Chapter 9

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I wake up my head hurting like someone from hell, as I struggle to get up from my bed. My eyesight blurs, and pain shoots through my head when I sit up making me groan in pain and wishing I had stopped on at least the third drink instead of getting drunk with Talon. There is a knock at my door, so I slowly shakily get up from my bed, walk to the door and open it to see its Talon not as better off as I am but still somehow able to walk more better, then again I remember that he's used to it witch brings a smile to my face, because that's just how Tal works. He sees this and just like he can read my mind he says, "Yup I've dealt with this so many times I can walk as normally as you do when your sober." That makes me laugh, holding onto the door so I don't fall onto the floor. He helps me up and we lean on each other as we make it to my bathroom. He sits me down on his toilet and gets a wash rag so that he can try to sober me up a little, before they present to me my new apprentice. I go to the toilet and throw up, thanking God that I have spiked hair instead of long hair like some guys or girls. As I throw up Talon pats my back sympathetically and says, "It's ok it's almost over friend."

After a while I finally stop throwing up and Talon helps me get ready for the ceremony. He helps me get my suit on and helps with my tie and then tries to groom my hair, to no avail, so he leaves my hair alone, steps back and checks to see how I look. A few minutes later and he nods his approval. "You my friend are ready for your very first apprentice," he says with a critical look, like he's still searching for a flaw.

I feel a strong shaking of my arm that wakes me up. I look around a little wild eyed then I see that it's just Xi waking me up. She gives me a small smile and says, "C'mon Dem Dem, it's time to get ready." I hesitate to get up, but the nudge from Xion gets me up and ready to get ready for the ceremony. After she makes sure I'm fully awake she leaves me to get myself dressed, and believe me, it was tough. There was all these shirts I had to put over the other then a light blue jacket, must have been Xion who picked this out, and the pants where hard to put on with all the shirts in my way, last I had to put on a tie, the most worst thing that was ever created, besides math.

I come out hours later dressed and my tie tied right, hopefully. Xion gives me a once over and immediately goes for my tie. She fixes it, and straightens and tucks my shirts, then looks me over again with a proud look on her face. "There we go! All set," she exclaims. I look in the mirror and can't help but feel proud. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and hugs me tight. "Have fun having your own room, TV, and freedom." I nod and kiss her gently on the lips, so light it was a feathery brush. She swoons a bit and I help her to her feet. She blushes hard and says, "U-um you can visit here whenever you want." I nod but reluctantly start going when it came to me. "He wait! Xion I don't know where the ceremony is being held...will you escort me there?" She gives me a sly smirk that tells me she knows what I'm trying to do and goes along by saying, "Oh yeah! I can certainly help you Dem-I mean Demyx." She gives me a childish wink which almost makes me burst with laugher as I lend her my arm and she links hers with mine. We go down the corridor sharing winks, laughs, and something more than friendship growing between us.

I pace around the room that they told me and Tal to stay in till it was time. Talon sits back and watches me pace with a serene look and I stop right in front of him and start to snap at him and ask how the hell he can be so calm when I'm not, then I stop because then it will just bother me more and make me more tense. Tal gives me a questioning look and asks calmly, "Yes?" I shake my head and go back to pacing, and he just shrugs and goes back to serenely watching me pace the room.

