Chapter 3

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There is a knock at my door and I open it still in my night clothes. Damien looks me up and down a smirk of interest on his face but I snap him out of it by waving my hand in front of his face, after a minute, too long of still checking me out he looks back up to my face and says, "Yo, your older bro came back and would like to meet you and the new guy." I nod solemnly and he leaves reluctantly. I go back to my bed and go to sleep.

I am in the infirmary to bring food for Xion and I look at the new fledgling, feeling extreme hate towards him, then I see the new guy smile and I turn and see namine's older brother, Daichi, and I bow in respect to him.
He nods in my direction and says calmly, "That will do my old friend."
I sigh in relief and relax, not knowing why I was so wound up. I watch him as he walks toward the new dumnbass fledgling. I hear the door open and Nami walks in saying nothing.
He looks at the new member to see if he is doing ok, and all I can think is how he kinda looks like Nami, his eyes, a ice blue, almost like Nami's and his short silver-ish white hair is the exact color as her's and also I'm thinking that, if you ask me, I wish the new fledgling died...reminding me that Nami seems to have taken a liking to him more easily than she did for the other new fledglings...I look to Nami her expression unreadable as always when she's doing business with her older brother.
She looks up to him and says,"Big brother. The new recruit is doing fine....but he passed out from hearing that we gave him blood when he first came to."
He shakes his head saying, "Namine, they always do that. They were raised differently and think it's immoral to drink someone's blood. He will get adjusted to it."
She gives him a brisk nod and watches as he leaves.
Right as he is gone she releases a sigh of relief and says with a sigh,"Daichi...."
I look to her in concern, wanting to comfort her and tell her that her older brother is just too very busy to be playing games anymore.
She looks to me and ask," Axel are you gonna help me watch over the fledgling?" I shake my head and tell her an excuse,"No I...uh...have cleaning to do I'm sorry Nami." She nods, a kinda sad look on her face. I turn and walk away guessing I might as well not lie and actually clean my room, it has gotten messy.


I watch as Axe leaves feeling a little sad as he leaves knowing he lied but will probably actually clean so it won't be a lie, that's just how he works. I look to new new guy and walk to him giving him a sweet as sugar smile hoping my fangs won't scare him, because when people are at the base they hardly ever try to hide their fangs so why try. He looks frightened and I make my fangs retract so my teeth would be normal again and say soothingly to him," Please don't be scared you will be fine I would never hurt you."
He looks at me looking like he's trying to figure out if he should trust me or not.
I sigh lightly and sit at the end of the bed, he thankfully doesn't retract from me but gets closer and pets my head soothingly.


Why the hell am I petting her when she has fangs and can kill I insane now?! if she wanted to kill me she would of already instead of bringing me here and feeding me, even though it was blood, but why did it taste so heavenly to me, isn't blood supposed to be gross to humans?
I look to Nami and I keep petting her though I somehow know she is very dangerous when she wants to or if she is hungry,but aren't All vampires that way?....No she's different stronger.... In some later time I drift off to sleep petting Nami's head.

I slowly get out of his hold and then go to my room tired and exhausted.

I wake up hours later, I see that it's still night. I get up and walk outside for some fresh hair looking at all the newly blooming flowers. I pick up a Lilly and sniffs it loving the smell it's giving off, then I hear a rustle in the bushes and I stop and wait. A mountain lion jumps out of the shadows and I smirk knowing this is a perfect time to get some breakfast. I run towards it. When the lion notices that I'm running towards it, it seems to know that it's my prey and not the way it should be, it starts to run away. I run a little faster to catch up with the lion. It yelps as I finally catch it. I put my foot down on it's tail to keep it from running away, amused by it's futile attempts to escape. Finally it gives up and I bring it close to my mouth my fangs sliding out. I quickly puncture it's neck, a small yelp coming from it as I start sucking it's blood.
A soft moan of pleasure escapes my mouth as I drink the lion's blood, then hear a gasp come from behind me. I whip around and see that it's the fledgling. Oh shit! Wait! Why is he out of bed?! I turn on him leaving-sadly- my food and say," Why are you out of bed?"
He shakes the scared and shocked look from his face and says weakly, "I saw you leave s-so I thought bout following you..."
I wipe the blood off of my lips and give him a shy smile and say, "Well don't do that again please." I take his arm trying to ignore his flinch and tell him, "c'mon lets get you back where you should be."
He keeps looking at me cautiously, making me feel bad. He seems to notice this and tries to calm down as we walk down the corridor to the infirmary. I sigh and tell him, "You can go alone the rest of the way if you want." He shakes his head nervously. I nod and we walk in silence.

As we walk I sneak looks at Namine's beautiful face scared but also interested in what I see. I feel the power she has hidden in her which scares the hell out of me but....she's so beautiful that it's painful to look away.
She looks at me with a sweet small smile that makes me blush and look straight ahead. She stops looking at me and we reach the infirmary. I want to leave but also want to stay. She opens the door and talks to a girl with raven black hair and black eyes. I think I remember seeing the girl when I was barely awake. The girl looks at me annoyed and says, "You! I leave for a second and you leave without my consent!" Namine shushes her and says calmly, " Xion don't worry I won't tell Cecil that your patient was out of your sight." The girl, Xion, looks uncertain but nods and tugs me inside.
She practically throws me onto my current bed. I wonder how pissed off she is at me for leaving. She sits on a nearby chair, her black eyes are narrowed in anger as she watches me, like she's telling me, next time you leave my sight without my say so, I'll kill you. I cringe and see that she has decided I get the message and lays back relaxing, so I decide to start talking.
" your a nurse?"
She looks at me her eyes kinda narrowed again but in suspicion as she replies with, "I am currently an apprentice under the greatest nurse there is here, Cecil."
I look at her in confusion, "Is that why you were so mad? Because you want to prove yourself to your master?"
She looks down at the ground, "Yes...I want her to be proud of me...and not regret that she chose me as her apprentice..."
I look at her and ask, " So the masters choose their apprentices?"
She shakes her head and answers," Not really only some get to choose their apprentices and others get their apprentices chosen for them."
I nod understandingly then turn my back on her to go to sleep. But she says something that keeps me up for almost an hour tossing and turning. She said, " I heard Namine already has your master picked out for when your out....Axel."
After a few minutes I hear soft breathing and know she's asleep, but I can't sleep knowing Axel is possibly gonna be my master and I got no say in it. I fall asleep thinking of ways Axel is gonna make my life a living-or is it unliving?-hell.

I'm almost done cleaning when I get a text from Namine.
Text from Namine
Where are we going for our next date?
I look at my phone a little shocked that she actually wants to go out on another date.
Text to Namine
I don't know yet you pick.

Text from Namine
Does it really matter?

Text to Namine
I guess not. As long as I'm with you.

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