Chapter 35

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The next morning, I say my goodbyes to Megan, Eliza, and Zoey. I'll miss them for the next few weeks. I'll miss Megan's boldness, Eliza's heart, and, to my surprise, Zoey's energy. One by one they leave, until I'm the only person remaining in Ash House.

Giving the house one final glance around, I leave too, suitcase in tow, filled to the brim with thick winter clothing. I head next door to Oak House. When I knock on the door, Isaac comes out. He doesn't mention how downhill last night went after our almost kiss. I don't bring it up either.

We head to the train station together. On the train, we discuss a wide range of topics, from weird dreams to study tactics. Things between us seem normal, as if last night never happened.

Before long, Isaac tells me we've reached our stop. He leads the way around the station and out to the bus stop. We catch a bus into the vast green fields and hills of the British countryside. Isaac reassures me his house is no more than a ten minute walk when we get off the bus.

The house turns out to be a large converted barn. I was aware Isaac grew up near farmland, but I never realised his house used to be part of that farmland.

I take a deep breath as Isaac jiggles his key in the front door, trying to compose myself for meeting his family.

"I'm home!" Isaac calls as he opens the door.

"Isaac!" A plump woman comes rushing into the hall.

"Hi mum." Isaac says. They share a hug that lasts a little longer than I suspect they usually would.

"And who's this lovely young lady?" She asks, noticing my presence.

"Ally Evers." I hold out my hand. Instead of shaking it, she pulls me in for a welcoming hug.

"A very good friend of mine." Isaac adds as his mum lets go of me.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you dear. Come in. Come in. Call me Adele." She says.

"Good to see you back, Isaac." A man with greying hair joins us in the hall.

"Dad." They hug.

I introduce myself again and, this time, Isaac's dad shakes my hand. He tells me his name is John. Isaac and I dump our bags and shed our coats and shoes, before the four of us go into the spotless kitchen. John pops a pizza into the oven, while Adele pours four glasses of white wine.

"Not that we're not thrilled to meet one of Isaac's new friends," Adele begins. "But do you not want to go back to your own home?"

"No, um. I had a bit of trouble at home just before starting university." I reply. I definitely don't want them asking any more questions about it.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear it." Adele hands me a glass of wine and I take a sip. Its sweetness warms my throat.

"Ally actually grew up on Topia." Isaac contributes. I glare at him for sharing too much. He merely smiles and shrugs at me.

"I grew up on Topia too." John says, surprising me. "I moved to Earth for love." He gives his wife a chaste peck on the cheek. Isaac makes a gagging face.

"I came here for a change of lifestyle." I say. It's not a lie, but I hope Isaac gets the message that I don't want to talk about the other reason.

"Keeps life interesting." Adele smiles. "Me and John are always taking up different projects to entertain ourselves. We're currently doing a spot of gardening for the local primary school."

"It's always good to give back to the local community." I reply.

"That it is. Last year we..."

"Mum. Ally doesn't need to hear all about how you learnt Spanish." Isaac cuts in. "I'd like to show her around the house."

"We'll call you in when the pizza is ready." John says.

"Thanks." Isaac ushers me out of the kitchen. "Dining room. Living room. Toilet." He quickly points out the rooms before leading me upstairs. We take our suitcases up with us. "Sorry about my parents."

"No. There's no need to apologise; they're nice people." I comment.

"Well, I actually brought you up here for a quick word. Leave your suitcase in there." He gestures towards what I assume is the guest room I'll be sleeping in. "And come into my room for a minute."

His room isn't as big as my bedroom at the palace, but it's much larger than the university rooms where all the furniture is crammed into a tight space. The wooden beams across the ceiling are a reminder of this house's former life. Painted and mostly furnished in neutral tones, patches of colour, such as the lime green canvas painting and sunny yellow bedside lamp, brighten up the simply decorated room.

As Isaac closes the door behind me, a horizontal line of magic ripples up the door and walls. I recognise it as a sound barrier, similar to the one I usually use with Liam, but clearly a permanent spell that activates and deactivates of its own accord.

"Something's wrong." Isaac says, face pale and grave. There were no indications I picked up on downstairs. For the first time, I wonder if Isaac can act as well as I can. Regularly putting up emotional façades in social situations.

"What do you mean, 'wrong'?" I ask.

"My sister. She's not here, and my parents haven't mentioned her once."

His sister, Kelly, is four years younger than Isaac. When she didn't come to greet us, I assumed she was doing some activity or out with friends. I guess Isaac was expecting her to be here when we arrived.

"Was she definitely meant to be here now?" I check.

"Last time I called her she couldn't wait to see me again. She was going on about running out of the house as soon as she spotted me through a window."

"And what about your parents not mentioning her? Could you not have asked them where Kelly is?" None of his previous words escaped my attention.

"They would usually have told me where she is and when she'll be back straight away. Me and Kelly have always been so close," The opposite of me and Marco, it seems. "I just have this really bad feeling."

"Sixth sense?" I ask. Sixth sense is commonly found in psychics, but other seelies sometimes have it too. There are different variations of it, such as sense of direction, knowledge, character, and so on. Sixth sense for seelies is like a stronger version of gut instincts.

"No. Just a gut feeling."

Something doesn't sit right with me, either. The way Isaac is acting... I trust his instinct completely. I can't bear to think of the possibility that I brought danger to his family before I even arrived. This has to be a coincidence. Kelly's mysterious absence can't be because of me. Can it?

"We'll find out where she is." I assure Isaac. Although, I'm honestly not sure. Anything could have gone wrong.

All evening Kelly doesn't turn up. Isaac's parents are nice, but their lack of concern over their daughter's whereabouts is disconcerting. Me and Isaac share numerous apprehensive looks, but neither of us can figure out what's going on. Kelly is a mystery. And I'm fairly sure magic is the key to solving her mystery.

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