Chapter 38

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The car journey is silent, save for Adrianna's directions out of the village. I keep one eye on her, and my other eye on the scenery outside and the landmarks we pass. I don't trust Adrianna. But I do believe she wouldn't go to all this trouble just for her own entertainment. And after what she said about Isaac... I don't think either of them are keen to cross the other.

After around half an hour, we stop outside a large gated house. It reminds me of the mansions I've visited of the Topian nobility. The perfect façade for an ugly heart.

"State your business." A voice says through an intercom system by the black gates.

"Para bellum." Adrianna replies, giving what I assume is a secret password. I translate the Latin in my head. Prepare for war. Latin is known by many Topians because it is still used for numerous spells. Ancient magic books with worn-out pages remain in their original Latin form.

The black gates swing open. The moment we pass through the gates, a strong wave of nausea washes over me. Magical protection laced with negative energy surrounds the property. It's already making me feel a tad weak.

We park up as the gates squeak closed behind us. None of us say anything as we climb out of the car. We head towards the obtrusive front door of the house, which opens for us as we get nearer.

"Welcome." A pair of identical twins greet us in unison at the entrance. One girl guides us through the grand house, with its furnishings of mahogany and velvet in deep shades of blood and coal. The other girl trails us, pointing an iron dagger at our backs.

Human tales claim that iron is dangerous to fairies. I guess this is true, in a way. Technically, iron repels magic. And, since us seelies have magic in our bodies, a touch of iron prevents us using any magic, including our rapid healing.

The girl leading us stops to knock on a door.

"Come in." A rough male voice calls.

The girl pushes the door open and steps aside. I follow Adrianna and Isaac into an office room. Bookshelves line one wall, while shelves of assorted potions and trinkets line the other.

Behind a desk, negative energy radiates from the young man perched on a throne-like velvet armchair as dark as a starless night. A masquerade mask made of metallic swirls obscures half his face. It doesn't hide a nasty-looking scar down one cheek.

My heart skips a beat as I take in his pointed ears and the long silver wings sprouting from his back. Fae. Half elf and half fairy. A member of the seelie warrior race that once ruled Topia. They are a lot rarer than they used to be, but still just as powerful.

The door is shut behind us, with the twins remaining on the other side. I have no doubt they are waiting just outside for us.

"Make yourselves comfortable." The fae gestures towards three stools in front of his desk. We all take a seat. He looks at Adrianna. "Would you mind enlightening me as to what brings me the terrible displeasure of your company?"

"You have someone we want." She answers.

"And who might that be?"

"My sister, Kelly." Isaac says.

"Ah. Kelly." The fae sounds deep in thought. "Bright girl. Nice screams she has."

I reach for Isaac's hand and give it a gentle squeeze. The fae's eyes narrow at our entwined hands. I realize my gesture might have been a mistake. But it's too late now, so I keep hold of Isaac.

"What did you do to her?" I grit out before Isaac can say something we'll all regret.

"Well," The fae chuckles. "Making people forget my prisoners before I even take them is always entertaining. The rest..." His eyes darken. "I don't think you want to hear it."

"What's the bounty on her head, Donovan?" Adrianna asks in a bored tone. I'm surprised she's on a first name basis with this guy. Wait! Donovan? Is he Donovan Finch? The infamous seelie crime lord. No wonder Adrianna didn't want to come here alone. I don't react to my disturbing revelation. Isaac's tighter grip on my hand lets me know he's come to the same conclusion.

"I'm glad you asked." Donovan's mouth curves up into an amused smirk. "I want a new decoration for my house. Someone's head, perhaps. Or a beating heart. I'd even accept a nice set of fangs. Fight it out amongst yourselves, but a part of someone here doesn't leave this room."

I blanch at his casual gruesomeness. And I highly doubt Adrianna will offer herself up, so either me or Isaac will leave here injured. Maybe Adrianna is just here for entertainment.

"It should be me." Isaac says, letting go of my hand. "Kelly's my sister."

"No." I argue. "I can't let you do that. I can just give him one of my fingers." Although the thought makes me want to throw up.

"No. I'll give him my wings." Isaac counters. "At least I would look like a regular human." I stare at him in horror. An injured wing is difficult enough to patch up. Missing wings would never grow back.

"Wings sound like a nice decoration." Donovan muses. "What kind of wings...?" His roaring scream rips through the room.

Distracted by our disturbing conversation, none of us noticed Adrianna subtly levitate a dagger towards Donovan. One of his wings drifts towards the floor. Flimsy and crumpling.

"Run to the basement!" Adrianna yells, poising her dagger to cut off Donovan's other wing. "Under the stairs!" She shrieks as Donovan throws a blast of magic at her, throwing her off her stool.

Me and Isaac don't hesitate. We run.

The twins trail us aiming weapons.

I reach a shaking hand into the pouch of potions hidden inside my coat. I pull out a vial filled with a swirling sand-coloured liquid. I twist my head and throw the potion at the twins. They freeze. I hope the paralysis potion holds them in place long enough for us to get Kelly and get out.

We fly down the stairs and breathlessly stop outside a door carved into the side of the staircase. It looks like a regular cupboard, but I'm not convinced. There's a keypad on the door with letters A to Z.

Someone gives a loud scream upstairs.

I hurriedly type 'para bellum' into the keypad, hoping desperately that it works. There's a click. I push the door and silently thank Adrianna as it opens.

We creep down a chilly stairwell. Flaming torches line the brick walls. The stairs end in a dungeon. Iron bars separate numerous cells. A shut metal door stands at the other end of the room. I don't want to know what's on the other side.

Only one of the cells is in use. A young girl with long black hair crouches by the far wall. She wears brown rags and an iron band around her wrist. Despite her hunched position, I can tell her body is marred with blood and bruises. How long has she been down here?

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