Chapter 18: Outside

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"We need to get this door open NOW." Katsuki barked, kicking at the door yet again as if that would somehow yield a different result. Stepping back a few paces, he charged full speed and slammed his side into the metal. It pushed back and you could hear a creak from behind it, but it still didn't budge when you pushed your hands against it. 

"We're going to need to hurry up. Walkers are approaching." Todoroki said urgently as he unsheathed his sword, growling coming from around the corner. Glancing to the window on the wall beside the door, an idea popped into your mind. It was risky and could almost definitely go horribly wrong, but if you couldn't get this door open, it might be your only shot. The first stumbling creature rounded the corner, a low guttural growl emerging from its throat when it caught sight of Todoroki. Its stomach seemed to heave as it hunched forward, rushing towards the red and white haired boy. 

"Guys! The window!"

"What?! Are you insane?!" Katsuki shouted back as he stopped throwing his weight against the door. "You want us to climb up onto the roof from the outside?! We're more than twelve stories up!" 

"It might be our only chance!"

"Well we'd better make a decision fast because there's more of them coming!" Shinsou shouted back as he and Todoroki cut down two approaching walkers. 

"Fine! Bad idea!" You relinquished. "Katsuki! I need something heavy!"

"What? Why?"

"To try and damage one of the hinges! Maybe that could give us the leverage to break the plank!"

A flash of hope glimmered in his eyes as he reached into his backpack of minimal supplies and pulled out a heavy duty police flashlight. "Will this work?"

"It better." Kneeling down by the lower hinge on the left door, you raised the flashlight above your head. You slammed it down hard on the top of the hinge, the force causing the protective glass and bulb to shatter from the impact. Thankfully, the downward force made the glass scatter across the floor and not fly back into your face. In retrospect, that was a bad move. 

While you and Katsuki were trying to damage the metal hinge as much as possible, Todoroki and Shinsou continued to hold back the waves of two or three walkers at a time, the bodies piling up in front of them. While Todoroki's attacks were normally swift and graceful, his movements were becoming panicked and desperate, the muscles in his arms and shoulders beginning to burn. 

Finally, the strong CLANG of metal against metal ended in the top half of the hinge being damaged just enough to allow for some give. Both you and Katsuki pressed all your weight against the door, hearing the quiet creak as the wooden plank began to splinter. Your eyes glanced back to Shinsou and Todoroki, noticing that they were starting to fall back and become overwhelmed.

"I don't know how much longer we can hold them off!" Shinsou called back, his normal one handed grip on his machete shifting to two handed as he felt his strength begin to falter. Todoroki stumbled as the weight of a walker was thrust against his body but he fought back against it to try and lend Shinsou support. His muscles were screaming in pain but he reached for Shinsou's arm to pull him back from the jaws of death.

"Just- AGh! A little longer! We're almost there!" The splintering wood grew louder and louder, and just as it finally gave way and the door swung open-

You heard Shinsou screaming.

You didn't want to look, but it was like someone was grabbing you by the throat and forcing you to look at the horror head on. The pooling blood beneath their feet had caused the two to lose their balance, and while Todoroki was able to clamber to his feet, Shinsou wasn't fast enough. He screamed out in pain as jaws latched onto the side of his throat. It wrenched its head back, ripping off the flesh and making his own blood splatter across his face. 

"NO!" Todoroki shouted, grabbing the creature by the back of its collar and dragging it off of him. The indigo haired boy clasped his hand over the side of his neck, deep red blood burbling up between his fingers as he gasped for breath, standing up despite the pain. 

"G-" He coughed, blood cascading from his lips as he looked back to his three friends. "GO!" With his right hand still grasping his machete and his left attempting to staunch the bleeding, he grimaced as he turned back to face the approaching walkers. If he was going to die, he was going down fighting.

"Shoto! Hurry!!!" You screamed back at the red and white haired boy as you and Katsuki stood by the open door to freedom. Once he had sprinted past the threshold, your eyes widened when Shinsou turned and made eye contact with you. 

"I'll hold them back as long as I can!" He gave you the most determined look you had ever seen on his normally stoic face, and you could practically feel your heart crack as you slammed the doors closed behind you. 

Shinsou's vision began to blur as the entire right side of his neck was drenched in thick, red blood, but he just gripped his weapon tighter. "I... won't...hah..." His words were breathless and strained, but he didn't care at this point. "I won't let you hurt my friends!" 

He fought as hard as he could through the pain, but he could feel the infection creeping through him. There was nothing more he could do at this point. It was all but a matter of time before he turned or was eaten alive. Accepting his fate, he fell to his knees in the puddle of gore around him. Clutching his blade in both hands, he looked at the approaching creatures with burning hate in his eyes. 

"Come and get me, you fuckers!" Raising his trembling arms, he mustered up his last shred of strength and plunged the blade down into his gut. As the light began to fade from his eyes, the monsters descended upon him. Before they could feast on his warm flesh, he slumped to the side in a bloody heap, already dead. There were no screams of pain as they tore into him tooth and nail, gorging themselves on the nearly unrecognizable form of Hitoshi Shinsou. 


Todoroki's shoulders heaved as he took a labored breath, unsheathing his sword and using the sheath to lodge the door closed. The cold wind was obstructed by the inlet stairs up to the roof, and with tears brimming in your eyes, you took the first shaky step forward. Just as your foot left the ground, you fell off balance and were quickly stabilized by Katsuki. "Woah- careful..." His voice was quiet and somber, a far cry from his normal brazen and loud tone. "I've got you... come on. Let's get away from the door..." Silently ascending the steps together, all three of you hand in hand, you felt the warmth of the sunrise kiss your face. The relief was short lived, however, when you caught sight of a body curled up on the concrete. The pinks and oranges of the sun peeking up over the horizon cascaded over his form, shifting slightly as his shoulders rose and fell with slow breaths.

"Izuku!" You exclaimed, the adrenaline of finding the green haired boy giving you the strength to rush to his side. "Izuku? Izuku?!" Grabbing his shoulders, you turned him over onto his back, overjoyed when his verdant green eyes fluttered open. 

"Ngh..." He grunted, clutching his side as he slowly sat up. "(Y/N)? Kacchan? Todoroki? You're alright." 

"What about you! Did Aizawa find you?! Where is he? Is he okay?!" His eyes widened and he swallowed harshly. 

"He was bitten." He answered, almost too quickly. 

You furrowed your brow when you noticed the nasty scratch along the side of his neck as he stood up, his collar dipping slightly to expose the reddened and irritated skin. "...Izuku? Is that..." You reached out nervously to touch the already scabbed over wound, but quickly recoiled when it hit you. A walker scratch doesn't scab over like that... it festers. 

"That's not a-" You were cut off by his strong arm wrapping around and pulling you close to his body. Your words caught in your throat as you tried to process the situation, but your eyes widened as you felt a sharp pain in your right arm. 

"(Y/N)!!!" Katsuki screamed as Izuku's thumb pressed down on the plunger, his cold expression boring into your own as you stared up at your friend with wide eyes. 



Don't Get Bit (BNHA x Reader Zombie Apocalypse AU)Where stories live. Discover now