Chapter 4

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I get a report from Xion that the new guy, Demyx, is almost ready to leave the infirmary. I look a little worried but shrug it off, it worries me because I'm leaving Axel in charge of Demyx. I go to see how Demyx is doing and get a text from Axel.
Text from Axel
Hey I heard there's a rave going on tonight.

Text to Axel
Omg! We should go!

Text from Axel
So it's settled? Date night at the rave tonight?

Text to Axel
Hell yes!

I smile to myself excited for our second date too giddy to just walk around and wait.
I then remembered what I was doing and go down to the infirmary where I find a angry Axel arguing with a distraught Xion.
"What do you mean I get this little prick as my fucking apprentice?!"
Xion flinches and says, "I-I didn't pick you as his master N-I mean Daichi thought you would be a great role model for him!" He looks incredulously at Xion saying, "How the fuck would I be a good role model to that thing when I can't stand him?!" She shakes her head and I feel for her because I know how Axel can be when he's angry. I come up to him and hug him, he seems reluctant but he starts to calm down saying, "How can your older brother think I could mentor that thing?!" I excuse Axel and I from the room and pull him outside of the infirmary.
"Why are you so upset? You always say you want your own apprentice."
He shakes his head saying, "Anyone but him will do Nami but not him." I sigh and hug Axe to calm him down. He slowly starts to kiss me, I hesitantly kiss him back, his smell overpowering me and just everything about him making me feel like I'll melt away here and now. We pull apart panting. Axel takes my hand and we go to his room. Right as we get in he shuts the door and embraces me in a long sweet kiss, then we both jump when we hear cinnamon bark. Axel groans in annoyance and he puts her in her cage turning it to face the corner so she can't see us. I feel myself blush from my cheeks down to my toes, I feel a tingling sensation between my thighs, making me blush harder. He appears behind me practically making me jump as he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck softly. Then his kisses became more urgent and passionate. A soft moan escapes my lips and I start to grind on him. He growls lustfully at me and throws me onto the bed kissing my neck hard and feverishly, I grind on his groin more moaning his name.
"Hey Axel you ok?" We both practically jump out of our skins as we hear Talon's voice come through. I hurry to fix my clothes and hair as Axel does the same. I hide under his bed so Tal can't see me as Axel lets him in.
"Tal what the hell are you doing here?"
Talon puts his hands up defensively and says, "Woah bro calm down. I just came in to check on you 'cuz I heard you were the master of that new fledgling that is about to get out in a few days..." I hear Axel sigh and say, "Yes-sadly- that it's true."
I hear empathy in Talon's voice as he says, "Bro...he cannot be that only hate him 'cuz of- OW!" Talon drops to the floor in pain then I hear Axel say that he's sorry and that he thought that he saw a bug on his t-shirt. He helps Talon up and he says, "Look all I'm sayin' is that you will get fond of him sooner or later...I mean look at me and Jazz! We used to practically despise each other but now, she can't practically stand being away from me!"
I hear Axe laugh saying, "Dude I thought that was 'cuz you fucked her so good!" Talon tsks Axel for the joke but you can hear amusement in his voice as he says, "Nah bro it's just because of all the time we spent together."

After a while Axel and Talon, finally, say their goodbyes and Talon leaves. I wiggle out from under the bed saying, "Damn I thought he would never leave."
"Tell me about it." He helps me up and dusts me off. He looks a little defeated as he says, "C'mon lets get back before anybody suspects anything..."
We walk back to the infirmary Axel sometimes touching my arm intimately until we got to the infirmary. Xion looks up from her report on how Demyx is doing and says cautiously, "Hi Axel how are you now?"
" Better Xion I'm sorry about my blow out with wasn't your fault...." She nods and shows us the report on Demyx. It says that he's healthy and is starting to accept blood now instead of refuse it. I nod in approval. Me and Axe leave the room I beg him to go to the rave now. He looks at me reluctantly but nods his approval, making me squeal with glee. He gives me this bemused look which earns him a playful smack on his shoulder. He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders making my heart skip a beat.

So far so good, and hopefully nothing goes wrong. We walk down the path to the city, it was covered with lilies, roses, sunflowers, daisies, and a whole other variety of flowers. I bend down to pick up a rose and give it to Nami, she accepts it gratefully and sniffs it then she exhales with a soft ahhh. I put my arm around her shoulders again and bring her close to me as we start to walk down the path again.

We reach the rave finally, but when we got through the line a fight broke out in the club. There was screaming and cuss words being yelled. The guard ran in to check out what's going on, leaving us to wait longer to get in. I feel Namine shiver as a draft blows through, so I bring her closer to me. I see her blush a bright blood red which reminds me that if this goes on any longer we will miss dinner. She seems to practically speak my mind-or at least her body does- because her stomach started to rumble, she gives a nervous giggle and kiss her cheek and say, "Hey don't worry I'm hungry to...." I look at the entrance, still hear all the commotion that's going on so I say, "How 'bout we come another night?" Namine nods in agreement and we leave hand-in-hand towards the restaurant that we always go to, only because it's the only restaurant that gives out blood. We revoke our table that's inside for one that's outside so we can see how much of a nice day it is today. We sit down and wait for our food, Namine looks at me shyly and says, "You I really like spending time with you Axel..."
"I love spending time with you too...especially when it's this....intimate...." She blushes very hard when I say that and she leans in towards me for a kiss which I comply with happily leaning towards her too, until the waiter came out and messed it up.
"Oh! I'm sorry if I messed up as sweet moment dear sir and Madam." He sets down the food and leaves in a hurry. We open the tray to find exquisite juicy blood red steaks and red wine mixed with, I lean to sniff it, with a an ounce of virgin blood, which is very intoxicating to vamps. But still...I wanted to have more time with Namine...
I eat my steak a little begrudgingly thinking of what else me and Nami could of done before dinner was served-which gave off certain chills through my body. We finish our dinner and start walking back to the base, but I want more alone time with Nami....maybe finish what we were gonna do back in my room.

We get there and I put in the passcode, it opens up and we walk in but not before I see some kind of shadowy figure in the bushes, which makes me push Nami in and close the door fast. She looks at me confused and I say with a sluggish smile, "I just remembered to check if Cinnamon had any food left." She looks a lot less confused and more understanding as she gets up, gives me a kiss goodbye and leaves. I walk to my room and open the door thinking about the strange figure, when Cinnamon tackles me to the ground. I instinctively start to hit but-thank god- missed her, then I realized that I didn't let her out of the cage earlier...but somehow she's out...
I get out my knife and flip on the light switch looking around cautiously. I hear a loud flush making me jump and swing my knife through the air. Then someone comes out of my bathroom, and I see that it's....J-Jinx?! She looks at me calmly like this was a natural occurrence and that I shouldn't be that surprised. I practically yell, "Jinx you fucking stalker! Why the hell are you in my room?!" She gives me a fake pained look then gives off this evil smirk.
"Oh Axel-poo I thought y'all were kidding but I guess not...naughty naughty you have been with Dai's little sister...I wonder what he will say unless you do something for me..."

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