Chapter 19: Why?

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His arm released you and you stumbled back in shock, clutching your upper right arm. "What... What did you just do?!" Your voice broke as your eyes trailed down to the half empty syringe still clutched in his scarred hand.

"DEKU! YOU BASTARD!!!!" Katsuki bellowed, rushing forward to attack but stopping in his tracks when the boy pulled a pistol from his waistband, finger poised and ready to shoot. His eyes narrowed and he glared at his blonde haired classmate as if daring him to try something. While the gun was trained on Katsuki, Todoroki took the opportunity to run to your side. Midoriya's nostrils flared in anger as he fired a warning shot at the concrete. 

"Nobody move!" His voice trembled in anger and some other emotion you couldn't quite place. 

It was a stare-down for a good fifteen seconds, the only sound in your ears being the pounding of your own heart and the ringing from the resounding gunshot. A tiny wisp of smoke wafted up from the blackened divot in the rooftop where the gun had fired, the ricocheted bullet nowhere to be seen. The gun shook in Midoriya's hands as he gripped it tightly, gritting his teeth so hard that it looked like they might crack. 

Katsuki's eyes widened as he processed what was happening. "Wait... this whole thing... WAS YOU?!" Despite the gun trained on him, he took a bold step forward that caused Midoriya to point his gun at the boy with more emphasis.

"I said nobody move!"

"Fuck that! You're the one who did all this?!" He gestured widely with his arms. "All of them are dead because of you! You killed them! You... YOU KILLED ALL MIGHT!"


"And Uraraka?! Did you 'save' her too?!" His fists were clenched in anger, but he didn't reach for his crossbow. His attempts to diffuse the situation were overtaken by his burning hatred for the boy in front of him: the boy he'd trusted with his life more times than he could count. He'd known Izuku since they were children. Hell, they were practically family at one point. Even after their friendship had devolved into Katsuki relentlessly bullying the boy, Izuku had fought to regain his trust for years. They'd reconciled... right? Katsuki had quite literally taken a bullet for this boy. And now...

"Katsuki, stop!" You cried out to him. "He'll kill you!!" You tried to stand, but an aching pain in your arm made you whimper and reflexively grab the cuff of Todoroki's sleeve.

Todoroki tensed up beside you and you knew he was going to make a run for the gun. Before you could grab his arm to stop him, he bolted forward and rushed at Midoriya with his blade drawn. Midoriya whipped around to face his quickly approaching attacker, panicking as he lined up his friend in his sights. His finger squeezed the trigger and the bang of the gunshot made you reflexively cover your ears. The bullet rocketed towards Todoroki and by a stroke of pure luck, it grazed his left cheek, shooting through the shell of his ear but not slowing him down. 

Seizing the opportunity, Katsuki ran to your side, his eyes wide and panicked as he looked at the thin trickle of blood running down your arm from the needle's entry point. Your body felt weak and you looked up at him with fear swirling behind your eyes, sweat already glistening on your forehead as the fever slowly coursed through your body. 

Before Midoriya had time to aim again, Todoroki lunged at him, knocking him over as he tried to stumble back. Raising his sword above his head, an enraged scream ripped from his throat as he swung down. Just as he was about to bury his blade into his friend's flesh, Midoriya rolled to the side, making the blade clang against the concrete. The shock from the strike trailed up the metal and he could feel it tremble in his hand, his stomach sinking. Everything was silent for a moment before a second, quieter clang sounded. Todoroki's blade snapped. The broken off end had clattered to the ground and skidded across the concrete.

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