Ch.4 Only Look At Me

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■3rd Person POV■

Today, after staying in the hospital for twelve days, Kageyama finally allowed to go home. Miwa told him to stay in her apartment but Kageyama said he's fine. It's actually because if he stays at Miwa's place, Y/N couldn't talk to him that often and he's afraid that her ghost fan will be lonely.

Y/N comes with Kageyama to his apartment. Kageyama holds the door to let Y/N in, though Y/N could just walk past through it.

Kageyama: welcome... sorry if it's a little messy...

Y/N: ah, sorry for intruding... it's alright Kageyama san, you're being hospitalized for days... moreover, your house looks nice and tidy.

Kageyama: you can sit anywhere... or... float... um... whatever you like..

Y/N laughs as Kageyama trying to think about her consent.

Y/N: Thank you Kageyama san...

Kageyama: oh um and...

Kageyama opens the door to the guest bedroom. Y/N peeks inside the room that Kageyama opened.

Kageyama: You can use this room... to sl- I don't know if gh- you need to have a ghost nap or something.. or just some alone time...

Y/N's eyes widened.

Y/N: Um... Kageyama san... I... don't sleep... don't you think it's too much to give a room for me?

Kageyama shoots his head and looks at Y/N.

Kageyama: a ghost or not, you're a girl... you definitely need a room, so feel free to use it...

Y/N: or haunt it? Hihi

Kageyama and Y/N both laugh at the joke. Suddenly the doorbell rings. Both Kageyama and Y/N looks at the door and Kageyama walks to open it.

Hinata: Yo Kageyama!

Bokuto: Hey!Hey!Hey!

Atsumu: How're you doing?

Iwaizumi: hey, Kageyama!

Suzuki: hello Kageyama san, I'm Suzuki Nao, nice to meet you.

There in front of his door, some of Japan's national team members, Hinata, Bokuto, Atsumu, Suzuki, and Iwaizumi the trainer.

Kageyama: oh everyone... come in

Kageyama walks inside and leads his friends into his house. There Y/N sees as  Kageyama's friends, Japan's national team members are in the same room as she is.

Kageyama sees as Y/N's eyes sparks when watches his friends. Y/N comes and stands or more like floating behind Kageyama while whisper-squealing behind the black haired setter.

Y/N: Kageyama san, Kageyama san, look  look there's Bokuto san, and Hinata san... and that's, isn't he the youngest one Suzuki san, and Iwaizumi san the national athletic trainer... and Miya Atsumu san... I can't believe I'm in the same room as all of these amazing players

Kageyama is somehow annoyed by the fact that Y/N's fangirling over his friends. She especially steals glances at Atsumu a couple of times and saying that he's a good setter, this kind of infuriates Kageyama.

Kageyama suddenly walks closer and stops in front of Atsumu.

Kageyama: I'm gonna be Japan's main Setter! Just wait and see Miya san...

Everyone turns their gaze at Kageyama and so does Y/N. They're all surprised to see him suddenly work up.

Kageyama who realizes that he's getting all worked up looks down and blush a little.

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