Chapter 20 [END]: Sunrise

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Katsuki could feel Deku's windpipe being crushed beneath his hands, but he wasn't going to turn back now.

"K-Kacchan- please- I just- I just wanted all of us to be together again..." Izuku wheezed as his eyes started to roll back into his head. He had completely detached from reality, living in this sick, twisted fantasy where this was somehow the way to save everyone. His own view of death was so mutated that he wholeheartedly believed this was the best path for everyone to take.

"Don't- Don't call me that!!! You're not Deku!!"

Even when Izuku could no longer speak, Katsuki continued to scream out in protest. "You're not him! YOU'RE NOT HIM!" The face beneath stared blankly up at him, but the tiny gasps and twitches showed that the job was not finished yet.

Izuku's head felt like it was going to explode and his lungs burned for relief. It was like someone was crushing his skull with a vice and he thought his eyes might burst from the pressure building up. His mind was a whirlwind of panic and fear but then he slowly started to sink into unconsciousness, only feeling the agony of his life being squeezed out of him.

Unable to speak, he weakly mouthed the words, "I'm sorry" before he lost consciousness. Katsuki couldn't even process what he had tried to say, and even as the body beneath him grew still, his rage did not diminish. Loosening his grip on Izuku's neck, he pulled his hands back, revealing the ugly purple bruises blooming on his throat. "Wake the fuck up, you coward! You don't get to die quietly!" He snapped, grasping around the bruised neck once more, and without resistance from his victim, he pressed all of his weight down until he felt the trachea practically collapse between his palms. 

The unconscious body twitched before blood started to bubble up past Izuku's slightly parted lips. "DIE! DIE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He screamed through the tears as he released his hold on his victim's throat once more, raising his fists above his head and slamming them down to collide with the side of his face. He felt the bones in his jaw crack beneath the force of his fist as his knuckles split open, splattering blood over the newly mangled face of his childhood friend. "FUCK YOU, DEKU! FUCK. YOU!" All he could do was scream incoherent strings of curse words over and over again as he beat his fists against the still corpse of Izuku Midoriya.


"Kacchan?" Izuku's higher pitched tone reaching Katsuki's ears made him grimace slightly.

"Ugh, whaddya want, Deku?" The grumpy four year old retorted as he pulled back his hoodie to expose his head of unruly, fuzzy blonde hair that stuck up every which way.

"When do you think we're gonna get our quirks?" The peppy younger boy chirped as he jumped in front of his friend to intersect his path.

"I don't know, idiot. Could be any time this year."

Izuku paused for a moment, his lips curved down in a thoughtful expression. "What if we both get awesome quirks like All Might! Then we can both be heroes!"

"Whatever. I'm still gonna be a better hero than you."

The only response he got was a bright smile across Izuku's freckled face.


"You said we'd both be heroes you idiot..." Looking down at the blood drenching his hands, he only came to his senses when he heard a quiet whimper from behind him.

"Kat...suki..." As soon as your quiet plea met his ears, he finally saw Izuku's mangled body in it's full horror before he squeezed his eyes shut and turned to rush to your side. You were curled up and squirming in pain as you clawed at your shirt to try and get some relief from the oppressive heat racing through your body.

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