Chapter 10

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I yawn as day two of our travel to the monastery draws on. The corn fields shining a golden brown in the baking sun and flowing beautifully in the breeze like a private dance that they are only sharing with me. I hum softly to their secret dance the others in front of me and a few guards behind me. I hum a little louder and the guards join in after a few minutes making me inwardly giggle at how silly but fun this is. All of a sudden there is more than just the secret dance of the dandelions and corn, but a harsh movement that catches my attention from the dance. I secretly throw a kunai at the harsh movements earning me a quiet muttered cuss word, but not quiet enough for the guards and others to hear. In no time the guards are all over me protectively as my brother takes out his katana and goes to check out the place where he heard the curse word come from.
Out leaped six male rouge vampires. They started at Dai clawing at him, while he tries to keep them back away from me. I hold back a scream of pain as one gets him on the face, making Dai, flinch but not let up his stance. Some of the guards go to help him while the rest stays and keeps me safe. I struggle to see what is going on, when I suddenly feel someone grab my shoulders. I turn to order the guard to let me go, but stop dead as I see Zexion's older brother, Caden, the one I let go, on the day of Demyx's arrival. He pulls me to him holding a blade to my throat as the guards turn and see that he has a hold on me. They look horror stricken as he backs away with me in his grasp, sword at my throat and nothing they can do without harming me. I gasp as I see my brother cut the throats of his holders and then run towards me, but gets stopped by the guards.
"You fucking bastard! Give Namine back!" He fights against the guards that hold him back, pain and worry in his eyes. I look to him pleading him to stop with my eyes. He calms down a bit and asks calmly, "Please let her go Caden?" Caden shakes his head slowly and says, "We need her for a bit my old friend. Don't worry we won't harm her, physically or sexually. You have my word on that."
He hefts me over his shoulder and runs before Dai can respond, leaving him in the dust.

"Daichi," I scream my arms outstretched as he takes me away.

I wake up, another pounding headache from the drinks Tal had talked me into drinking. I hear a knock at the door making me jump. I get up slowly, walk to the door and open it.
"Dude last night was epic," exclaims Tal, as he practically gives me no time to tell him he can come in, just bursting past me into my room. I shake my head, closing the door as he jumps onto my bed practically bouncing, making me wonder how sane he is or how used to this he is.
"Dude! That was an awesome celebration," he exclaims, getting up, handing me a cup of coffee and clapping me on the back. I take a long sobering drink out of my coffee wondering why he just gave me free coffee, then it hit me, I'm supposed to start training Demyx today.
I groan and contemplate doing this drunk, but stop when I see the look Tal gives me. I take another drink of my coffee, get up and stumble to my closet to pick out clothes, Tal getting the gist and leaving my room, closing the door behind him.
I pick out a standard black T-shirt, with black pants and shoes. I head to the bathroom, when I'm stopped by a hyper Cinnamon. I sigh and fish out a dog treat, then wave it in front of her and throw it to the other side of the room. She run after it, giving me a chance to get into the bathroom and close the door before she can try to follow me. I take a shower, listening to Cinn pawing at the door the whole time.

A few minutes later I hear a knock at my bathroom door and Cinn barking. I hurry to get out of the shower and see who had came into my room. I wrap a towel over my hips and open the door a crack.
As I open the door I hear what sounds like Dai's voice say, "Axel...they've got her." I push the door wide open and see that it is him. I look at him in shock and ask in a weak voice, "W-what did you just say?" He lays a hand on my shoulder to calm me and says clearly, "I said 'they've gotten her'. They have Nami." I back away shaking my head and I feel a sharp pain and I look at his shocked expression before everything goes to black.


I wait outside in the training yard for Axel to come and start my training. I lay on the grass and sigh.
I look up at the starry sky and say to myself, "Why the hell do I have to have some drop dead drunk as my assassin master, much less why the hell did they choose me as an assassin."
"He's actually not just some drunk assehole, you know?"
I jump when I hear Talon's voice as he said that.
I sit up and stammer, "T-Talon! I-I did not mean to say any of what I just said!"
He shakes his head, "I knew you had meant it," he raises his hand in a stop sign pose as I was about to interrupt and goes on to say, "but, he only drank, because I wanted a drinking buddy and also he's the best most respected member in this place. Don't forget you are lucky to have one of the most dedicated and loyal members in this place." I look at him in numb shock and nod my head. He then sighs and plops down by me, "Don't take him granted...ok?" I nod in response and then he says, "Hold out your hand Demyx." I hold out my hand like told and he hands me a bag. I look at him with a questioning look and he just nods at the bag. I open it and I find cherries. Not the ones that are picked but ones that you get from the store and its in a glass jar.
"What is this for?"
He gives me a sly smile, "Your ticket to getting Axel to hate you a little less."
"How will stupid cherries make him hate me less?"
He looks at me with a dumbfounded look, like I was supposed to know, and says, "Because he loves reminds him of his childhood and better times, duh."
"What was he like back then Talon?"
"He was pretty much the same, but less exposed to the bad things and people that was beyond his nice little cherry farm," he says looking up at the stars, giving off a dramatic look. I giggle a bit and his head snaps into my direction.
"What the hell is so funny," he snaps.
I shake my head and say between giggles, "Y-you just looked so dramatic it was funny."
He bursts out laughing. "Yeah, heh I must have looked so awesome dramatic."
I smile inwardly at how nice it is to have someone being nice to me.

I lay back down my arms crossed under my head, relaxing. Talon joins me as he remarks, "I wonder where Axel is...he's never hardly late, unless he's dealing with Nami."

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