Chapter 12

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As the Gold Iron Tribe started to settle down on the Misty Forest. There was a lots of drama to watch. Its funny when there are lots of pretty girls try to fight who is the beautiful.

As Summer come to an end, fall have arrived. Everyone was busy collecting and storing food. The first week of fall, there was a commotion in the center square. Why is there such a commotion was because the tribe from the Prairie and the Blue Sand Tribe is here? The two tribe was attacked by the horde of beasts. So, they are here for refugee. Everyone was busy trying to help.

It's been a week since the commotion. While the Misty Forest Tribe and the Gold Iron Tribe is helping the other two tribe settle on the land. They saw the last group from the Grassland Tribe making their way toward them. The Grassland Tribe situation is similar to the other three tribe.

While all the tribe settling down, Anya went to her uncle to talk about how to protect everyone if there was to be horde of beasts come by.

"Uncle, we should build a wall to protect us when those beasts come." Anya said.

"Umm I think I'm going to ask everyone to help build the wall." Uncle Yin said. Before left to discuss about this to the other tribe chief, he patted Anya on her head and left.


During the past couples of day that Anya tell her uncle about the wall. All the of the chief the tribe started to give idea about how to build a wall before winter come. Then they started to build the wall slowly so that the wall would good and strong to hold the beasts out. 

Sorry for the short chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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