Chapter 6

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At the center square, everyone was happy for today's harvest. The salty fruits and the ground fruits was divide equally for each family. Same goes for meat. The Chief asked his wife and Anya to show how to make Lard-Sealed Pork. When that was finished Anya showed them how to use the salty fruit. When they were all finished spreading the salt all over the meat. They hanged it in the inner corner of each of the family caves to air dry. So they don't have to worry about having the meat going bad. Everyone was happy that they would not goes starve in this winter. 

Even if they finished doing what they were doing that day all the females was not idle. They would started weaving more baskets that Anya teach them at night. 

Every day Anya would go out with the female to find and collect food back. She would discover herbs and vegetables but some would look like the one in her old world while some look like it but different colors such the bamboo that she is staring at. Its would green in her other world but here its blue. Now we are digging up bamboo shoots. All the fruits and vegetable that Anya discover for them it's would be foods that you can eat and they all would be happy about collecting them. Anya would wonder why they don't ask her question about how she know that these thing could be eaten. So Anya asked the females that question that been bothering her.

"Its your secrets to keep and we all trust you." Luna said.

"Um we think that you have your reasons." Sakura also said turning her head to Anya with a bright smile. Anya smiles back at her.

While the females was finishing their last batch of the bamboo shoots. They all saw the hunting groups are making their way towards them with the preys they caught. When Sutu saw Sakura, he passed his prey to his friend Guan and walked toward Sakura. But someone block him.

"Brother Sutu!" Mingyi greeted him with a small smile. "I noticed that you caught a big prey today." she said while looking behind him. Sutu just looked at Mingyi with narrow eyes and went around her to reach Sakura. 

Mingyi watched Sutu back whom walking towards Sakura with hatred. While she was glaring at Sakura.

"Ha Ha Ha...Oh this is too funny...ha ha ha I haven't had a good laugh for a long time haha." Anya said while laughing. All the females stood their head helplessly at Anya because these past couple weeks Anya would provoke Mingyi to get her angry.

"Who are you laugh at!?" Mingye yelled while pointing her fingers at Anya.

"Ow who else would I be laughing at if its not you." Anya said with smirk. "Trying to act cute in front of someone Shameless." Anya snorted while lifting her nose up it the air.

Mingyi was so mad that she didn't know what to shoot back at Anya. So she grabbed her basket with bamboo shoots and left. Then everyone started to leave one after another. Anya was about to pick her basket up when a hand reached out first. She looked up to see Zen face. 

"How is the hunt today?" Anya asked softly while checking to see if he have any injury on him.

Putting the basket on his back. "Today hunt is good." Zen replies with a gentle smile. Then he reached his hand towards Anya hand and interlock their fingers together. Since the day they introduce themselves. They started to hang out and get to know each other these couples of weeks. Today before everyone was getting ready to start the day. Zen pulled Anya aside and asked Anya to be his female. So today they become a real couple officially.

While Zen and Anya was holding hands walking back. As they were talking to each other. They did not notice everyone around them was watching. Everyone would not have guess that these two peoples would have gotten together. First of all they thought that Anya who used to be the ugly female in the tribe. They couldn't imagine that just in this couple of weeks. They watched as Anya's face started to clear up, they found that Anya's face was pretty enough to compete with Sakura's beauty. Second is Zen who has been wearing that ice block face since the accident that cause his left side of his face to have that scar. Now he would start to smile a lot but the smiles was only reserve for only when Anya is around him.

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