Sizzling Sounds. Since meeting Isaac, I've leant that Sizzling Sounds is a band formed by second year students, who play regular gigs here.

Taking a deep breath, I stroll inside.

"Hey, Ally. Over here." Isaac spots me immediately, waving me over to a small table.

"Hey." I reply nervously. I shouldn't feel so nervous around someone I hardly know, and who has been nothing but kind to me. "So, I was thinking earlier, you know where I'm staying, but I don't know where you're staying."

"I'm in Oak House. Right next door to you. I want to know where your accent's from. I can't quite place it."

"Oh, I've done a bit of travelling over the years. I've probably mixed together a few accents."

"Sounds different to my life. I grew up in one of those villages where everyone knows everyone, and yesterday was a very rare journey for me."

"Two glasses of white wine. Enjoy." We are interrupted by a server, who sets down the drinks on our table.

"You ordered for me?" I ask incredulously.

"I just wanted to surprise you. Why, was it too presumptuous of me to order alcohol?"

"No. There's no problem with the drink. It's just, I don't know," I sigh. "I guess it's the fact that someone I hardly know has taken a decision away from me. I know it wasn't meant to be like that, but my life's been quite out of control lately."

"I didn't realise. Do you want to talk about it? It's okay if you don't." Isaac runs a comforting hand over my left arm. We both wince as he touches the spot where my dagger wound still hasn't healed. He quickly retracts his hand, which, to my horror, has smoke coming from it, curling up towards the ceiling. We both stare at a burn on his hand. After a few seconds, it fades as if it was never there. I wonder what exactly was on that dagger.

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