Chapter 13: Evil Takes Many Forms

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If you hate a character, please do not celebrate their death because of things like you don't like who they're shipped with. Let's keep things civil.

Also, we're getting close to the final act~

2 am.

A panicked scream practically ripped its way through the hallways, making you bolt straight up in bed. "GUYS! SOMEBODY HELP!" Ashido screamed from her room as the others shot out of bed to see what was happening. You nearly tripped over Kaminari as you all rushed for the door, everyone running to the third room in the hall. Tokoyami was struggling to push the door open since it was jammed and he didn't have a second hand to use as leverage. Sero assisted him, grabbing the side of the door with his good hand and fighting against the creaking hinges. Throwing the door open, there was a collective gasp of shock at what was before you. The other girls were gathered around the floor beside Uraraka's cot, which had been turned over on its side. The sweet, round faced brunette was thrashing violently on the ground, grasping at her neck and face like she was fighting for air. Sickening gurgles and rasps bubbled up from her throat, saliva foaming at the corners of her mouth tinted red with blood. 

"What's wrong with her?!" Kaminari stammered, his voice cracking in fear. Todoroki stuck out an arm to block a panicked Midoriya from getting too close. "Everyone stay back!" You commanded, helping a weeping Tsuyu to her feet and guiding her to Tokoyami who stretched out his remaining arm to her. 

Her eyes were wide and bloodshot, tears streaming down her face and merging with the red-tinted drool from her lips. "Is she having a seizure?! We need to find something for her to bite down on before she bites off her own tongue!" Ashido said in a panicky and desperate tone, trying to grasp at any rational explanation for waht was happening to her friend. Pronounced, dark veins trailed up the girl's right arm, winding and twisting their way up her shoulder and along the side of her neck. 

"Guys, she's turning!" You shouted, trying to keep Jirou from rushing to Uraraka's side. "What?! That's impossible?!" Midoriya cried. "How'd she even get bit?!" "That's not the thing we need to focus on here!" You barked, grabbing a pillowcase from the turned over cot and twisting it into a rope-like shape. Stepping behind the still thrashing girl, you quickly looped the fabric over her head, catching it in her mouth and pulling back sharply. "Someone get me a knife!" "What?! No! We're not killing Uraraka!" "This isn't Uraraka anymore! Now. Get. Me. A. Fucking. Knife." 

"Guyyyyss!!!" Sero's voice shook as he spoke. "Her eyes are turning gray!" Pushing his way past the others, Todoroki unsheathed his katana that he had grabbed on his way out of his room. The sheath clattered to the linoleum floor, cutting through the chaotic mix of pleading and tears. You half expected him to try and stop you, but he grabbed Uraraka's light brown hair in his left hand, tilting her head back to expose her vein-riddled neck. The gurgling noises behind the gag were replaced by low, animalistic growls as the white fabric began to be stained red as it was held between her jaws. "I'm sorry, Uraraka." Todoroki said somberly as he raised his sword.

He sliced in a graceful arc, unwavering as his blade connected with the side of the infected girl's neck. Her wide, gray eyes stared blankly and unmoving as she was frozen with her gaze up at the boy who had performed her swift execution. Her headless body flopped back on the floor and Todoroki knelt down to place her severed head next to it. His left hand was stained in splatters of the ill-fated girl's blood. While everyone else was still shell-shocked by what had just occurred, you realized something that pierced the thick veil of grief around your consciousness. 

"G-guys... where is Aizawa sensei?" Surely he must have heard the commotion and come running, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Oh shit-" Kirishima said, immediately turning for the door. While many of the others stayed with Uraraka's body, you, Kirishima, Todoroki, Kaminari, Sero, Shinsou, and Midoriya ran for the door to Aizawa and the comatose All Might's room. Toshinori's body was no longer on his cot, instead, he was frozen mid crawl over to Aizawa slumped against the far wall covered in blood. 

Former symbol of peace was practically unrecognizable. Dark veins crisscrossed his body like tree branches and his jaw hung slack as his head lay on the floor in a pool of dark blood. Aizawa was slumped against the wall with his normally sleepy and half-lidded eyes wide in shock, his blood covered hands trembling as he opened and closed his mouth to try and form words. "T-turned...he...he turned... how-" Shinsou rushed over to his former mentor, grabbing his shoulders and trying to coax an explanation out of the traumatized man. Midoriya stood completely still, staring wide eyed down at All Might's corpse. A knife clattered to the ground from where it was held in Aizawa's red hand, tears and choked sobs filling the room as he buried his face in his hands. Lifting his head up, two bloody handprints stained his tear-streaked face.

"He turned...I thought he was waking up be he was turning-"

Downstairs in the lobby, Bakugou was staring at the ceiling with terrified eyes as he heard the screams and wails wafting down from the hallways above. Gritting his teeth, he tried for the millionth time to release his red and raw wrists from their bindings to no avail. He only knew what had happened when you stumbled towards him followed by Todoroki, both of your clothes stained in already drying blood. The moment Todoroki cut the bindings on his wrists, he tried to stand up but his knees crumpled and you caught him before he fell. "What the hell happened to you?!" 


Day 147:

Grief permeated the building, practically seeping into the bricks and boring its ways into the very bones of the former school. The grave marker Midoriya had made for All Might was finally marking the site of an actual burial. Now released, Bakugou sat in front of you as you applied a makeshift poultice to the raw rope burns on his wrists. You'd barely spoken since the funeral, your eyes red from the many tears you'd wept as you his away from the view of the others. He placed a finger under your chin and tilted your face up to look him in the eye. "Do you have any idea what happened?" " I don't." You said curtly, looking back down at your shaking hands. Noticing your trembling, he took your trembling hands and held them in his own scarred palms. Raising them to his lips, he planted soft and gentle kisses on your knuckles. "I won't let anyone hurt you, (Y/N). I might not be able to protect everyone here, but if I could do one thing right, it would be keeping you safe."

"...why do you love me, Katsuki?" You whimpered, your voice cracking pathetically. His eyes widened in shock, swallowing the lump in his throat and reaching out to brush stray strands of hair out of your face. "I love you because you make this hellhole worth it. You've fought beside me and stayed by my side more than anyone else. I've never really... felt this way about someone before and I can't imagine letting that go." He was genuinely surprised at himself for how easily he was able to spill his heart out to you. The boy you met the first year at UA who was a tightly bound bundle of anger just waiting to explode had witnessed so much death and pain over the past 150 days that he almost seemed like a completely different person. Maybe he wasn't a different person now. Maybe he'd just found out how to let his walls down. "Kat...Katsuki..." You sniffled, wiping your eyes on your worn out sweater sleeve. Overcome by emotion, you collapsed against his torso, your head against his chest so you could feel his steadily beating heart. Your trembling fingers clung to his black tee shirt, his muscular arms cradling your form against him, nuzzling his face into your hair. 

Peppering the top of your head in kisses, he felt a warmth blooming in his chest, but a seed of fear clung to his heart. If it had been you instead of Uraraka... He'd finally found someone worth fighting for. If that was gone, what else would he have left? Gritting his teeth, he carved his resolve into his very soul. Whoever did this was going to pay for putting you and everyone else in danger.

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