Nearly 7.5 million people live. But as people cut the trees and ris[e] [the] seas the forest and land itself shrink[s].
More than a million have already struck this quiet corner of the country. Thriving in temperatures and b[l]ackish waters [which] has come roaring back.
It supposedly [was] born; the local doctor was overwhelmed. Because nowhere before; [people] are verging on dangerous [situation].
On a stretcher a skeletally thin old man; finally illustrat[ing] the impossibility of living.
Serval dozen families moved, no longer able to make a living off the land. They already relocated to the overloaded city. The world suggests more than 13 million- including most of those on the margins, might migrate because of [the overwhelming] crises. The forecast is alarming.
'Lost Protection ', Page 141, #6, from: National Geographic-Earth magazine
Picked by: M.S.
Song by: Aurore 'Runaway'
Tell Me A Story
PoesíaSome are sad, some are weird, some don't make sense, but I assure you that they all have a meaning. Catch yourself in a different story in every chapter as you dive deeper into poems that might make you feel something. I hope you like these poems as...