Chapter 5

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I text Axe but he doesn't text back which is weird because he always texts back. I look around for him but see him no where, not even in the workout room. I asked Talon where he was and he said he hadn't seen him in a while. I go outside to the veranda mine and his favorite place to go to for anything and everything.
I sadly find that he isn't there and that the flowers are in bloom, we never miss when the flowers in bloom, because of how beautiful it gets. Already you can see the beauty come alive, the cherry blossoms drifting to the ground, the water glittering in the moonlight making it almost unnaturally beautiful, and the flowers stirring in the soft night wind bringing the smell of jasmines, roses and all the other flowers that bloom here. I sit down watching all the beauty around me at this moment but jump when I feel a hand touch mine. I see that it's Axel! I hug him hard and he hugs me back.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be with you today...I was taking care of business..."
I kinda sense that he's not telling me something but let it go and lay my head on his shoulder as we watch the beautiful scenery around us, pointing out things we like the best out of this.

We end the night when the sun starts coming up. Taking our time with our walk to the base, talking about life and what's been going on, well with me lately because Axe keeps changing it from what he did to what I did, which I let slide until he's ready to tell me.

We slowly walk to the door and we are talking about what's going on. I stay away from the topic of what I did today by asking Nami about things she did and other things like that, which she seemed to buy thankfully.
We reach the base and she surprises me with a loving and sweet kiss which I meet with a hungry passionate kiss. I'm the first to break apart panting hard, but I shake my head and enter the passcode ignoring the hurt look on Nami's face. We enter and I practically jump when I come face-to-face with Jinx, a huge smirk on her face and she says, "Oh there you are Axel-poo!" Namine stalks off angrily. Is that a growl I hear coming from her when she stalked off? I don't get time to think when Jinx asks in a fake innocent voice, "Oh dear did I just ruin something?" I glare at her in answer making her giggle.
"Oh Axel-poo if your wanting to get in trouble then your doing everything right. Now if you want to do it right and not get in trouble, then listen." I nod in defeat and she giggles with glee and says, "Ok what you do for me now is massage my back sensually and slowly maybe add some kisses to my neck and insults to Nami." I shake my head anger filling my voice as I say, " I will not talk bad about Namine. Ever." Her eyes turn to slits but she sighs and agrees to not talk bad about Namine.

We are in Jinx's room, a pink and blue affair with stuffed animals and pictures of famous hot movie stars, like any other girls room, she also had pink and blue pillows with pictures of characters from that hideous degrading movie, Twilight. I mean seriously?! It's degrading to vamps everywhere! I reluctantly start messaging her back slowly and feel grossed out by even touching her. She moaned softly which made me more disgusted with myself as I keep messaging her, wanting to stop but afraid of what she will do if I do stop when she didn't say to. After a while I hear soft snores that turns into loud snoring, so that's where the loud snoring comes from. I sneak out and go to my room, only wanting to bathe my whole body from the disgusting thing I had to message.

I wake up suddenly but all I see is Xion sound asleep looking very cute while she's asleep. I get up slowly and come up to her noticing more and more how cute and innocent she looks when she's not all stressed about reaching her master's high expectations. Almost so cute I could.....
I get closer to Xion wanting to steal a kiss.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
I jump back as Xion looks at me like I'm crazy and also blushing big time.
"I-I um.....thought you were Namine......"
She looks at me with a look that says, yeah right, is that why you just tried to kiss me? I look down at my feet a little ashamed that I tried to do that and not even admit to it. I shuffle back to bed ashamed and discouraged.

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