Chapter 7

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Another World: Chapter 7


Do you ever feel dead to the world? Better off dead? Like nobody would care whether or not you were killed? I remember when I used to feel like that. More then once. When Susan used to beat me to the point of when I wanted to commit suicide. When Daniel died and left me alone. When my dad died and left me alone. My only haven was the boxing rink. I would stay there until 2 in the morning until I couldn't punch anymore. But now. Here in Liam's arms I felt like somebody actually did care about me. Like somebody would give a crap if I were to leave the face of this earth. I still remember when I woke up that morning in the hotel in his arms. My nightmare had stopped and I felt safe for the first time in my life. I was always running with Daniel. Trying to get away from this hellhole. But here with Liam I felt like I didn't have to run. We were at an ice skating rink just out of town. We had been hanging out a lot more and I got to know him. He tried out for the X-Factor but was rejected the first time and when he came back he was put into a group with Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Niall. I had learned all of their names now and their girlfriends. I had become closest friends with Hannah. It had gotten really cold and now I was sitting in his arms drinking hot chocolate. "You ready to leave?" Liam asked me. "Yeah. I'm hungry." I laughed. "You always are." Liam smirked. After I had seen my stomach in the mirror that day I knew I needed to eat more and maybe I could be strong enough to win the tournament. Liam would drop me off on the days Casey had told me to go and then pick me up. Sometimes he asked why I was doing this and I would just tell him that it's what I liked doing and it was just like my time. I didn't tell him about the tournament because I knew he would want me to stop. Today was my first battle of the tournament so I planned to go there early to prepare. "What time is it Li?" I asked him. "Uh 1:34" Liam checked his phone. "Ok I need to go to the rink at 3." I smiled at him. Which means I still get to eat. "Ok then lets go!" Liam set his empty hot chocolate down and I got up. We threw our empty cups away and walked out of the cold arena. "Well You only fell 6,000 times. That was fun." Liam joked. I had never skated before so his estimation was probably right. "Haha. Funny Liam. Not." I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed. We got into the car and he turned on the heater. "Where do you want to go?" He asked me. He still didnt know this place very well so I always showed him around which was the only think I COULD do because he never let me pay. "Um there's a Mexican restaurant over that way." I pointed to the left. Growing up in this town, Mexican was the base restaurant and most of us spoke Spanish. "Mmm. I don't get to have Mexican a lot but it's good." Liam laughed, putting the car in drive. "It's what I grew up with!" I told him. I gave him directions on where to turn and we listened to some music on the radio. I glanced over to the side and saw he was smiling. He was always smiling. He had little smile creases on his checks and his eyes sparkled a light brown in the sunlight. It's like his eyes were smiling too. By the perfect sight of him I found myself smiling a little too. He looked over and caught me staring. Immediately I blushed and looked away. "What?" Liam glanced over to me again. He was still smiling. "You have pretty eyes..." Oh god. Why did I say that. I probably sound like a stupid little girl. That was the best thing I could say? Really Andy? Inside I just wanted to punch myself. I took the courage to look over and saw.... Was he blushing? His cheeks were red also. "Thanks." He laughed. I smiled at him. "You have a beautiful smile." His eyes twinkled when he said that and my cheeks flushed even more. "No I don't." I said wiping my smile off my face. "I don't smile that much. Either because my life's a disappointment or it looks stupid." I told him. What did it matter? He probably thought she was an idiot already. "I don't think so. I think it's the most beautiful smile ever. And because you smile so little it makes it that much special." Liam's deep British voice said. Did he really just say that? Did he mean it? My cheeks felt like they were burning. I don't think anyone has ever said that to me. Not even Daniel. "I-I-I uh... Really?! Thank you Liam." I stuttered my words. I didn't know what to say. Liam winked at me and parked the car. I looked up to see we were at the restaurant. It was cold outside. My hands were frozen and I had trouble unbuckling my seatbelt. Liam opened my door just as I got it. I got out of the car and Liam offered his arm. I looped my arm through his and pulled my jacket around my body. I hadn't had time to go back to my apartment yet so I was wearing a pair of black jeans, a button down plaid shirt and Hannah had let me borrow her black leather coat. I was also wearing black converse. I didn't really like color because it made me stand out. The only color on me was my blue plaid shirt. Inside it was warm. A waitress walked us to a table for two and handed us menus. "What can I get you to drink?" She asked Liam. "Um just some Iced Tea please." Liam started to look through the menu. "And for you mam?" The waitress turned to me. "Just some water please." I told her. She took off and I started to look through the menu.

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