Chapter 4

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Meanwhile in the deep forest, the sound of birds chirping. In the middle of the small field there stood a tall and magnificent huge beast with antlers eating the surrounding grass. If you look close the beast would look similar to a moose just three times as  big than a regular moose. 

Suddenly a big golden lion jumped and  attacked the beast. Its sharp teeth sunk into the neck of the beast while the beast is struggling the lion kept a tight hold of it until the beast stopped moving. The lion released his prey. In that moment the lion suddenly changed in to a man.

"Good" the chief said given the man a pat on the shoulder.

"Sutu that was a great attack!" Bolin said

The man named Sutu just give a small nod. While everyone was cleaning up the dead beast. One of the man pecked his head up with a frowned brows. London noticed his friend frowning and asked: "What is it Han?" Han turned to look at London: "I thought I heard Luna's voice." he replies. Then he heard more panic voices of the females. Han stood up really quick. "I think something is wrong at the female side." Han said with little panic.

Everyone all stood up ready the go and see what's wrong on the female side. "Okay, half of you take the prey back while the rest of you follow me." The Chief ordered.

Inside the forest you can see all kind of animals racing towards the river where the females are at. When they finally break though the forest line and stop at the riverbank looking toward the cliff in front of them. Their heart seem to jump to their throat. 

"Father...that's Anya!" London shouted while pointing toward Anya with a panic look. Everyone watched from the riverbank. They watched how Anya is pushing another female up while they also see Luna and Meri pulling her up. The next moment, they saw was Anya falling towards the rushing water of the river. It was like in slow motion when Anya falls into the water. 

When Sutu was watching the cliff his heart was beating so fast because the female that Anya was trying to save was his female. Wondering how did his female end up hanging off the cliff in the first place. 

When Anya hit the water surface, all the orcs change back to their animals form. They all try to chase after Anya down the riverbank.


Anya fell towards the rushing water with a splash. When Anya comes out of the water surface. She feels the water current pulling her down the stream. Anya begins to struggle and cough out the water that went in side her mouth. Using her arms and legs to try and swim towards the river side. But the water current was giving her a hard time. Plus her body was getting tried and sore. She didn't know how long she's been struggling for. When Anya was starting to feel tried and just let water the take her. She feels something wrap around her waist pulling her towards the shore of the river.

When Anya could feel the hard ground beneath her. She turn side ways and started to cough water out. "Oh god...I thought...I was die or..." Anya said while coughing. As she turns around to see who has save her. Anya froze in a daze. Slowly she raised her left hand to feel her saviors face and said softly in a daze: "Wow you're beautiful."

While Anya was in a daze. Her elder cousin running towards her. Bolin reaching toward Anya's shoulder and checked her up and down to see if she had any injury's on her. "Anya are you alright?" Bolin asked worried. Anya blinked and blinked towards Bolin and gave an awkward smiles: "yeah I'm fine." she replies back.

When Anya was being check by her uncle and cousins to make sure that she was really fine. Suddenly someone threw them self on Anya that caused her to fall back to the ground. "Ah.." Anya sounded. "Thank you, Thank you for saving me." Sakura's voice said while hugging Anya tighter. "Wow it's okay... let's go first yeah." Anya said in a grandma sounding voice as she pats Sakura softly on her back.

Sakura lets go and get off Anya. Anya sat back up and turned to look at Sakura sitting next her with tears on her face. Lifting her hand the wipe Sakura's tears from her face. "Why are you crying?" Anya asked with a soft smile. "You could have die..." Sakura said sadly. Anya gave a big smiles showing her roll of teeth. "Just look I'm fine. I didn't get hurt." Anya said cheerfully. Sakura looked at Anya and a smiled slowly.

"Anya what were you and Sakura doing hanging off the cliff like that? You know that is dangerous?" London asked.

"Its was Mingyi who push Sakura...if Anya didn't jump and grab Sakura..." Meri said. Everyone turned towards Mingyi.

"Its not my faults that she weak that she can't hold her balance!" Mingyi yelled at Meri.

"You..." Meri did not know how to reply to that. Everyone was also helpless too. Anya just stares at Mingyi: 'Do you like to push people that much?' Anya thought. 

authors comment: she already killed the first Anya now she's ready to kill this one lol j/k.

The Chief just shook his head. He told everyone to pack up and go back home. Bolin and Sakura helped Anya up. Everyone started to walk back home one after another.

"Zen I want to thank you for saving Anya." The Chief said standing beside Zen. "mhm" Zen answer and follow the rest.

When walking back home. Everyone was quiet all you can hear is foot steps and some birds chirping. Anya looked around and started to talk so she can cheer up everyone a little. "Brother Bolin you should have seen what I did. I feel like I'm the hero saving a beauty!" Anya said loudly so everyone could hear. Bolin look at his little cousin who he treated like a sister and smiles at her: "Yeah I saw my little hero is so powerful." he said. Anya started to giggle: "Hehehe Uh huh I'm very powerful!" she said while giving a punch in the air. Causing some to smile and some to chuckled at her antic.

After that quietness was back again. Anya gave a heavy breath. Soon she decided to sing a song from her old world that would match with her surround right now. As she starts to sing everyone just noticed that Anya's voice makes them feel calm. While Anya was singing, she didn't noticed that there was a pair of eyes watching her.


Thanks you for following my story. <3

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