Chapter 4

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Another World: Chapter 4

Right after Susan slapped me I felt the sting. Her nails had caught my face and I knew it was bleeding. "I HATE YOU!!" I screamed in her face and ran crying to my room. I lied down on my couch and wiped the tears that just kept falling no matter what. 10 more months. 10 more months with this psycho. I can't do this. I reached under my couch and grabbed my money jar. It's all the money I've been collecting so that when I then 18 I can rent my own apartment and live there. Alone. I had already found the apartment I was going to stay in. It was cheap but also it was in good shape. I knew I needed more money but how. My job paid minimum wage. I knew a choice that I had almost made before my dad died. But he stopped me before I could get hurt. And he didn't tell anyone. He just made me promise to never do it again. I knew it was out of the question but it was the easiest way. I was already partly trained. I couldn't do it. I promised him. Daddy why aren't you here? Why did you leave me alone? Please come back. The tears just continued to flow. Andy, do this for him. I have to do this for him, and Daniel. They didn't get a chance at life. I have to show them that I can do this. That I'm not a fail, I have a reason to live. I can become a better person. I will show them. I would go find Casey and talk to him tomorrow. Tell him I wanted to fight again. Maybe this time I'll be more successful. "Andy! Get your butt out here!" I heard Susan scream. I ignored her. "Andy!!!" She was really screaming now. "Your disturbing our neighbors." Was all I said. I hate her so much. I put my headphones on and plugged them into my CD player. I turned it up high to blur out Susan. I had already locked my door so she wouldn't be able to come in. It was Eminem. One my favorite songs of his. Step by step. Heart to heart. Left right left. We all fall down. Like toy soldiers. I started rocking my head to the beat. I wiped the tears from my face. Just then my door burst open and Susan came in and grabbed my wrist. I took off my headphones and yanked my hand away. "When I'm talking to you you answer missy!" She screamed. "You just broke my door!" I yelled at her. "I don't care Andrea." She crossed her hands and gave me that look. She just crossed the line. No one called me that except for my dad. "That's not my name." I snarled. That's it I'm done. I ran to my closet, grabbed my Adidas bag and started throwing clothes in it. "And just where do you think your going?" She asked me. "Anywhere but here." I went to the bathroom and grabbed other stuff I would need. I zipped up the bag and threw it over my shoulder. Susan grabbed my arm. "Your not going anywhere." She said matter of factly. "Watch me." I snapped and walked out the door slamming it behind me.


I'm sick and tired of Susan. I can't do this anymore. I had my skateboard and some clothes. Now I just need a place to stay. I could go get more clothes when Susan was at work. For right now Im going to go to Casey's cage and see if he's there. By the time I got there it had started to get dark. The lights were on in the room and I saw 2 dudes fighting in the ring. Casey was to the side instructing them. I walked in and started to walk towards Casey. He looked at me and said, "Sorry we're closed right now. Can I help you?" I took my good off so he could see my face. Recognition played across his face. "Andy!" He remembered me. "Hey." I walked up to him and gave him a quick hug. I dropped my bag. "I thought you'd never come back." Casey smiled. The two dudes that were fighting had now paused and stopped to see what was going on. "Ya well. I'm back." I laughed. "What's with the bag? And what happened to your face?" He asked me, turning my head so he could see the scratch marks Susan left me. I frowned and looked up at him. "Andy..." He realized what it was for. "I just need money so I can move out into my own apartment. Come on Cas. I can't stand her." I begged him. He frowned. "I'll see. Do you still have the skills?" He joked. I stuck my tongue out. "You know I do." I said with confidence. I hope I still did. "Well these guys are starters. Why don't you see if you can take them on?" He nodded towards the guys. "You up for it fella's? You gonna let a girl beat you?" Casey teased them. "I'll do it!" The one on the left said. He seemed young. About my age maybe. I couldn't really tell cause he had a face mask on. "Ok. David come take a break. " Casey gestured for the other guy, David, to come sit down. "Ok Andy. He's all yours. Kevin meet Andy. Andy meet Kevin." Casey said and I jumped onto the fighting ring. Wait, what? Kevin? Wasn't that the guy that I- "Bing!" Casey rang the bell and Kevin got into position. Was it the Kevin I thought it was?" I put my hands up and started to jump around, warming up. I had put my gloves on before I got on, but that was the only equipment I had. Oh well. Kevin made the first move but I ducked it. I retaliated by punching him across the face. He shook it off and stood back. He now realized that he was in for it. That I wasn't just some girl. He ripped off his face mask. It was Kevin. The one from the party. His face was all messed up though. It wasn't from me because I hadn't hit him that hard and it looked about 2 days old. What happened to him? He had a playful smile on his face, Like he was mad at me and he was telling me to stay away. What the heck is going on? 'Stop it Andy. You need to focus.' A little voice in my head said. It sounded like... Dad. Just then Kevin threw a punch and hit me right up-side the jaw. Ow. Ugh. That hurt. He had out full force Ito that. I focused on him now. 'Dad?' I asked in my head. 'Sweep his leg.' I heard the voice in my head say. It really was him. 'I thought you didn't want me to fight.' I dogged another of Kevin's hits and sweeped his foot so he fell down. I immediately pinned him to the ground. 'Doesnt look like I can stop you, does it Andrea?' My dad laughed. 'I couldn't do it anymore.' I thought back. I put Kevin in a headlock. 'I know sweetheart. I'm sorry.' It sounded like he was really in my head. 'I miss you daddy.' I forced myself not to cry. Instead I realized Kevin was tapping out and I let go. 'I do to baby. This is as close as I get to you. I tried sweetie. I'm very proud of you' My dad said. "Good job!" Casey observed. "Thank you Kevin. You and David can go home now. I have some business with Miss Anderson." Casey smiled and dismissed the boys and asked me to follow him. I grabbed a towel from a rack, put it around my neck, and followed Casey. "So you sure you want to do this Andy?" Casey sat down in his office chair. He had gotten a lot more muscular. And he'd cut his hair. I nodded my head. "How often can you come in to practice?" He got a calendar out. "Umm everyday after school, or on the weekends. Whenever you need me Cas." I was determined at this. He looked at his calendar. "How bout Mondays, Wednesdays , and Fridays from 4-8 and Saturdays or Sundays from 6 am to 10. Saturday OR Sunday Andy. You need to rest." He said. I nodded. "I can do that." "Ok great then ill see you starting Monday." He got up and came over to hug me. I got up and hugged him back. "Thanks Casey. I owe you one. Well a lot actually." I said. Normally if I were an actual trainee than I would be paying him to train me. But I didn't have money and he knew that. "If we win this then we'll be even." He winked. "So where are you going to stay?" He asked me. I gulped. I hated lying to Casey. "Uh, my brother's." I lied. "Try and work things out at home D." He gave me a hopeful smile. I shrugged. "Maybe." I mumbled. Then I walked off. I opened the door to find it was raining. It wasn't just sprinkling. It was hailing. Great. Just my luck. I pulled my good over my head and pulled my rain-resistant bag closer to my body, then ran out in the rain, having no idea where I was going

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