Chapter 33

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We spot Megan waiting outside the massive marquee on the edge of campus. She's wearing a blush pink dress and a stylish black jacket. In her hand is a small bouquet of red roses. A wide grin spreads across her face as we near.

"For you." Megan holds out the bouquet to Brielle. As Brielle takes it, she and Megan share a brief kiss.

"Thank you." She says. "You look beautiful."

"And your dress... Wow."

"Okay lovebirds." I interject. They both turn to me and Eliza.

"Sorry." Megan says sheepishly. "We'll meet you inside if that's okay?"

"Yeah. See you inside." I say.

Me and Eliza walk into the marquee together.

Before we enter, Eliza gives a backwards glance and smiles to herself. "Do you really think it's love?" She asks me.

"I think it's too soon to tell, but it could be." I stop talking as we enter the white marquee.

Balloons of varying shades of blue criss-cross the ceiling, trailing down the four corners of the temporary room. People dressed in a large range of pastels and rich, deep colours stand chatting and smiling. A small stage is set up with instruments untouched. Speakers exhale laid-back music I recognise from the radio. A blanket of warmth wraps around me from the nearest of the mini heaters scattered around the room.

A young smartly-dressed man hands me and Eliza each a glass of champagne from a table covered in a blue cloth so pale, it's almost white.

We find a heater in a quiet spot to stand by.

"I like the simple decorations." I comment. This is a much less elaborate affair than what I'm used to at the palace.

"Yeah. They're really pretty." Eliza agrees.

"I think that..."

"Ally! Eliza!" Madison interrupts, weaving through the crowd towards us in a navy gown. One arm is looped through the arm of a handsome guy.

"Hey, Madison." I greet.

"Hey, I want you both to meet Harry, my boyfriend. Harry, these are my friends Eliza and Ally." Megan gestures as she says each of our names.

"Nice to meet you both." Harry says.

"You too." Eliza replies.

"Hi. So, tell us everything." I say. Madison has mentioned Harry a few times, but only ever briefly, as if the relationship is difficult to talk about. "How did you meet and how's the relationship going?"

"We actually went to high school together. It was all going well until Madison, here," Harry wraps an arm round Madison's waist and pulls her tightly to him. "Decided to go off to university. We've had a long distance relationship for the past year and a bit."

"Well, it's great that the relationship has survived the distance." Eliza says.

"Yeah." Madison sounds almost as if she's sighing. Something seems off about it. I wonder if perhaps she's struggling with the long distance, but doesn't want to break Harry's heart. He doesn't appear to notice.

"My little brother goes here though. Started this September." Harry says. "He'll be around here somewhere."

"It's a massive tent." Eliza comments.

"Yeah. Maybe you should go look for him." I add. I'd like to have a word with Madison without him hanging around.

"You know, you're probably right." He agrees. "Come on Madison." He tries to steer her away.

"I want to speak to my friends a bit longer." She insists.

"Madison." Harry's voice turns stern.

"Please." Madison shows him puppy dog eyes. He sighs, caving into her pleading gaze.

"Go on, then." He gives her a lingering kiss on the cheek. "Come and find me soon." He wanders back into the crowd.

"Be honest, how's the relationship really going?" I inquire.

"It's going great. We..."

"Honestly? You were acting a little off."

"Now that you mention it, I have to agree with Ally." Eliza adds. "Are you hiding something from him?"

Madison's eyes momentarily flit to me, making me think Harry is human.

"Okay, um. Maybe things aren't, um, going as well as I would like." Madison looks down at her hands as she speaks, suddenly finding her nails fascinating. I've never seen her act so... nervous? before. "I don't really want to talk about it right now."

"Is everything alright?" I ask as Madison finally looks back up again.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just don't feel the way I used to."

"We're here if you need to talk." Eliza says.

"Thanks. I should probably go find Harry."

We all say our goodbyes and Madison walks away. As she goes, Isaac comes over dressed in a flattering black suit.

"Good evening beautiful ladies." He takes Eliza's hand first, then mine, giving each of us a quick kiss. His lips remain on my hand a moment longer than necessary. They feel soft and gentle, but his kiss almost seems to promise something more. My skin tingles more than usual where he touches me.

"Good evening." Eliza greets.

"How's your evening going?" I ask.

"It was good before, but I think it just got even better." He smiles at me. I smile back.

"Hey guys." Megan says as she and Brielle walk over, arms linked. "And now presenting, Drama Queen Zoey." She says like she's the ringleader of a circus announcing the star performer.

Megan and Brielle step apart, revealing a beaming Zoey in a sequinned mint green gown. She has a handsome man on either side of her, one like silky white chocolate and the other like sinful dark chocolate.

"Wow." I say.

"Thanks." Zoey's grin somehow seems to grow even wider. "That's exactly what I was going for."

The dark chocolate man smirks suggestively at me. I give him an awkward small smile. I'm flattered but disinterested.

"This is starting to become quite a big group." Megan comments.

"It's about to get even bigger." Isaac replies, looking towards the crowd. We all watch as his roommates head in our direction. Harry holds onto Dan by one shoulder, and Madison stands beside Harry. Until now, the question of who Harry's brother is hadn't crossed my mind. I can see the resemblance between Dan and Harry.

"This has got to be everyone now." Zoey says.

"I guess so." Eliza agrees.

Everyone greets each other, and introductions are done when necessary. We have an amazing evening in our group. People leave at various points, a few at a time, to go and speak to other friends, but mostly we stick together. I notice Austin flirt with Eliza, but she appears oblivious to his advances.

As evening grows into night, the music becomes more upbeat. A lot of people begin to dance. Eliza and Austin remain chatting amongst themselves.

"I need a break." Isaac says to me after a while. "Do you want to join me for a bit of fresh air?"

"Sure." I agree. We leave the marquee together.

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