Chapter 5: Old Wounds

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"Bakugou! Keep an eye on Shoji! Make sure you don't hit him!"

"Hey!" He barked, snarling at you. "I have good aim, dumbass!" To prove his point, he loaded up a bolt and shot a walker right between the eyes.

"Shoji!" You shouted over the noise of the shooting. "We've got a path cleared for you! Head for the door and Izuku can let you in! Hurry before more walkers come!!!" He nodded, moving quickly through the cleared out area towards the gate. Izuku had opened the heavy metal door just enough to let the larger boy in right as a walker's arm reached for him. The arm got caught between the door and the frame, slicing off as Izuku shoved the door shut on the bone. "We got him in!" He shouted up to you on the wall, guiding Shoji back from the gate just in case. You had just barely managed to clear a path before more walkers flooded in, clawing at the walls. You were so concerned with getting Shoji to safety that you hadn't noticed a walker climbing up the corpses that slumped against the wall, its hand reaching out for you.

It grabbed your ankle through your boot and you shrieked as you were dragged to the floor. Your gun fell from your hand and skidded across the concrete, wobbling as it was about to fall over the edge. Bakugou rushed to your aid while Todoroki snatched your rifle before it could fall. Then he came to be beside Bakugou, both of them grabbing your arms as the walker's surprising strength tried to drag you over the edge. "Shit shit shit shit!!!!!!" You shouted in fear as you looked down at the gnashing face that your leg was being pulled towards. Using your free leg, you tried to stomp on the hand grabbing you, blood splattering your heel. "FUCK!" Bakugou cursed as he held onto your left arm and Todoroki held your right. Your wrists started to slip from the boys' hands and they knew they didn't have much time left. "Half and half! I can hold her! Just kill that fucker!!!" Bakugou shouted at his fellow survivor, wrapping his arms around your torso and pulling you further away from the edge but also dragging the moving corpse along with you.

Todoroki released your arm and raised his sword above his head, bringing it down on the rotting arm. The walker let out a gurgling scream as it fell back to the ground without its arm that was still clinging motionless to your leg. Still with his arms around you, Bakugou looked at you with terrified eyes. "Are you ok?! Did it scratch you?! Oh my fucking god-" He exclaimed, wrapping you in a tight embrace while Todoroki removed the remaining appendage from your boot.

Almost as soon as your feet hit the ground after climbing down from the wall, the argument started.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, YOU BASTARD?! YOU WENT TO SAVE HER GUN BEFORE HELPING HER?!" Bakugou bellowed, grabbing the slightly taller boy by the collar.

"I knew you had it under control! And we can't afford to lose any weapons! I went to help right after!"

"That's not a fucking excuse! Our people come first before saving a damn gun!"

"Guys, stop! We need to make sure Shoji's ok-"

"She's fine, isn't she?!?"

"Yeah but she almost got bitten!"

"BUT SHE DIDN'T! And you're telling ME to prioritize saving our own before saving supplies?! Who was the one who dragged you out of that burning building after you went all trigger happy?! ME." Todoroki shouted back, holding up his scarred arm.

"Well I didn't ask you to save me then! I was fine!"


"Fuck you!!! Mr 'I don't use a gun because it's too uncivilized!'"


Everyone went silent as Bakugou stumbled back as if Todoroki's words had just slapped him across the face. "GUYS! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" You shouted, placing yourself between the two boys. "Making sure Shoji is safe comes first! So stop arguing or so help me I will beat your asses!" Bakugou was still standing there shellshocked as you, Todoroki, and Izuku guided Shoji back to the camp.

Don't Get Bit (BNHA x Reader Zombie Apocalypse AU)Where stories live. Discover now