Chapter 7

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I wake up groggy and blurry-eyed as I look around my room and finally spotted what I was looking for, my plush pink designer shuriken, that Axel gave for the first b-day of mine that he went to. I get up and walk over to get it when I trip over something. I sit up and see that it was another weapon plush that Axe had gave me when I was in my kunai loving phase. I get up slowly knowing that if I got up too fast my head would be spinning for a while. I finally make it across my messy room, which I take note to either clean or ask someone to clean, and make it to my favorite plush. I pick it up and look at it with loving eyes, because to me it was the most priceless thing in the world, third to family and my dear Axel. I hear a soft knock at my door which brings me back to my dirty room, and I pad my way to the door and look through the peep hole. I see that it's Tal, so I open it and see that, he too, is fatigued with sleep. He nods his head in the direction of my room like he's asking permission to enter and I nod my acceptance. He barely enters before falling flat on his face. He got up and looked at what caused him his fall, one of those big pink plastic pencils that are used for decoration, once again reminding me of how messy my room is. I give him a sheepish-apologetic smile and he chuckles at me a bit shaking his head which earns him a playful smack to his shoulder. He acts like it hurts and asks, "Hey! What's with such the hostile attacks on my shoulder, lil miss?" I shake my head at this and take a seat on my bed. He takes a seat in my rainbow colored bean-bag chair and I see his face change and all the humor go away. He gives me a serious look and says, " But in all seriousness, I'm here to tell you that Axel is up and he wanted to see if you would accompany him on the veranda." I must have made a face, because he added," And don't worry I will not be attending." I mentally sigh with relief and Talon gives me a mischievous smile and teasingly says, "I can join if you want me to?" I shake my head a little too eagerly and he gives me a fake disappointed look. I laugh at him and he lifts his hand daintily to signal for me to help him up. I laugh more and tug and pull at his hand till he is finally up. He gives me a sweeping mock-bow, grabs my hand and licks it, which makes me say, "ew! Your supposed to kiss it not lick it like an animal!" He laughs and leaves my room. I hurry and put on one of my kimonos and hurry outside to the veranda, but just at the entrance to the outside I bump into someone.
"Well well well, little sister where in earth would you be going at this godly hour?"
I look up to my older brother, Dai, and give him an apologetic smile before saying, "Me and Axel have a meeting with each other that I do not wish to miss." He looks at me critically, like he's checking if I'm lying, which I keep my smile steady and don't give into pressure. He finally says," Ok, but don't be out too late 'cuz you know that even in the daytime rouges are still trying to kill us or catch their 'prey'." He leaves me to my own thoughts, which are now fatigued with the thought of Zex's older brother and how she still hasn't told him about how he turned rouge again. Just as I reach the door I hear Dai say something that sent chills down my back.
" dearest sister....we are going somewhere for a few days...please do not be sad, it's just work that we will be away for. We maybe be gone for a year or months but we will be back...say your goodbyes little sister before we depart." I turn and look at his retreating back, stunned.

I watch the petals from the cherry blossom trees drift into the pond slowly and gently, giving me a sense of calm. Then I hear soft sobbing coming from a few steps away from the veranda. I walk over and see that it's Nami crying softly, her back turned to me. I slowly put my hand on her shoulder and ask, "What's wrong Nami?" She shakes her head and says through a shaky voice, "I...I have to the morning..." I look at her with a disbelieving look and says sternly, "You better not be fucking with me Nami."
She shakes her head and starts sobbing a little harder. I sit on the ground and pull her into my lap and she says with a weak voice, "Its a mission that will probably take a year...or months at max..."
I try not to cry too at this news, so I kiss her forehead and tuck her head under my chin as if I could protect her if she just stayed there. She nuzzled deeper into my arms wanting to stay in my arms forever, but for now knew that that it wasn't happening any sooner. But I held onto her tight and lovingly. She looks up at me, her chin poking my chest as she looked up at me with her tear soaked, blue eyes, but I ignored the pain her chin was giving me and crane my neck to kiss away her tears and start to whisper sweet nothings to her till she fell asleep.
After a few minutes she's curled up in my arms and asleep. I carry her to her room, careful not to wake her. I rock her as I walk carefully to her room. As I get to her room I'm about to attempt to open her door when it opens for me and I see her brother.
"Thank you for looking after her Axel."
I nod solemnly and hand her to him, he takes her, gives me a knowing look and says, "Just don't hurt her." I look at him surprised but nod and walk away relieved to not have to listen to Jinx's every whim.

