Chapter 1

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Embarrassed thought
Regular bold text is just an embarrassed feeling
(My input)
Underline alone is just for emphasis
Now on to the story......

3rd Person POV:
Mitsuki and Inko have been best friends since they met in preschool, growing up together and doing everything together.

Long after graduating highschool Mitsuki and Inko both got jobs, and live just down the street from each other. Mitsuki worked in the fashion industry, and Inko worked as a nurse.

At the age of 22 Mitsuki met the love of her life coincidentally at work. His name was Masaru Bakugo. Inko was happy for her friend and even listened as Mitsuki would gush over the phone about how that damn man would be hers and she'd crush all competition.

(I imagine this is how Mitsuki thoughts went after she met masaru)

Inko felt sorry for any poor girl going after the man Mitsuki had set her sights on.
The man sounded like an absolute sweetheart and she was thrilled her best friend found someone who not only doesn't mind her agressive behavior but also accepts her as she is.

Inko kind of worried though, from what she's been hearing her bestfriends way of flirting is quite aggressive.

A few months after Mitsuki and Masaru made their relationship official after discovering they were soulmates. Inko met the man she thought was the love of her life.

Hisashi Midoriya.

He was a wonderful business man. Inko was scared of him at first he was a very intimidating man until you actually got to talk to him.

She told Mitsuki over the phone that night about the determined business man who had a funny, caring, and protective personality.

Mitsuki was glad Inko had found someone. Inko had met hisashi in the hospital she worked at.

She was working the night shift when she heard a patient trying to sneak out of his window to go back to work.

She lectured him for an hour about if she saw him missing before he was released she would make sure they strapped him down to his bed like an animal.

Hisashi liked this nurse who seemed sweet but had a strict and hidden attitude to her.

He stayed and Inko checked on him during breakfast, lunch, and an hour before her shift ended everyday for 2 weeks before he was released.

She'd learned he was very accident prone and ended up in the hospital every few months or so.

After his release before he left he turned to Inko who was seeing him off and asked her on a date.

During their date Inko wore a very beautiful baby blue backless shirt that covered her front up to her neck that tied at her neck with thin straps, and black skinny jeans with some black and baby blue ballet slippers on her feet.

Hisashi wore a white button down with the top buttons missing and black jeans and what looked like black church shoes.

Imagine his surprise when he pulls out Inkos seat for her to sit, across the back of her neck lay a name, Hisashi Midoriya.

"Inko" he asked.

"Now how did you know my name Mr. Flirty patient?" She asked surprised.

He pointed to the back of her neck. And handed her a small pocket mirror.

"That's my name on your neck." He said as he went to sit down after pushing in her chair for her.

"My name is Hisashi Midoriya and you-" he pulls his shirt more loose to show his collar bone"-are Inko Aizawa" he said showing her that they are indeed soulmates.

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