"You know pacing only makes it worse Axe. Just sit down and I can see what's on TV." I hesitantly nod and sit by him as he gets the remote, turns the flat screen on and turns it to Steven Universe. I start to relax as me and him watch the episode where Steven meets Connie. I yawn starting to get bored from waiting. Then I hear a knock on the door and Damien's voice come through the door saying it was time for the ceremony.
We come out into the harsh fluorescent lighting of the hallway and walk down to the assembly room. Once we are in I see everyone halt their conversations and watch patiently for the ceremony to fully start.
I see the door to my right open up and Demyx come through, arm in arm with Xion. I give her a questioning look, she blushes a little and shrugs, mouthing he didn't know where to go. I nod and mouth back thanks. She blushes again, I can't help but notice, as she ushers Demyx to his place then sits with the others in the crowd. He gives me a shy, kinda scared look as they start. Talon leaves my side and starts it. "Fellow vampire brothers and sisters we are here to witness ,Axel James Yagami, take in his very first apprentice, Demyx Adachi Akagi. This is a momentous day that I can certainly say everyone and I are proud to give one of our best, and wisest fighters, someone to take after him and learn his ways." He signals for me and Demyx to stand. We stand and wait for him to finish. "Let's all welcome Demyx into our humble organization." Demyx comes up and we both bow to each other and Demyx says his vows. "I vow to uphold and listen to whatever my master tells me to and to honor the rules of my organization." I nod my approval and everyone relaxes and disperses. I am left alone with Demyx, Talon, and I see Xion waiting for Demyx by the door looking uncertain on what she should do. Talon comes up to me and says, "congrats on finally getting to be a master dude." I nod and give him a big smile, " I know right? Finally I have my own apprentice to boss around," I say with a wink. Tal laughs and claps me on the back shaking his head, " Well that's only a perk bro, not what your really supposed to do." I nod and say with a smirk, "Oh I know." We go out, Talon wanting to celebrate, leaving Demyx to Xion.

I watch as Axel leaves me to Xion, for some reason I already feel like he's neglecting me. I shake the thought out of my head and give Xi a big smile. "Don't worry he's just leaving you to do what you want today since tomorrow you will probably start the hardest training any apprentice has ever done," she says giving me an encouraging smile. "W-what do you mean by 'hardest training any apprentice had ever done'," I exclaim, my voice breaking a bit like some school boy who is barely coming into puberty. Her expression changes and she looks any where but me, as she says, "Um...well you see Axel is pretty much the assassin in the organization, which are an elite assassin master is supposed to have three apprentices, because it takes teamwork and to do it alone like Axel does takes serious skill...your his first apprentice, and well Axel was the first apprentice to Black Star. He had told me of his training when he was doing it by himself, I'd have to treat his wounds practically every day." I must of had my mouth hanging open because she adds with a shy smile, "But, I'm sure Axel will try to make it as easy as he can for you." I can't help but feel dread and fear for what tomorrow holds and what Axe plans as for my first training day.

I look up to the moonlit sky as Tal and I walk down the street to some fancy bar, Tal's treat, I can't help but want to go anywhere but the bar that Talon is taking me to. I look at his smiling face and hope to god that he doesn't have me drink like he had me do last night.
We enter the bar and I look in awe at how fancy looking a bar can actually get. The counters shiny and golden, the doors gilded golden too, the chairs leather and actually clean. He notices and says, with a sly knowing smirk, "Yeah I know. It's amazing that this is even a bar, but it is." I nod my mouth hanging half open. He a adds, "I only go here for special occasions," I look at him with a shocked look and he nods, "yes this is a very special occasion." I give him a big smile, I think I can down a few beers for him, anyways they don't have drinks like ours at the organization bar so I don't have to worry. Tal seemed to know what I was thinking and says, with a huge smirk, "Oh they don't have the same drink but they do have drinks way stronger." I look at him with shock and stammer, "B-but, h-how?" He holds up a finger and says to the bartender, "The Vamp OG Special Jeffery." The bartender smiles and I see the fangs, "Hello Talon. What's the special occasion?" Tal gives him a nod at me and says, "Well my buddy here just got his first assassin apprentice." The bartender looks at me in awe, "Whoa! He's one of Black Star's first and top apprentice!" I look at Talon with a questioning look and he explains, "Well you see Jeffery here used to be friends with, Star, and he used to watch as you and his other two apprentices trained." I nod my mouth in an open O shape, and Jeff says, "You were a slick lil' tike, but you were a damn good assassin," He nods for us to sit and adds, "I used to always tell him you would be the first to get an apprentice and be outta training, but he always said, 'He's good, but he needs to train more.'" I nod remembering my master telling me that almost every time I finish every mission with ease.

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