Chapter 8

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I look out in the rainy morning night light and sigh sadly wishing I could just stay. Axel comes up behind me and hugs me and says, "I'll wait for you Nami." I nod and he holds me tight like he never wants to let go. He gives me a soft fleeting peck on my neck and I turn and give him a full on kiss. His arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him as I wrap my arms around his neck. Our bodies pressed together in our heated kiss, when I hear someone clear their throat. We pull back faster than Talon downs six erratic splashes. We see Dai in the doorway waiting for me to get ready to go. I give him a small shy smile and unwrap myself from Axel's arms, give him a quick peck on his lips and go to pack up.

I'm in my room looking for stuff I can't bare to part with and stuff I can stand to part with. I take some my clothes, my plushy toys from Axe, and three pairs of shoes. I carry my bags out, with the help of Axel, and put them near the horses that my brother had gotten from our organization's stable, which each member gets their own horse when they have been in the organization for a few months. Mine was cupcake, a white with a little bit of brown spots covering her, mare. I put my saddle on her and my packed stuff on her too, my brother helps me up onto her back and then goes to his horse, black star, a black stallion with a star on it's forehead. He gets his stuff on his horse and get on. He can't even really look at me as two other men that are coming with us do the same and get on their horses, ready to leave. I try to get his attention so I can talk to him get him to at least let us bring Axel, but I knew that he couldn't come because soon he will have his own apprentice and that too many members and we will grab attention of a few rouges that are out. So I stop trying to get his attention and just wait for his say to go. He talks to one of the members that are staying behind, I turn my head to see who it is and I see it's Talon.
I hear Dai say something that I never thought he would say to Tal, "Tal you are a good friend. I leave you and Axel in charge while me and Namine are gone ok?"
Talon nods his head a little too eagerly, then he tries to go for cool a little too late witch puts a huge smile on Dai's face. He gives him a big hug and lets Tal come over to me and I give him a big hug not wanting to leave my goober of a friend either. He lets go first and gives me a pat on the back and whispers in my ear, "Me and Axe will miss you Nam...please come back soon and safe." He goes to leave, but he looks back for a few minutes to give me a thumbs up and a goofy smile, then he leaves closing the entrance to the organization behind him. I look and see that my brother is looking at the door where Talon had just disappeared behind and saw a pained look of loss on his face, seeing that this also pains him, and that he would rather stay than go, just as much as I do. He shakes his head and says, "Ok sister lets go."
I nod and kick my horse to ride and everybody else does the same. As we ride out of the organization's sight I look back hoping Axel, Talon, Demyx, Xion, and everybody else will be fine while Dai and I are gone.

I watch sadly as Namine leaves to go to the ministry for Namine's priestess training. Talon comes up behind me and says, "Bro don't worry she will be fine. She's just going to the ministry for training you know this." I nod and turn to him.
He gives me a sly smirk and says, "How 'bout we drink our worries away and then take home girls and fuck them!" I look at him incredulously and punch his arm. "Bro considering what girl you took home after you got shit faced, I say we don't," I say as I pat him on the back and lead him away from his intended destination. I take him to hang out in the lounge, where we commence drinking sodas and talking about what's been happening so far in Adventure Time.

Few sodas later and tons of bags of chips, we groan in exhaustion, our bellies full and we're on episode three of the third season of Adventure Time. I pat Talon on his back as he tries not to laugh because of his full stomach. I put my arm on the back of the couch where Tal wasn't sitting at and didn't notice till I felt a hand make my arm drape around their neck and I turn to see its Jinx. I practically jump away from her, but I get up at half that speed hoping it didn't look like I jumped away from her in disgust as I say, "What the hell Jinx?!" She has a little pained look on her face and I start to feel a little bad- a little. She looks at me with her blue eyes and says, "Just thought you would want some new arm candy." This time I let my disgust show and it makes her flinch almost visibly as she stalks off glaring at both me and Tal. "I swear that girl is messed up in the head of she thinks I'm ever gonna leave Nami for her," I say. Tal nods and then he looks longingly at the bar that's right across from us. I sigh, giving in, and says, "Oh fine lets get wasted Tal." He gives me a hug yay smile and practically races to the bar, while I see the bartender give a look that says God no not him! I laugh to myself thinking soon that all the bars here will start leaving notices that say how much you can drink. I make it to the bar and I already see next to Tal, three drinking glasses that are empty. I pat him on the back and says, " Dude slow down this time, ok?" He nods while downing his fifth drink. He gives me a drink and unlike Tal I take my time with it and only drink two. " Dude are you a man or a woman," he jokingly asks as he downs his eighth drink his words starting to slur. I laugh softly and pat his back saying, "I'm still a man, it's just that your a drunk." He shrugs his shoulders like he's saying what can I say? I laugh at my drunken bold friend and drink another one just for him. He gives me a big thank you smile when he sees me down my fourth drink.

A few more drinks and I start feeling more than just some light buzz and I stop before I'm wasted like Tal is right now. We drag our asses back to the couch, sit down and watch another Adventure Time marathon.

After six hours we finally finish the fifth season and I'm finally, painfully sober and Tal is getting to be sober. I look around in the harsh light to see whose all here and I stop as I see Jinx at the bar drinking. I shake my head in disappointment and pity and turn back to watch whatever Talon put on. We watch Steven Universe for three hours before I help Talon to his room and go to mine. I strip to my boxers and flex my sore muscles wanting nothing but to sleep and wishing I wasn't getting an apprentice so I could have had a chance to go with them. Tomorrow will be my first day as a mentor and for once I dread it. I fall asleep hoping somehow that he doesn't get Demyx and at least someone else.

I watch as the blossoms drift onto the surface of the pond and feel the sun's warmth on my skin as it rises, signaling that it's time for bed, but I can't bring myself to just yet, not wanting to meet my mentor nor see how he's gonna train me. The memory of how Talon came in beaten up from the battle between him and Axel. A shiver of fright runs through my body at that memory and can't help but think of Axel can do that to one of his best friends while he wants to blow steam then just think what he will do when I'm his apprentice, I suppress another shiver as I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see that it's Xion. She gives me a small shy smile and asks, "Can I sit down?" I nod, and she comes around and sits right next to me a slight blush on her kinda pale skin. She hesitantly lays her head on my shoulder and says, "You know I'm gonna miss seeing your trouble making ass around all the time." I look at her a little surprised that she would even admit to me her feeling and then she ruins it when she takes her head off my shoulder, punches it, a little too hard, and says, "But then again I don't have to worry about you anymore!" I laugh even though her saying that had hurt, because I knew it was a joke to lighten up the mood. She gives me a big relaxed smile as she lays her head back on my shoulder and we both watch the sunrise together and the lovely gleam the sun tosses over the clear blue-green pond, the beauty of it enhanced by the blossom petals drifting from the trees.

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