Part 18-Beautiful times

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 Persephone Pov

"Your all here!" Thanatos shouted excited he seemed to be in a eternal good mood. "Erebus! What a miracle it's been a long time." He seat beside Erebus. Hades had spotted me, he smiled happily waving his hand. He rushed to sit beside me. "I heard rumors of a new resident of the Underworld had to come out, and see for myself." Erebus responded to Thanatos. "Well I'm glad." 

"How about we begin eating I am starving." Nyx said. We all nodded in agreement. A nearby servant heard. "I'll go see if the food is ready." She quickly left. After just seconds a row of servant began serving the soup and drinks. An orchestra band entered the room, and began setting the instruments. This time the dining room was not completely alone. Groups of other underworld inhabitants entered the hall and filled nearby tables. They all said hello to us and introduced themselves to me. It was nice to meet them. Most of them radiated friendliness. After just minutes the orchestra band began playing. "Pity the girls from the other day aren't playing tonight right Thanatos?" Hades looked at Thanatos as he said it.

 The god of death dropped his spoon and looked at hades. "Yes, it's a pity they played quite nice." 

"Why do you say that?" Nyx's curiosity was awakened. Most of us turned out attention to look at Hades. "Well, from what I understand one of them kept Thanatos company the other night, when he ended up drunk." Hecate beside me who was calmly eating her soup all through the conversation began to choke.

"Ohh dear you alright?" Nyx worriedly said. Hecate continued to choke, Nyx patted her chest. "Drink" Nyx offered Hecate her glass of water, the witch took a large gulp of it.

"Im fine" I was also worried with her confirmation I took a deep breath relieved. I diligently continued to eat my soup and drink wine.

 Hades beside me was looking at Hecate and Thanatos as if trying to figure something out. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Ohh no... nothing." I nodded my head. He stopped looking at them and began eating his soup. We talked about how hecate thought me magic and we practiced archery. Hades spent all day judging, and Thanatos picking mortal souls. We had finished dinner and moved to desserts.

Servants brought out an arrange of bright colored cakes and cookies. Many people stood up to dance, the orchestra was beginning to play slow ballads. The room lively. We've finished eating dessert we chattered and occasionally drank wine. Nyx and Erebus danced in the center for a while before she had to leave to perform her duties. Erebus who was thinking of heading to his rooms offered to accompany her. 

They both exited the room leaving Thanatos, Hecate, Hades, and I in the table.

We continued to chat for a bit more.

Thanatos decided to cut down on the wine tonight drinking a glass or two. 

It was already very late, Hecate and Thanatos were arguing about something I don't remember well, I yawned. "Should we call it a night?" Hades whispered to me. "Yes." I was honestly quite tired from today's activities.

A good close of the eyes would do me some good, Hades nodded. We stood up from the dining table, Hecate and Thanatos stopped arguing to face us. 

"Umm well we will be heading to bed sleep." I shily said.

"Yes...yes I was also thinking of doing that." Hecate responded with a smile. "I'll accompany you?" Thanatos said.

Hades and I strangely stared at Thanatos, Hecate glared at him annoyed. Thanatos saw Hecate's face and awkwardly turned to us. "I mean i'll walk you toward your rooms." Thanatos added we were still confused. 

We had just exited the room and walked through a few hallways when Hades spoke. "That was rather weird don't you think?" 

"Yess! Do you think they're together?" I was dying to talk about it, Hades raised his shoulders. "I don't know, maybe." I nodded pleased. "What a couple they would make..." We continued to converse until we got to our rooms.

Hecate Pov

"Could you be any more obvious ughhhh." I angrily took a sip of wine. "Says the one who was choking." He moved a seat down and seat right in front of me. 

"Cool down they didn't notice anything. How about we go to your rooms... or mine." He raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes. "I told you already, what happened that night was just a drunk and stupid mistake, which will not be repeated."

I crossed my hands. "I'll take you to your rooms. We can talk on our way." I could see what he was doing, I don't think..." Thanatos cut me off.

 "Lets go." I was too tired to argue. 

He silently walked me to my rooms. We were just steps from my door. "Thanks for walking me here. You can be on your way now." I shooed him away with my hand. "We need to have a serious conversation." 

Thanatos was right what happened the other night was extremely out of character for me at least. I looked around and spotted a bench. I made my way to it and seat down. Thanatos followed me and remained standing. "Make it quick i'm a bit tired."  

"We could go inside your rooms then." 

"Are you going to talk or not." I lazily closed my eyes. 

"Hecate we've know each other for quite a long time, we have been friends... no companions for quite a long time. Even though I dont show it I admire you, you were an amazing warrior in the titanomachy, your an amazing potion maker. Your outspoken, smart, cunning, you have many amazing qualities. I must confess this past days i've been seeing you with different eyes, and I-I don't want to fight this feeling away because i've never had it. I don't understand why you... why you are so opposed to it and it hurts me?!"

I opened my eyes taken aback by Thanatos confession. I looked at the palms of my hands deep in thought. "Are you still in love with that guy Aeetes?!" Thanatos angrily asked. A tear streamed from my eye at the mention of him.

I looked at Thanatos the god took a deep breath I could tell he regretted his words. "Ohh Hecate, im sorry." He kneeled wiping the tear from my eyes. "I'm not ready," I confessed

He sadly looked at me keeping his hand in my face. "I'm not ready to love again." Another tear leaked from my eye. I wiped it trying to regain my composure. He seat beside me deep in thought. "I will wait... I can wait." He smiled. 

I stood up. He stood up with me. We looked at each other for a long time before I broke the silence. "Thank You for walking me, goodnight. "He nodded took a deep breath and turned around with a look of defeat." He began walking. "Thanatos, wait." He turned to look at me a slight ray of hope returning to his eyes. "I'm tired tonight, but lets have sex tomorrow." A bright smile illuminated his face. 

He gave small hops of joy I chuckled at his immature actions. "Thanatos this doesn't mean anything..." I thought I would remind him in case he got the wrong idea. "I know purely physical im fine with that too. I'm not even sure of my own feeling it might only be sexual attraction. Also are you sure you aren't just doing this for me?"

"Yes, i'm sure." He nodded finally understanding. Even though none of us said it we understood it was time to part. Yet neither of our feet would budge. "Hecate can I sleep with you tonight, I promise you nothing will happen let's just rest."

I nodded. We made our way toward my rooms. My bed was quite small since I was accustomed to sleeping alone, and barely used it. He placed his hand around my head. I hugged his torso and my legs hugged his. I submerged in the warmth of his thigh embrace.

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