Chapter 9

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Anya was so excited that she is skipping around the other females while they make their way toward the Northern Plains which would take them at least five day to arrive for the spring festival. "Ah Anya are making us dizzy." Luna said while trying to hold Anya from going another round. "You don't understand this is my first time going anywhere from the tribe." Anya told everyone with a happy smiles.  Than Anya ran toward Zen and hold his hand.

While they was traveling Anya found lots of random seeds. She just throw those seeds in her space and than plant its later when she returned back home after the spring festival. By the time they reach their destination, Anya run toward first. She look around the place. The scenery is like those prairie movies she watch in her old world. Its was so beautiful that she want to live here. The weather was so perfect. 

The groups went to greet the Prairie Tribe first before they set up their tents. As we walk toward Prairie Tribe, Anya saw a girl about 17 or 8 years old ran toward them while smiling. She ran toward Sutu, She was about hug him. But Sutu step aside that she missed and almost tripped. 

"Brother Sutu..." the girl said while looking at Sutu and noticed the he was holding Sakura hand. "Who is she?" the girl asked while pointing at Sakura. "She my female." Sutu replies given Sakura a soft smiles. The girl just look at the couples and suddenly she started to tear up. She ran back toward a man who is about the same age as my uncle. 

"Welcome to Prairie Tribe...enjoy your stay while you are here." The man that  the girl ran to said.

"We as Misty Forest thank you." Uncle said

After Uncle and the Chief of Prairies finish the the little talk and greet, we started to settle and put our tents. The orcs build two big tents one for the females and the other are for males. While there are couples of smaller one which are for the married couples surrounding the two big tents. Its was a long day so we all decided to eat and rest until tomorrow morning.

Before the other tribe could start trading their thing. There would be a competition to see who tribe are the strongest. So each tribe would pick one of their warrior to compete. So every tribes gather at the center square of the Prairies Tribe. So in the morning of the compete they  introduce the warrior of each tribe. The warrior of our Misty Forest is Sutu. So Anya and the females would cheer for the Sutu when he on the platform. Even Sakura would cheer along. 

On the opposite of the Misty Forest Tribe is the Prairies Tribe. The a pair of eyes glaring hard at Sakura. That pair of eyes belong to that same girl who try to give Sutu a hug. She is the daughter of the Prairies Chief. 

While cheering and screaming, Anya feel like she have a upset stomach. Anya looking at her stomach: "Are you kidding me?" she asked herself. Sakura who was sitting next to Anya turn to ask Anya. "What wrong?" Sakura asked. "Oh I got to go my stomach can't hold it any long." Anya said while holding her stomach ready to get up. All the females and Sakura understand what Anya said by looking at her face expression. 

Before Anya left to do her thing, she lets Zen know where she is going. While Anya left the scene. A show was about to happen. On the platform there stood Sutu and another warrior who was from the Prairies Tribe. They are the only warriors left to complete for the strongest orc warrior title. Before the two warrior ready to fight. The Prairies Chief announced that his daughter would like to fight someone. When he said that all the females of the Prairies Tribe ran toward the Misty Forest Tribe stand in from of the orcs. While two of the females pulled Sakura up the platform.

Sutu saw this he was about go and help Sakura but was held back by three warriors and one of them was going to complete with him. As for the other Misty Forest Tribe orcs was also helpless cause they can't cause harm to the females that are blocking their way to help Sakura.

"I want to fight her." The girl said while pointing at Sakura.

"What is the meaning of this?!" The Misty Forest Chief asked while looking at the Prairies Chief with narrowed eyes. And that Chief just give him a smirk.

"you can't..." Before the Misty Forest Chief can said anything else. The girl pull out her long bone sword and swing it toward Sakura. Sakura started moving around the platform so she won't get hurt. As Sutu watch this its hurt him more when he can't even protect his own females. 

"Brother Sutu this is the females you like...she is so weak!" The girl said toward Sutu. 

Sutu try to struggle himself free but no use. He look toward his friends for help but he know they can't do much. Guan was pissed that when he saw Sutu helpless. He was about to move forward: "Ah you want to hurt me!" One the the prairies female yelled. "Huh...what do you think I'm scared of you... come I dare you." Another prairies said toward Zen who was ready to follow Guan. The men just stared helpless.

Meanwhile Anya walking toward the center square rubbing her belly. "Oh this feel a lot better." she said than look up toward the scene in front of her. "Wow what is going on over there?" Anya asked herself. Than she fasten her step. When she reach Zen. She heard what the prairie females say to her man. So she step next to Zen: "Oh yeah... he can't but I can." Anya said she lift her left arm with hand fisted and swing toward that female. 

Everyone turn their head just to see one of the prairies female fall to the ground and didn't got up. Than their eyes moving toward a female that wasn't there before. Wondering where did she come from.

Anya smile happy while looking at the female that she just punched than look toward that other female prairies. "Now...who next?" Anya asked with a raised brow. All the people of the Misty Forest Tribe was glad to see Anya standing there. "Anya save Sakura for me please." Sutu called from the platform. Anya look toward Sutu and saw that he was held by three of the prairies tribe orc. Than she turn toward Sakura. When Anya saw that Sakura has some cut on her arms and legs, she was pissed.

(I suck in describing action move.)

Anya ran toward the platform.

Anya make way toward Sakura. "Why did you hurt Sakura" Anya asked the girl while she holding on to Sakura from falling down to the ground. The girl was smiling and didn't say anything but raise her bone sword toward Anya and Sakura. Anya saw this action she got in front of Sakura to block the sword with her arms crossed over her head. After the block Anya lift her right foot and kick hard toward the girl stomach that she drop the sword to the ground. Next Anya climb on top of the girl and sit on her stomach while giving the the girl punch after punch.

When both tribe saw this, they all started to go into action trying to move Anya off the prairie chief daughter. While doing that couples of orcs from the Prairies Tribe got punch by Anya. The only one who can pulled Anya off the girl was Zen. Zen pulled Anya into his chest while smoothing her to calm down.

"Who are you to dare to do this to my daughter." The prairies Chief yelled toward Anya.

"She my niece!" The Misty Forest Chief said in a loud voice. "Its look like my niece won the strongest female title after all." He said raising one of his eye brow at the Prairies Chief.

"You.." The Prairies Chief didn't know what else to say cause what the Misty Forest Chief was true. After that everyone left the center square one after another. As for who is the the strongest warrior was cancel.


Sorry for the long updates. I just started a new job. I got so busy and tired that I didn't have the time to updated. But I hope you all still enjoy this story.

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