Chapter 1: Those that are left behind

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"Hey. Dumbass."


Katsuki Bakugou walked up to you with his crossbow slung over his back. "It's my turn on watch. Get some rest, you idiot. You've been out here all day." For someone surviving the apocalypse, he looked pretty damn good. He wore dark green cargo pants, and a black tactical vest over a baggy black hoodie. His dark brown combat boots' laces were tied in messy bows at the top, the ends frayed from overuse. A deep scar ran from the far corner of his right eyebrow, down his cheekbone, and ended just above his jawline. He was surprisingly proud of that one. He'd often tease you about how you did a shite job stitching him up, but that he didn't mind since he got a cool scar out of it.

"I keep tellin ya that you should try out a crossbow. That gun looks like it could topple you over, shrimp." 

"Hey! Rude. Besides, you're the only one in the group who knows how to use a crossbow well, so I'd have to take lessons from you."

"Aw. Would that really be that awful?"

"Yes. Yes it would be." You said smugly, slinging your rifle over your back and slapping his shoulder as you walked to the ladder down from the wall. "Have fun on watch, Bakubro!"

"Whatever, (Y/N). Just go and get something to eat or whatever." 

"Awww you DO care~" 

"...No. Fuck off, you dork. And meet me tomorrow in the training court so I can teach you how to shoot with an actually GOOD weapon." 

"Sure, sure~"

You walked back towards the building you had once called your school, looking up at the towering structure with a sad look on your face. The building was surrounded by barbed wire, wooden spikes, iron bars, and the numerous sprawling glass windows were covered in crisscrossed wooden planks. Many of them had already been shattered or blown out, so they had to be covered in tarps to keep the cold and the elements out.

The first floor of the building was the main eating and common area, random furniture and entertainment items plundered from nearby scattered throughout the main open lobby area. Kaminari was lounging back on a ratty old couch and chatting with Sero who was trying to get Tokoyami to eat. Tokoyami had fallen into a horrible emotional rut ever since the outbreak, since the quirk bioweapon killed Dark Shadow. He'd seen not only his best friend, but also a part of himself die in front of his very eyes, and due to their connection, he felt the pain of Dark Shadow dying the entire time. He was only anywhere close to his old self when he was on the field, but ever since losing his left arm to a walker bite he had been off the field.

Kaminari had taken to his injury much easier than Tokoyami. He'd lost his left eye to a piece of shrapnel from a trap set by other survivors. It had lodged itself so deep into his eye that now all he had was an empty socket that he covered with bandages around his head. He'd often downplay how serious the injury was with jokes and coy remarks, but you'd been the one who had to take out his eye with minimal anesthesia. You knew he was trying to act like it didn't bother him, but you remembered the horrified look on his face when he first saw the empty socket where his golden eye once was. Sero was trying to make Tokoyami eat, but was struggling to hold the fork due to his lack of ring and pinkie finger on his left hand.

He gave Tokoyami an apologetic look. "Heh. Sorry, man. Guess I need a little help too." 

"...It's fine..." Tokoyami muttered, taking the fork in his right hand and finally taking a bite of food voluntarily. Sero smiled brightly, excited that his friend seemed to be showing a slight bit of improvement. 

"Hm- oh hey, (Y/N)! Todoroki was looking for you by the way."

"Thanks for letting me know, Sero! See ya guys around then!" "See ya!"

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