Chapter 2

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As I'm sitting here on the stone bed covered with dark fur which is very soft. Which is not the point right now. The healer is cleaning up my head wound. I started to think about the situation that I am  in. It seem that I have transmigration into some teenage girl who has the same name as me *Anya*. This little girl has been an orphan child since she was 5 years old. Her Parents was attacked during the winter beast attack. Ever since than she was taken in by her uncle (who is her mother older brother) and aunt. They treated her good. Her aunt loved her very much since she doesn't  had any daughter. But her uncle and aunt do have two sons. They love their sons very much but they can't show to much of love so that won't turn out to be a softly.

She found out that in this world. The girls here are very precious. Instead of calling girls they are called female. Why are the female are precious it is because there are not many of them. What freaked her out even more is that the men here can transform into beasts. They are called Orcs.

While I was thinking there was suddenly a noise and movement in front of my room cave. There stood three buff and tall men walking toward me. One of the man looked like he was in his late thirty stepped forward and held my shoulder looking up and down at me with concern. Then he turn his head toward the healer and asked: "Is my niece alright?"

The healer was packing his things into the animal skin stop what he was doing and turned to face the man respond back in a respectful manor: "Answer to the chief, Anya just have a little head injury. I just patched her head. She just needs some rest for now."

The Chief nodded his head: " That's good." Turned back to Anya: " You should take some rest uncle will come back when you have your rest. Don't worry about what happened early uncle will solve this for you."

"Yeah take some rest Anya we will be back later when you feel better." said one of the man that came with uncle. While the other man nodded his head agreeing with the man.

"Uh...okay... thank for coming to see me cousins." Anya said with a soft smile.

After everyone left Anya alone in her cave room. Anya pulled out a mirror from her space to take a look at herself. When she put the mirror in front of herself, she started to groan: "Oh my god I have to go though puberty again..." looking at "her" face in the mirror beside the acne on her face. This face looked pretty good if the acne was gone. Anya lazily look at the mirror: "I guess I better start taking care of this face now."

Letting out a soft breath, Anya decided to lay on the stone fur bed. Than pulled another fur on top of her and curled up to sleep. 

Early in the morning, Anya woke up staring at the cave ceiling. The stone fur bed was still kind of hard to sleep on cause of the stone was to hard. Maybe she should ask Aunt Yin for another fur so it won't been so hard. Anya laid there for a couple minutes before she decided to get up. 

When Anya walked out of her room, she saw her aunt just starting to cook. She walk toward her aunt and greeted: "Good morning auntie!" Aunt Yin turn her head when heard Anya's voice and smiled: "Oh Anya how your head?" "It's alright now. I don't feel any pain right now." Anya replies.

"Um... good, now go sit down, food will be ready in a little bit." Aunt Yin said.

Anya smile and shook her head: "Okay." Instead of sitting she walk out the cave. In front of her, she could see the morning sun peeking from the east side of the forest. This scene was breath taken. Taking a deep breath, Anya smile brightly toward the horizon. Standing there for while Anya heard her aunt call her back in the cave. 

Turning back towards the cave entrance. Anya walked towards the big round stone with small stone surround it. There she saw her uncle and cousins, who have just come out of their rooms while she was viewing the scenery out of the cave. Anya smile and greeted them: "Good morning uncle. Good morning cousins!" The men lifted their heads and smiled back: " Morning Anya!"

Aunt Yin brought the food to the stone table. Anya looked at the food. The meats are all barbecue that was laid on some kind of leaves that look like banana leaf. There was nothing else. While eating Anya peek around the cave. She haven't seen any pots or pans. All she could see is the pit of  fire and a bunch of fire wood near the entry of the cave. 

While she was eating the barbecue meat that had no taste at all. She was thinking about if she should ask them if there is any pots and pans that would exist in this world or not. 

"Uncle is there anything that can hold water here?" Anya asked

Everyone stopped eating and look at Anya suspiciously. Wondering if the head injury have made Anya to be forgetful. "Anya we always use this big green leaf to hold water." answered one of  her cousins while he point toward the leaves under the barbecue meat.

"What Bolin said is right..." Uncle Yin said.

Anya smile awkwardly: "Uh yeah I know but is there any other way...cause when I drink the water my stomach feels weird. I wonder if we can make something hollow and it doesn't burn while boiling the water over the fire first than drink it."

Everyone was silent. While thinking of what Anya just said. Than her other cousin shouted out: "Oh I know..." got up and left the cave and came back with a stone the size of a human head. He started to carve a hollow hole in the stone with his transformed claw. When he finished carving, he set the stone on the table. He smiled brightly: "Like this right?!"

"Wow this is good!" Anya said with amazement

Uncle Yin check out the hollow stone that the youngest son made and nodded with approval: "Good, good..." he pick up the hollow stone and place it on top of the fire pit and added water in it. Everyone standby watching until the water started to bubble up and white stream floated out. Than he remove the stone aside. When the water cooled down a little, he used a small part of the leaf folded it into a small cone cup. Dipped it into the hollow stone to get some cool water out of it. He drank the water. "hm... the water taste better after doing this kind of method!" Uncle Yin look at Anya with a big smile than turned toward his youngest son and tapped his shoulder: "Well done London." He said with a proud smile.

London puffed up his chest with a big smile. 

"Alright let's get go meet everyone and prepare for another hunting and gather foods for the winter again." Uncle Yin said.


Thank you for keeping on reading my story. See you on the next chapter!

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