Chapter 11

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I feel something wet drag across my face, and start to smell something gross. My eyes flutter open and Cinn is on top of me her tongue lolling out and she crouches back down to lick me more. I stop her by placing my palm on her chest. I sit up looking around my room and see Dai leaning against my wall.
"Hey Axel...sorry to have that happened to you right after you found out about Nami."
I shake the sleepiness from my brain and say, "It is fine, it was my fault Dai." I get up and hold onto the wall to steady myself as I hear a brisk knock on my door and hear Talon's voice ask in an annoyed tone, "Why the hell are you not outside to train Demyx, Axe?"
Dai opens the door and says, "I had told horrible news to him and he fainted."
"S-sir why are you here," asks Tal, his face now showing worry instead of an annoyed look.
"The rouges have captured Nami while we were on our way to the temple."
He grabs Tal's shoulder to steady him so that he doesn't do what I had did.
"B-but how did they get past the other members that had accompanied you and her on your travel?"
"They had ambushed us. They had also distracted us from what they were really planning."

I stare at my black carpeted floor trying to allow this information sink in.
"Yes," I ask looking up to Dai.
"After a few days, I want you, your apprentice, Talon, and his apprentice to go on a rescue mission to save Nami."
Me and Talon look at him, the shock clear on our faces as he goes on.
"You two are our most formidable fighters in this organization, besides me and Namine," he holds his hand up as Tal opens his mouth to interrupt and says," and I'm making you take your apprentices, because they should have at least have more refined skills to help out. As in, you and your apprentices have about a weak of hard training to do. Then you four go, no buts."

He leaves me and Talon alone, and still in shock. Tal turns to me and says, "Let's hurry to our apprentices and train them together. Sound good?" I nod knowing it would not only be better to have someone to help train, and also it will help them in the teamwork department of the mission.

A shiver runs through my spine all of a sudden. Xion looks at me question in her eyes.
"It's nothing, it was just a chill."
She nods and goes back to wolfing down her rare hamburger.
I eat my normal non-bloody hamburger, still not much into blood yet. Xi looks up just as two big shadows cover us and she says in a cheery tone, "Hi Tal and Axe!"
I look up and see them, their faces serious, making me cringe.
"Hello Xi, we need to steal Demyx from you for an hour or two." She nods, gets up and leaves giving me a kiss on the cheek making me blush as she passes.

"We have an important mission that me and Talon have decided to train you and Talon's apprentice, Jazz, together." he says bringing my attention back to him.
"We have to train very hard for this whole week in preparation for it." I look at him in disbelief and say," B-but what is so important that we have to do a whole week's worth of hard training?"
He shakes his head and this time Talon says, " We can't say it out in the food court. People would start to freak and panic."
I nod uncertainly, if it's important enough to make the other members, freak it must be terrible, I think as I follow them to the empty training grounds, the other apprentices and their masters have already dismissed from training for the day. Talon and me sit and wait for Axel to come back with Jazz, Tal had said he would get her, but Axel refused and told him he would do it. Talon had only accepted, him and me are most likely thinking the same thing, if he was left with me right now, he'd probably over work me to death or say that our training is to fight to the death and kill me. I shiver at the thought and try to distract myself.

I am at Jazz's door knocking at it for the third time, starting to get annoyed. I remember Tal saying she was a heavy sleeper, but this is crazy! I sigh and give up knocking. I open her door, turn on the light and see her fully clothed and passed out on her pink and purple bed. I do what Tal had instructed and roll her off the bed.
"Ow! What the hell," she exclaims, rubbing her butt. I poke my head out from over the bed.
"Hey sleeping beauty, it's training time."
She groans and says," But I already just finished my training."
"Whelp, it's not done just yet."
I help her up and tell her what's going on and what's gonna be done as we head towards the training grounds.

It's Friday the last day of our training, meaning we have to work even more than what we had been, Talon and me deciding to get them to fight against us to test how much strength they have retained and also if they remember the tricks to defeat a stronger enemy, in case we can't help.
We meet up with them and see that they are sitting on the grass, and Jazz must have talked Demyx into doing something for her, because he was rubbing her feet for her. I laugh at him, bringing both their attention towards us. Talon gives Jazz a condescending look, making her look down at the ground and telling Demyx that he can stop.
"Oh c'mon Tal, she was just teaching him how to really please a girl," I say jokingly.
"Oh like how Nami used to talk you into learning how to 'please' a girl," he asks laughing as he remembered the times I had been talked into messaging Nami's feet after every practice.
I punch him in the arm, clear my throat and say,"Ok this is the last training before the big rescue mission. What we are going to do is that it's you two versus us." They both look at Tal and me like we are totally crazy.
"This is a test to see what you have retained from our harsh training," chimes in Talon.

We tie blindfolds onto their eyes, so that they will use only their senses. Talon and me go a few feet behind them and run towards them for the attack, me taking on my apprentice and Talon taking on his. As we near them they get into the fighting stance we showed them, going back to back, a smart move when your being attacked. I raise my wooden sword and try to land basic blows to Demyx, he blocked all of them.
"Don't just block Demyx! You got to do offense too!" I say out loud and he starts to break off from Jazz, a pretty dumb move on his part unless he's quick. He starts trying to land blows on me, getting only six blows in, but if it was a real sword or weapon, the blows would be fatal, I mean they sure did hurt even with a wooden sword.
"That is enough," declares Talon, taking off Jazz's blindfold. I take off Demyx's and give him a proud smile, "No one has gotten in that many blows on me, except Talon, Namine, and Daichi."
Talon smiles and says, "You two have done such good job, I think this deserves a break."
We laugh as both Demyx and Jazz collapse to the ground. We decide to join them and just relax.
"Namine....we are coming to save you..." I say under my breathe, looking up at the stars.

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