I take a peek at what Xion while she isn't looking. She's at a desk that's in the corner of the room writing something down in a journal. I slowly get up, so she doesn't notice that I was up, and slowly pad over to her so I can see what she's doing.
"Curious aren't we?" I practically jump as she turns, laughs and says, "I'm not stupid Demyx. I knew you were behind me." I look at her a little dumbfounded but nods and says, "I knew you weren't stupid...." She gives me a soft small smile and says, "If you can go watch TV in the don't get your own TV unless you have a room and buy one." I look at her at lost for words. Then I shake my head and say, "R-really?" She nods and waves me away. I run down the hall and bump into someone hard. "Ouch what the fuck! Watch where your going!" I look up and see that it's Daichi, Namine's older brother. "Oh! I'm so sorry sir!" He gives me a nod and I help him up just as Nami is coming up to us. "Oh, big bro are you ok?! I haven't heard you cuss in a long time." He waves her hand away and says in a nonchalant tone, "It was an accident and he's too scrawny, at the moment, to do any damage." I didn't know wether to be offended or happy he's not mad so I just go for a sorry and then a thank you. Nami gives me a small reassuring smile as her and her brother walk off to Daichi's headquarters.
I shake my head to get the little dizziness out of my head, apparently Daichi's chest is hard as rock.
I find the lounge and see that there's not many people here, then I remember that vamps don't really stay up during the day and that soon I'll have to adapt to that kinda schedule soon. I sit by a guy with black hair with red highlights streaked here and there, his eyes a dark chocolate brown, and his body pretty toned and surprisingly he has a hint of a tan. He looks at me and gives me a sloppy, but somehow, award winning smile and says, "Hey your that newbie right?" I nod and he adds, "Well welcome outta the 'nursery' buddy!" He pats my back hard and gives a hardy laugh before he goes back to watching Adventure Time. I sit right by him and am relieved that he didn't snap at me or tell me to go find his own seat, and I started feeling horrible for thinking these vamps would be hostile to one of their new members. A girl comes in her long blonde hair in a ponytail, her ice blue eyes downcast like she lost something or someone, and a little pout showing on her pink little lips. I stare at her my mouth must have been open in awe because the guy by me touches my arm and says, "Dude don't mess with that whore....she's not worth the looks your giving her." I look at him with a hurt look which makes him flinch a little and he adds, "It's has a lot of problems and also she may also have some kind of sexual disease from having so many guys in her bed..." I get the gist and nod to show that I understand and he just says, "Yup....Oh! Wait I forgot! My name is Talon, but you can call me Tal."
I nod and say, "Demyx, but Dem Dem is my nickname."

We watch a whole marathon of adventure time and Talon down six beers which makes me think he's a drunk and he looks at me and must know what I'm thinking because he says, "Oh don't worry this doesn't get you drunk it's just like kiddy drinks to us. Now if I wanted to get drunk I'd get an 'erratic splash'." He sees the blank look on my face and adds, "It's a type of drink they serve over there," he points to the bar at the far corner," It's made out of acid, blood, and the strongest human liquor." I give him a look of disbelief and he laughs saying, " Don't worry it doesn't hurt us it just gets us wasted."

Eight more beers later I'm drunk and Tal is still sober as hell, which makes me jealous but he explains to a drunk slurring Dem that it's because I'm still a newbie and that it takes at least two years to be able to be completely unaffected by any kind of human liquor, unless your body is a fast adaptor. Then he dispenses me into a horror stricken Xion. I hear her cuss at him as she lays me down on the bed my head spinning as I try to stay awake. I hear Tal say that I'm a big boy and that I deserved to have a little fun for once. Xion tells him, "You fucking idiot his body is still changing! This could effect him if his body isn't used to it!" I hear Tal sigh and say, "Like what misses smarty-pants?" She growls and says through clenched teeth, "He may not be able to adapt to what we drink for even longer." I hear Tal say in a resigned sigh, "Fine no beer or any liquor of any kind till he's done adapting, got it." I hear him leave and feel a cool hand brushing back my stray hairs. Then I hear soft cooing before I start to drift off to sleep, she's so nice to me....., I think as I drift off to sleep.

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