Chapter 3

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At the bottom of the cave, where everyone in the tribe went for the meeting. It didn't take long for everyone to gather up. Everyone was chatting with each other in different groups. When the chief of the tribe got up on the platform. Everyone become quiet and looked up at the chief.

As the chief looked around at everyone. "Good everyone is here. I would like to announce something my youngest son has made. Its all because of what my niece has said this morning. London can you bring it up here to show everyone." The Chief said.

London went up the platform. He lift the the stone with a hollow hole in it. "This is a stone pot. You can use it to boil the water. This morning Anya told me that when she drinks the water from the stream. She would sometimes have a stomach ache. She asked if she can have boiling water instead. And London is the one who figured it out." The Chief explained.

When everyone heard what the Chief said they all got excited. Especially the female and cubs whom sometime do get stomach ache. As the Orcs saw how the stone pot looked like they can't wait the make this stone pots for their females.

"Alright now that everyone has seen the stone pots. So lets start having groups for hunting and groups for gather fruits and vegetable." The Chief said

When the groups was formed. The Orcs group went hunting the prey in the forest. While the females went into the forest too but not too far to collect fruit and vegetable.

As Anya follow all the females into the forest. Couples of females came towards her and one of them is Sakura. "How are you feeling Anya?" Sakura asked with a sweet smile.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Anya replies back with a small smiles. Sakura nodded her head along with the rest of the females. "Okay lets started to look for food yeah." Sakura said to everyone. Everyone agreed and started to walk forward looking around.

While Anya following the rest of the females behind. She turns left and right looking at the scenery. As she's was walking and kind of complaining about the weather was too hot specially when your clothes are made of fur. While complaining she yanked a leaf from a plant as she walked past by. When she looked at it, she noticed that the leaf look similar to a ginger leaf. She sniffed the leaf and was surprised that it smelt like ginger. Anya turn around and quickly walk back to that plant. She grab the bone knife on the side of her waist and started to dig the ground where the plant was.

One of the females turned around and saw Anya digging the ground: "Huh, what is Anya doing over there?" She asked the other females around her. All the females also turn to look.

Sakura walked toward Anya and squatted by Anya and asked: "What are you doing Anya?" "Oh I think found ginger!" Anya said excitedly. Everyone look at each other confused. "Uh...What is ginger?" Sakura asked for everyone. "Well ginger can be used as spice to make food taste a little better. Its an herbs which you can boil with water and drink it during the winter to keep the body warm also this root can help prevent you from catching a cold." Anya explained to everyone while pulling the ginger root to show them how the plant root looked like.

When the females heard that, they got excited and started to help dig up the ginger roots with Anya. After finish digging all the ginger roots. They continue on further into the forest. Later Anya heard the sound of rushing water.

When Anya reaches the destination of the sound, she stepped towards the sound. There Anya look down from the edge of a small cliff. She saw the rushing water of the river. Looking to the other side of the river you can see the dent of the forest. So beautiful and the air around the forest was so fresh. "I can get use to this kind of life." Anya whisper to herself with a satisfied smile.

As Anya turn back around to look at everyone. They were busy picking fruits on the trees and on the bushes. Than Anya walk around the area to see if there's any plants that she knew. Than she found another spice called chilies. She started to pick it.

"Anya that fruit doesn't taste good. The last time I ate that fruit. I drink a lots of water." One of the female who hanged out with Sakura whos name is Luna said.

Anya looked toward Luna and smile: "That because its not a fruit. Its more in the spice group." She kept on picking chilies. While Luna is near her picking a red fruits that looks like rose apple just twice as big. While picking the chilies, Anya suddenly hears an argument near the cliff. Anya looked at Luna while standing up and she started walking toward the argument with Luna and the rest of the females.

As Anya get closer, she saw Sakura and another female who pushed Sakura last time that cause Anya to have a head injury. Its was like in slow motion because Anya saw the female push Sakura toward the edge of the cliff. Anya with a quick reflex runs towards the cliff and jumps and grabs Sakura wrist with her left hand while her right hand grabs a hold of the root that grows out of the cliff wall. 

While Anya try her best to hold Sakura's wrist and the tree root tightly. Everyone else was in a panic. "Oh My God... Mingyi what have you done!" Luna yelled while looking down the cliff to seeing the two females hanging. Anya looking up with sweat beads rolling down her forehead and shouted: "Luna, I'm going to try to lift Sakura up. You and Meri will try to pull her back up ok!" Luna and Meri both nodded their head and lowed their body's flat on the ground with their arms reaching out towards Anya. Then Anya looked toward Sakura and tells her: "Hey don't be scared okay." Sakura looked up at Anya with a frightened face but nodded her head. "I want you to use your other hand to reach this tree root above my head while I'm lifting you up okay." Anya instructed Sakura what to do.

Sakura took a deep breath in and nodded at Anya again that she is ready. Anya smiles awkwardly towards Sakura. With all the strength Anya has left she lifts Sakura's wrist up while Sakura uses her other hand trying to reach the tree roots above Anya's head. While lifting Sakura up Anya could feel the tree root that she's holding onto started to come out of the cliff because of the weight. 

When Sakura finally reached out to grab the tree root that Anya instructed her to do. "Good, I'm going to lets go of your wrist...try to reach out to Luna and Meri..." Anya tells Sakura while nodding her head and  breathing hard. "um.." Sakura hummed. When Sakura reached towards Luna and Meri's hands. Luna and Meri both grabbed Sakura's hand and pulled her up towards them while Anya pushed her up. The next thing she know Anya feels a snap sound from the tree root.

"HHHOOOOLLLLYYYY..." Anya yelled


Thank you for continue reading this story of mine<3

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