Chapter 2

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We are in the infirmary Axel trying to get my attention. He makes a joke bout the newbie, and I look at Axel and smack his arm warning him.
I look to the new fledgling and stroke his head lightly,then Axel clears his throat, I blush hard and stop stroking the fledgling's head. I tell Axel to go get me something, and as he leaves I lean down and moves the fledging's hair to the side and kisses his head right as he wakes up.


As I just woke up I feel something soft as silk on my head I look up as I felt it and I see nami kissing my head I blush lightly and stutter," W-why are you kissing my head?"
I see her blush slightly and she stutters," I-I w-was checking if you had a fever..."
She smiles at me shyly and then I hear someone clear their voice. I lift my head as Nami turns around and see that guy with a hoody that was with her in the woods, and now that I see him without it I see that he has short red hair and, in girl standards, looks very attractive with his red eyes which almost match his hair but lighter color.
He looks at me with a glare and says very calmly and with hardly any emotion on his face or voice,"Namine no messing around now." She looks up at him with a ashamed look on her face and moves away from me. The guy comes up to me and looks at my face, with a stern nod he turns to nami and says,"He's sadly gonna be ok."
Namine smacks his shoulder a mad look on her face chastising him for being rude. He does an innocent look and says in a innocent voice,"what? I was just telling you that it's sad because he was turned by a rogue."
I glare at him and shake my head. I turn to the new guy that just walked in and give him a sweet, comforting smile. Mainly because I new that the redhead does not like me and it's nice to pay attention to someone else that doesn't obviously hate you.
The guy gives me a stern nod then looks to Nami and says,"Namine, your brother told me to tell you that you are in charge while he's away."
She looks uncertain but nods and he goes out of the room.
She looks a little tired and that Axel guy looks at her worriedly. I try to lift my arm up to comfort her but she gasps and forces my arms down,painfully, I cry out in pain and she follows this with, "I am so sorry! It's just you shouldn't be moving right now..." I look at her and give her a reassuring smile and she gives me a small smile back. Axel leaves with a quiet, "See you later, Namine..." She looks at his retreating back with a worried look and I try to talk but my throat is kinda sore so I lay there while Namine sits on a nearby chair and thinks about stuff.
She gets up, ruffles my hair and kisses my forehead. I try to talk to her as she starts to leave but fail once again, so as she leaves I go back to sleep.

She didn't even notice me! She didn't let me tell her that I found her note to me but she just wouldn't notice me which is messed up! I walk to the workout room needing to release my anger at her for paying attention to the newbie.
I look around the room to see if anyone will go against me and Talon accepts to be my sparring partner.

We choose no weapons just fists and our powers to rely on. He positions himself on the south side of the ring while I go to the northern side. Jinx comes out into the ring holding the flag. Her short shorts riding up her non-existent ass and her just dyed blonde hair put into a ponytail.
She looks at me and winks, which almost makes me throw up because I know she likes me a lot, but I also know she's a total whore that everyone here, except the more smarter men here, drools over. She stands in the middle and counts down," 1....2....3, GO!" She brings down the flag and runs into safety as me and Talon run toward each other.
I bring up my flame ball and start to throw them at him but he barely dodges them getting hit by some. He counter attacks with his water whip, his signature move which isn't really a weapon because it's made completely of water. He gets me a few times but I do a flip, land on my feet and make a flame whip. Whipping him with it. He seems to slow to miss my attacks this time because only one of my attacks missed him. He hits back hard with his whip which almost bringing me down, but I get back up and whip him one last time. I hear a cry of pain and Talon is down. The nurses surround him and take him to the infirmary. Jinx comes down and congratulates me, after I told her my thanks she tries to make her move on me, and gets terrible rejected by me bringing out small giggles from the girls who are still there.
She looks at them her blue eyes signaling danger to the girls who giggled at her. They just rolled their eyes at her and turn back to their conversation about my battle against Talon.
She looks back at me, all smiles and flutters her eyelashes as she say,"I wasn't really asking you out...I was just wanting to know if you wanted to hangout later on...just you..." She slides her finger from my chest down to my waist while she finishes,"...and me." I hold back the feeling of needing to throw up.


I hear about Axel and Talon's fight and rush down to the arena. But I  see that it is already over. Then I see Jinx flirting with Axel. I storm down there and hear her asking Axe if he wanted to "hangout". Before he can say anything I smack her hand off him and exclaim, "Me and Axel are already going out tonight!" She looks at me stunned, then she glares at me and stalks off. I look back to Axel and his jaw is wide open in shock. I giggle and close his mouth for him. He looks at me still too stunned to speak. I blush a little and say, "See you tonight Axel." I walk away feeling a little satisfied that me and Axel are going out tonight and that I stopped him from "hanging out" with that slut Jinx.

I wait outside for Nami as it starts to get more lighter outside thinking how funny it is that night is day for us and day is night. I see her come out in a pink short flowing dress, her white hair put up in pigtails that only she can make it work on a teen that isn't a bimbo cheerleader.
She smiles at me shyly and I see that she is blushing a little also. I give her a big grin and that makes her giggle. I smile hoping that she's not laughing at me but with me. I take her arm in mine and we walk down the path toward the city. She looks up at me a slight blush on her cheeks as she says, "It's a very nice night isn't it Axel?" I nod and say,"Y-yes it is Namine it's a great night." We reach the edge of the woods and I look to Namine and notice that she is nervous. Is it because of our date or something else completely different? If it's else then I don't see it or it doesn't jump out and attack us, so she must be nervous about our date. I drape my arm around her shoulders and she snuggles closer to me making my body more aware of itself. I take this time to think about whether I left cinnamon food and then I remember I did. I look down at Namine and think how lucky I am to be able to put my arm around Nami much less get to go on a date with her! It's like all my hopes and dreams have just came true which makes me want to pinch myself to see if I'm just dreaming again. I feel a small sting in my arm and I then notice it's Namine, she pinched me for me. She looks up shyly and says, "I kinda knew you were wanting to pinch yourself to see if this is a dreams know I pinched you..."
I look at her fondly and pull her closely to me. She doesn't object to it, actually she welcomes it by laying her head on my shoulder her arm around my waist while my arm is draped over her shoulder.

The date went well we talked a lot about things that are happening in life and jokes that we heard or find memories about this or that. It was really great and he was a total gentleman towards me.
We finish eating our food laced with lots of animal blood, complements to the vampire chef I sent here earlier, and we pay the check and leave the restaurant together.

We return still laughing and talking about this and that and it's just the greatest thing ever. I should have dated Axel sooner. We reach the entrance to the Organization and Axel puts in the code just as someone came out of the bushes. Axel gets into a fighting stance putting me behind him till we see that it's Talon's apprentice Jasmine. She looks at us shyly and says, "i-I didn't get told the new pass code...." Axel looks at me a look telling me see I knew this was gonna happen. He opens the door wide for her and she goes in, after that me and last Axel. He closes the door telling Jazz about the importance of staying focus no matter what, because Talon said she couldn't stay focus for a second ending with a," Jazz it's Rougekilling101." She nods and leaves us be. We both say our good nights and Axel almost kisses me until Talon intrudes and says," Whoop Whoop! Get 'em Axel!" He winks at me and Axel as he says this earning himself a smack on the arm from Axel. They both leave and I go to my room and go to bed replaying the night in my head till I go to sleep.

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