Chapter 17: Unravelling

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Sorry for the slow updates. Youtube stuff as well as getting stuff for my dorm has taken up a lot of energy.

"Why the fuck are there walkers behind that door?!" Katsuki hissed as he tried to keep his voice down. "I thought we cleared all of em out months ago." 

"We got as many as we could...I don't think we searched these back halls as much as the others." You quietly answered, trying to hold back a yelp when the sound of a body bumping into the door took you by surprise. 

"Stand back." Todoroki said as he put a hand on your shoulder, gesturing you and Katsuki to step away as he approached the door. His back pressed against the wall next to the doorknob, he gripped his sword in his other hand. His hand wrapped around the doorknob and he made eye contact with the rest of the group, silently mouthing "3, 2, 1" before throwing the door open and quickly retreating back to the group. 

The first walker directly in the doorframe had dark, sludge-like blood streaking down from a wound on its head, the splatter on the inside of the door showing that it had been repeatedly banging its head against the wood. She looked maybe a year or so older than you, her UA school uniform slumping off her rotting and mangled form. From her state of decay, it looked like she had been turned since the early days of the apocalypse, her jaw practically falling off as it hung open, cracked and shattered teeth coated in dried blood. Behind her was a group of ten walkers of a similar age, all shuffling towards the now open door. 

Todoroki was the first to move, rushing forward with his blade shimmering in the colors of the sunrise filtering through the blown out windows. He sidestepped the first walker, splitting open its rotting stomach on the first stroke and switching directions in an instant, slicing through its neck on the second pass. Kicking it in the chest with the bottom of his boot, he forced the limp corpse to topple backward and out of the way of the others exiting the room. "Wait for them to come to us! Don't go charging in!"

Two more walkers scrambled through the doorway, causing you and Katsuki to step up, you taking the boy on the left and him taking the guy on the right. Your target was a good bit taller than you, ruling out the option of cutting off its head on the first strike. Stepping behind the creature, your machete blade buried itself in the back of its knee, chopping through the tendons connecting the femur to the tibia. It let out a guttural shriek as it tried to turn around to face you but fell to its knees, oil-like blood dribbling from its gnashing teeth. Grabbing it's head by its messy crop of bloodstained, strawberry blonde hair, you yanked its head back to expose the soft flesh of its neck. You were surprised you didn't gag when you saw how its skin practically split open from the force of the pull, it's trachea visible behind the flaps of skin and layers of muscle. The grotesque sight didn't even give you pause before you buried your blade in its neck, tearing through skin like tissue paper. It caught on bone partway through the neck, so you yanked out the machete and planted your boot in the center of its chest, kicking down until you heard the wet RIP of the head being torn the rest of the way from its body. The body fell over in a heap while the dripping head was still grasped in your hand by its hair.

Katsuki's kill was brutal, even compared to your own, putting all his rage into his strikes. He didn't even bother to take out his crossbow. When you looked over to see how he was faring, he had the unmoving corpse on the floor, repeatedly stomping his boot down on its skull. Its face was forced against the floor, crushing its nose against the tiles and forcing its jaw to remain open until the jawbone cracked from the pressure. 

"Bakugou! Get down!" Sero shouted as he raised his pistol, waiting for Katsuki to duck his head before shooting the approaching walker square between the eyes. The spray of blood and shards of skull narrowly missed splattering onto Shinsou who was grappling with his own opponent. Wiping away a droplet of blood that had splattered on his cheek with his jacket sleeve, he sneered as he grabbed the walker by the collar of its tattered uniform jacket. Pushing it down onto its back, he pinned the head down with his boot and pressed his hand on its chest, giving him leverage to hack his machete down through its vertebrae. 

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